Project Overview
- Agronomic: grass (misc. perennial), hay, medics/alfalfa
- Crop Production: irrigation, water management
- Education and Training: on-farm/ranch research
Proposal summary:
A “paradox” of irrigation efficiency has developed during the
widespread conversion of irrigation methodology, from flooding of
fields to pipes and sprinklers. The former diverts a greater
volume of water, but much of it is not consumed; unconsumed can
then enter the shallow groundwater and travel to the creek over
the summer months (return flows). Sprinkler methods divert much
less water, but consumption is higher, so less water percolates
through the soil profile and back to the creek. Potential impacts
of this conversion include: reduced late-season return flows,
shallower rooting zones, and reduced productivity, especially
regrowth after the first cutting. All of these have implications
for soil health, streamflow, and farm profitability. The research
question posed is, “Can the hydrologic, soil, and agricultural
benefits of flood irrigation be captured by modifying the
early-season application of a center pivot to deliver a higher
volume of water?”
We expect that modifying the sprinkler technique will increase
late-season return flows, soil moisture at depth, and
productivity (hay produced and regrowth). Maintaining late-season
return flows will provide more water to downstream irrigators and
lessen the likelihood of senior users making water calls on
juniors. Increased soil moisture will stimulate root growth and
microbial activity to enhance soil health and sustainability.
Overall productivity will increase, resulting in greater
profitability. Results from this project will advance sustainable
agriculture by providing a comprehensive suite of monitoring data
(hydrology, soil moisture and infiltration, surface water
quality, agricultural productivity) to share with other producers
and agricultural professionals. Projects results will be
disseminated to the local community and producers through meeting
presentations and a ranch tour (publicized through social media,
press release, and newsletters). A 2-page handout will be
produced for distribution, and results will be conveyed to the
scientific community at a professional water resources meeting
and/or journal article.
Project objectives from proposal:
Objective 1. Demonstrate the feasibility of modified irrigation
Objective 2. Quantify effects of modified irrigation technique on
the hydrology, soil, and agricultural production and develop
ranch-scale water balance.
Objective 3. Synthesize results for dissemination.
Objective 1. Share project results with local producers and
agricultural professionals through presentations at regular
meetings and statewide conventions.
Objective 2. Host ranch tour to share results with local
community, producers, and agricultural professionals.
Objective 3. Disseminate results to academic and professional
communities through conference presentation and/or publication in
a peer-reviewed or professional journal.