Project Overview
- Agronomic: hops
- Crop Production: application rate management, fertilizers, nutrient management, organic fertilizers
- Pest Management: integrated pest management
Project objectives:
The purpose of this research is to determine the capacity for integrated nutrient and weed management using organic amendments in hop production systems. Learning outcomes will be achieved through outreach with farmers and growers at a variety of scales ranging from commercial to small acreage market gardeners. Each stakeholder will increase his or her knowledge of sustainable agriculture through organic amendment application. The action outcomes of this project are that growers will apply this new knowledge into their own cropping systems. Growers who take action on this new knowledge will experience increased efficiency through the use of organic amendments as multi-functional inputs with fertilizer and weed control properties. This change in behavior will include changes in fertilizer source and application strategy and in approaches to weed management.
Specifically, growers will be less dependent on synthetic fertilizer, tillage, hand-weeding, and herbicides.