Compost-Induced Disease Suppressive Soils for Control of Verticillium Wilt of Strawberry

2015 Annual Report for GW13-011

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2013: $24,992.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2016
Grant Recipient: UC Davis
Region: Western
State: California
Graduate Student:
Principal Investigator:
Tom Gordon
UC Davis

Compost-Induced Disease Suppressive Soils for Control of Verticillium Wilt of Strawberry


The project studies have been completed and the focus of our efforts is now on extension and publication. I have been presenting at various workshops/seminars and preparing written material for both peer-reviewed publication and extension handouts.

Objectives/Performance Targets

1) Submit research for publication. We hope to complete the manuscript and submit it for publication by mid-February 2016.

2) Develop outreach and extension materials

    1. Present at a grower meetings
    1. Contribute to ‘Solutions Center for Nutrient Managament’ hosted by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
    1. Develop extension handout or webpage for my UCCE farm advisor program with a description about compost and disease management.



Completed my dissertation with several chapters based on work generated from the WSARE grant.


Chapter 2 Field Evaluation of Four Commercial Composts on Strawberry Production

Chapter 3 Evaluation of four commercial composts for suppression of Verticillium dahliae and Pythium ultimum

Chapter 4 Adoption of alternative practices for management of soilborne diseases:  Grower surveys on perceived needs, status of practice adoption, incentives to change, and information exchange

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

1) Presentation at UCCE farm advisor Steve Koike’s Plant Disease Seminar (100+ participants).

Title: “How cultural practices can influence productivity and plant health in strawberry production”

2) Presentation at the Sustainable/Organic Production Seminar hosted by OFAC/CAPCA, Dec 3, 2015 (80+ participants)

Title: “The ABC’s of Soilborne Wilt Disease Management in Organic Production”

California Association of California Pest Control Advisers (CAPCA)

Organic Fertilizer Association of California (OFAC)

3) Consulted for a book by Emily Monosson about disease suppression.

4) Dissertation is available to the public.


Dr. Tom Gordon
UC Davis
Hutchison Hall 281
1 Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
Office Phone: 5307547634