2004 Annual Report for LNC01-192
Beginning Farmer Program: Evaluation and Expansion
Farm Beginnings, begun in southeast Minnesota, was successfully expanded to western Minnesota. Combined, a total of 102 participants have enrolled since the beginning of the grant. Over 60% of the graduates are actively farming. The on-farm mentor program has been designed to accommodate different needs through farm tours, peer groups, and one-on-one mentorships. A third party evaluation of Farm Beginnings was conducted. Past Farm Beginnings participants and steering committee members stated the program exceeded their expectations. They also gave feedback to further enhance the program. Final reviews and edits are being made on the Farm Beginnings curriculum.
Objectives/Performance Targets
- 1a) Strengthen the Farm Beginnings™ program and disseminate information to others:
1b) Compile and prepare an evaluation report and support documents
2) LSP staff will prepare the materials on the “Nuts and Bolts” of starting and maintaining the program. (NOTE: This is the outcome that we are still working on.)
After much work and many revisions, the Farm Beginnings™ curriculum is close to taking its final form. The curriculum is composed of two main parts: the Instructor Resources (nuts and bolts of starting a Farm Beginnings™ program), and the guide to the Classroom Sessions (specific written curriculum for each session.) The Instructor Resources section has undergone considerable reworking and editing. Staff are finishing a final edit of Instructor Resources, and then it will be submitted to our graphic designer/publisher.
The Classroom Sessions component was developed to provide the nuts and bolts of each class. It is used by Land Stewardship Project Farm Beginnings™ staff, and is also being shared with other programs that are adopting the training course. Staff have decided to include class overviews to help illustrate what happens during each session. The overviews will include the objectives, agendas, discussion points and activities that comprise the Farm Beginnings™ classes. The ultimate goal of this piece is to enable replication of specific Farm Beginnings™ sessions.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
We are testing the Instructor Resources and Classroom Sessions as we engage in our most recent SARE grant: A Tri-State Expansion: Educator Training Using the Farm Beginnings™ Model. The Instructor Resources have been used and we are excited to be able to evaluate how useful the information was and how best to present it.
MN 55066
IA 50167
MN 55108