2013 Annual Report for LNC12-340
Evaluating the Sustainability of Beef Cattle Breeding Systems
The purpose of the project is to evaluate two beef cattle breeding systems with a focus on understanding three key areas of sustainability within each system: production, performance, and profit. We initiated the project in January of 2013 and 4 commercial beef operations were involved with all aspects of the project during Year 1 of our effort. Cooperating operations include Sorenson Ranch in Watford City, ND, Alme Farm & Ranch in Balfour, ND, Enge Farm & Ranch in Stanley, ND, and Hintz Stock Farms in New Salem, ND. Individual meetings were held with each project participant to address any questions they had about the project, then all producers and Extension Agents involved in Year 1 efforts gathered for an introduction meeting that reviewed concepts of sustainability and details of the production, performance, and profit aspects of the project. At this meeting surveys and tests were administered to gather baseline data and focus group sessions were held to understand expectations that participants have of the project. Within herds at each location, cows were assigned to one of two breeding systems: 1) cows will be bred via natural service bulls; and 2) cows will be bred via artificial insemination followed by exposure to natural service bulls. Producers at each location worked closely with their country Extension agent to accomplish research objectives and project personnel were on location at each operation at least four times in order to accomplish research objectives. Each producer also participated in the CHAPS and Farm Business Management programs to better understand the performance and profit aspect of the project. A midpoint meeting will be held for participants in Year 1 of our efforts as producers prepare for calves to be born from each respective breeding system this spring. An additional cohort of producers is prepared to initiate the project on their operations during the 2014 breeding season.
Objectives/Performance Targets
Short term outcomes:
1) Determination of production, performance, and profit responses of two beef cattle breeding systems implemented on each of 10 cooperating producer operations.
2) Increased skills, awareness and knowledge of cooperating producers regarding breeding systems, herd performance, and beef production system finances
3) Continuing education for NDSU Extension and ND Farm Business Management groups
4) Creation of a network of producers and Extension agents that fosters discussion and group learning related to the sustainability of beef production systems
Intermediate outcomes:
1) Documented changes over time in perception of participating collaborators and producers regarding breeding systems, herd performance, and beef production system finances
2) Increased use of the tested breeding strategies, herd performance evaluation and Farm Business Management services by producers participating in the project
3) Improved sustainability (optimization of profitability and quality of life) for participating producers
4) Increased awareness and knowledge of breeding systems, herd performance, and beef production system finances of producers, students, veterinarians, and members of allied industries attending programs, receiving educational materials produced via grant-related activities, or otherwise interacting with personnel involved with the proposed project.
Short-term Objectives 2, 3, and 4 have been addressed during the 2013 project year. The generation interval of cattle is long and actual production and financial implications of actions taken during 2013 (Objective 1) will not be realized until late in 2014. We went through the breeding season on each of 4 operations (~1,200 cows total) and each producer has participated in the CHAPS and Farm Business Management Programs. Producers are preparing for the calving season and looking forward to seeing results of the breeding system comparison. The next cohort of producers to begin the project will be meeting in early 2014 for their introductory meeting.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Project design, concepts, and progress have been shared at Face to face with 400 producers during this reporting period. Continuing education training sessions were held for 2 groups; North Dakota State University Extension Agents, North Dakota Farm Business Management Group, and project details were presented in a newsletter article that reach over 1,000 producers. The first cohort of participating producers has increased skills, awareness and knowledge of breeding systems, herd performance, and financial aspects of their operation. Calves will be born on the operations of the first cohorts’ producers this spring and we will take steps to evaluate the productions and profit impacts of each breeding system. Each producer from Year 1 must decide what type of breeding system they will use in their herd for 2014 so we will have documented whether producers actually impact breeding systems tested after their experience with the project.
Rolette County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
102 2nd St. NE
Rolla, ND 58367
Office Phone: 7014775671
Mountrail County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
Box 40 (Junction of US 2 & ND 8)
Stanley1, ND 58784
Office Phone: 7016282835
McKenzie County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
201 5th Street NW
Watford City, ND 58854
Office Phone: 7014443451
McHenry County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
314 Main St South 1
Towner, ND 58788
Office Phone: 7015375405
Center Director, Beef Extension Specialist, NDBCIA Executive Secretary, and CHAPS advisor
NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center
1041 State Avenue
Dickinson, ND 58601
Office Phone: 7014832348
Ransom County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
204 5th Ave. West
Lisbon, ND 58054
Office Phone: 7016836128
Farm Management Specialist
NDSU Dept. 7110 P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108
Office Phone: 7012318103
Farm and Family Resource Management Specialist
North Dakota State University
NDSU Dept. 7110 P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108
Office Phone: 7012317379
Bowman County Extension Agent
North Dakota State University
104 1st St. NW, Suite 7
Bowman, ND 58623
Office Phone: 7015235271
Farm Business Management
1500 Edwards Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58506
Office Phone: 7012245417
Farm Business Management
1041 State Avenue
Dickinson, ND 58601
Office Phone: 7014832348
Professor and Department Chair
North Dakota State University
226 Richard H. Barry Hall
Fargo, ND 58108
Office Phone: 7012317637