2014 Annual Report for LNC13-352
Improved Cover Crop Options for Corn Belt Farmers
Seventeen cover crop treatments (nine sole-crops, five binary mixtures, two trinary mixtures, and a no-cover-crop control) were planted in two environments in Iowa in October 2013 and three environments in October 2014 following harvest of soybean. Establishment was excellent in four environments, however, cover crops at one environment did not emerge prior to winter conditions arrival in 2014. Winter rye (“cereal rye”), winter triticale, Camelina sativa, and hairy vetch overwintered in 2013-2014, but Brassica napus, B. rapa, spring oat and barley entries did not. Cover crops differed significantly for stand density, accumulation of aboveground biomass, C and N in fall and the subsequent spring of 2014. The C:N ratio of cover crop aboveground biomass and weed density did not vary among cover crop entries at termination in spring 2014. Winter rye, and mixtures with winter rye, produced greater amounts of biomass and accumulated more N than other cover crops or cover crop mixtures. Corn stand density, grain moisture at harvest, and weed community prior to the first in-crop herbicide application, did not vary for cover crop entry in 2014. However, corn yield following triticale cover crop was less than corn production following Brassica rapa cover crop. Weed community in cover crops was dissimilar to weed community in subsequent corn in the first completed cycle of this study.
Objectives/Performance Targets
1 – Compare establishment, winter survival, biomass production, N accumulation, and weed community in 17 cover crop treatments. Plant 17 cover crop treatments at three locations (envrionments) following soybean harvest annually. Over two years, the cover crops were planted in five environments following soybean harvest (Table 1). We were unable to plant the cover crops at the Sutherland environment in 2013 due to excessive rains, which resulted in delayed planting and harvest of soybean that year. Stand establishment and density were assessed in the fall at each of the five environments, with data collected at four of five. Due to late soybean harvest at Boone in 2014 and cold conditions, cover crops did not emerge following planting on 30 October. It was noted that most cover crop seed had germinated, but none had emerged by 11 November. Fall biomass, N, and C accumulation were determined for cover crops at one of two planted environments in November 2013 and one of three planted locations in November 2014 due to limited cover crop growth. Biomass, N, and C accumulation in cover crops were assessed from samples harvested from both environments in May 2014 prior to termination of cover crops.
2 – Compare corn establishment, growth, N status, grain yield, and weed community following 17 cover crop treatments.
3 – Mr. Seth Appelgate was recruited as the M.S. candidate supported by this project. He completed his B.S. in Agronomy at Iowa State University and began employment in the second week of May 2014.
Cover crop establishment
1 – Initial plant stand and winter survival data of Camelina sativa appear promising, however, we are not yet close to recommending its use as a cover crop in the upper Midwest Corn Belt.
2 – Both Brassica napus canola varieties and B. rapa turnip established well, and survival was initially good at the Curtiss Farm site (near Ames) due to snow cover when temperatures fell to 7 F. However, these three crucifer entries suffered nearly total stand loss from the 7 F encountered at the Atlantic site in early November. None of these three entries survived the winter of 2013-2014 at either location.
3 – Prior to termination in May 2014, 2013 fall-seeded cover crop entries differed for C and N concentrations (results not presented) and accumulations (Table 2) in aboveground biomass.
Corn following cover crops
Corn was planted in May 2014 following termination of cover crops (Table 1). Cover crop entry did not influence corn stand density (Table 2) or grain moisture at harvest. Data were collected on corn leaf chlorophyll concentrations and corn growth and development (results not presented). Corn grain yield differed following cover crops from the Armstrong Farm environment (Table 2).
Weed community
Weed density did not vary in April 2014 among cover crop entries that were planted in October of 2013 (Table 2). The weed community in association with corn was composed of 24 species (results not presented). However, tall water hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) accounted for 95.4% of total individuals of the weed community. Marestail (Conyza canadensis) had the second highest density, and accounted for less than 1.1% of the total number of individuals observed. Cover crop entries did not significantly influence total weed density in corn prior to the first in-crop herbicide application, when mean density for total weeds in corn across cover crop treatments was 224 m-2 (Table 3).
Table 1. Planting dates and locations for 17 cover crops and subsequent corn, 2013-2014.
Cover crop |
Corn |
Environment |
Planting date |
Termination date |
Planting date |
Harvest date |
Curtiss Farm |
10-11 October 2013 |
5 May 2014 |
19 May 2014 |
† |
Armstrong Farm |
17-18 October 2013 |
6 May 2014 |
9 May 2014 |
16 October 2014 |
Sutherland Farm |
14-15 October 2014 |
– |
– |
– |
Armstrong Farm |
21 October 2014 |
– |
– |
– |
Boone Farm |
30 October 2014 |
– |
– |
– |
†Corn at the Curtiss Farm was abandoned in 2014 after the site suffered severe flooding on the third of four occasions.
Table 2. Cover crop biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentration, and carbon and nitrogen content from two locations, May harvest, 2014
Cover crop |
Stand Fall 2013 |
Weeds Spring 2014 |
Biomass Spring 2014 |
Biomass Carbon Spring 2014 |
Biomass Nitrogen Spring 2014 |
Biomass C:N Spring 2014 |
no. m-2 |
no. m-2 |
kg ha-1 |
kg ha-1 |
kg ha-1 |
Winter rye |
184 cde |
5.8 |
483 a† |
189 a |
13.7 a |
13.9 |
Winter triticale |
187 bcde |
3.3 |
184 cde |
74 de |
6.5 cd |
12.0 |
Rye-Sitro canola |
236 abcd |
4.5 |
301 abc |
123 bc |
9.4 bc |
12.7 |
Barley |
145 def |
3.3 |
0‡ |
0 |
0 |
– |
Oat |
127 ef |
6.8 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
– |
Camelina |
183 cde |
5.0 |
201 cde |
70 de |
7.2 cd |
9.5 |
Sitro canola |
63 fg |
5.0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
– |
Claremore canola |
103 efg |
6.3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
– |
Turnip |
120 efg |
5.5 |
2 f |
1 f |
0.1 e |
11.6 |
Hairy vetch |
22 g |
6.5 |
9 f |
4 f |
0.3 e |
11.1 |
Rye-camelina |
286 ab |
2.0 |
376 ab |
145 ab |
11.4 ab |
12.4 |
Rye-vetch |
119 efg |
2.8 |
294 bcd |
120 bc |
8.6 c |
12.7 |
Triticale-camelina |
288 a |
3.5 |
175 de |
67 de |
5.9 cd |
10.9 |
Triticale-vetch |
129 ef |
6.8 |
115 e |
47 ef |
3.7 de |
11.7 |
Rye-camelina-vetch |
270 abc |
3.8 |
348 ab |
139 bc |
10.9 ab |
12.8 |
Triticale-camelina-vetch |
273 abc |
2.3 |
245 bcd |
90 cd |
8.2 c |
11.0 |
No cover crop |
– |
8.9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
– |
Location |
Armstrong |
116 b |
10.0 a |
175 b |
66 b |
6.2 b |
10.3 b |
Curtiss |
226 a |
323 a |
119 a |
8.6 a |
13.5 a |
Significance |
P>F |
Location (L) |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
Cover crop (C) |
0.001 |
0.412 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
L × C |
0.001 |
0.409 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.074 |
R2 |
0.83 |
0.58 |
0.92 |
0.88 |
0.83 |
0.78 |
CV (%) |
9.5 |
116.9 |
7.9 |
31.8 |
32.6 |
12.0 |
† Means within a column followed by different letters differ at P= 0.05 using Tukey’s HSD test following analysis of variance.
‡Means of 0 not included in statistical analysis of biomass, C, or N data.
Table 3. 2014 corn grain yield from Armstrong Farm.
Cover crop before corn |
Stand |
Yield (15% moisture) |
Grain moisture at harvest |
Weed density |
no. m-2 |
kg ha-1 |
g kg-1 |
no. m-2 |
Winter rye |
7.25 |
12087 ab† |
199 |
197 |
Winter triticale |
7.33 |
8896 b |
221 |
415 |
Rye-Sitro canola |
7.78 |
14152 a |
197 |
166 |
Barley |
7.12 |
11428 ab |
200 |
332 |
Oat |
6.42 |
11179 ab |
203 |
138 |
Camelina |
7.04 |
11364 ab |
209 |
275 |
Sitro canola |
7.20 |
12181 ab |
200 |
267 |
Claremore canola |
5.76 |
11548 ab |
199 |
133 |
Turnip |
7.12 |
13769 a |
199 |
155 |
Hairy vetch |
7.70 |
11801 ab |
196 |
223 |
Rye-camelina |
6.50 |
10605 ab |
208 |
234 |
Rye-vetch |
7.45 |
10645 ab |
197 |
315 |
Triticale-camelina |
7.82 |
11642 ab |
204 |
136 |
Triticale-vetch |
5.89 |
12292 ab |
196 |
224 |
Rye-camelina-vetch |
7.20 |
12977 ab |
199 |
241 |
Triticale-camelina-vetch |
7.08 |
10023 ab |
202 |
197 |
No cover crop |
6.57 |
11553 ab |
207 |
197 |
Significance |
P>F |
Cover crop |
0.737 |
0.022 |
0.790 |
0.939 |
R2 |
0.407 |
0.718 |
0.389 |
0.596 |
CV (%) |
17.6 |
10.0 |
5.4 |
11.5 |
† Means within a column followed by different letters differ at P= 0.05 using Tukey’s HSD test.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
The project was started in October 2013. Insufficient time has passed for our project to have had large impacts and outcomes. However, funding of our project and description of cover crop treatments was presented at two cover crop meetings in fall of 2013. Outputs for 2013 include planting cover crops at two sites in October 2013 and three sites in October 2014.
Practical Farmers of Iowa
600 Fifth St
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010
Office Phone: 5152325661
Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University
2104 Agronomy Hall
Ames, IA 50011-1010
Office Phone: 5152943274
Website: http://www.agron.iastate.edu/personnel/userspage.aspx?id=730