Sustainable Agricultural Education Display Systems

1988 Annual Report for LNC88-008

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 1988: $4,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/1990
Region: North Central
State: Ohio
Project Coordinator:
Clive Edwards
Ohio State University, Sustainable Agriculture Program

Sustainable Agricultural Education Display Systems


The key objective of this project was to design and construct educational displays that would be
used at the 1988 Farm Science Review and be available again for future events.

Farm Science Review is an "annual showcase of Ohio agriculture." Over the last five years, the
average yearly attendance was 118,000, most of which were farmers. In addition to more than
550 commercial and organizational exhibitors who participate in the review, the College of
Agriculture at Ohio State University (OSU) participates with departmental educational displays.
The 1988 Farm Science Review coincided with an International Conference on Sustainable
Agricultural Systems held in Columbus from September 19-23. Because these two events
coincided, and the conference participants would be attending Farm Science Review, the
conference committee approached the Farm Science Review Board to determine if special
emphasis could be placed on Sustainable Agriculture at the Review. Due to growing public
interest, the Review board thought it was an excellent idea. Each relevant department at OSU
was approached with the proposal, and a representative committee was formed.

The committee, representing the departments of Entomology, Agronomy, Dairy Science, Animal
Science, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Economics, and Agricultural Engineering, determined
that each department would have at least one area within their departmental displays to focus on
Sustainable Agriculture and how it related to their discipline. In addition, there was an
introductory display, which introduced the issues and defined "What is Sustainable Agriculture."
Within the introductory display tent there were informational fact sheets and a directory of other
appropriate displays to visit.

Following the Farm Science Review Board event, the introductory display was borrowed by the
Department of Agriculture in Wisconsin to be used at the State Fair and other functions.
Departmental displays have also been used for other events.