1996 Annual Report for LNC96-095
Multiple-Use Borderlands: An Educational and Demonstration Project
The overall objective of this project is to encourage the use of innovative plantings and designs for borderlands such as filterstrips, shelterbelts, windbreaks, right-of-ways and roadsides, as well as ditch banks and fence rows. The project is focused on SARE priority areas such as environmentally sound practices, emerging issues and developing marketing for crops from income-producing borderland plantings. A multi-disciplinary group of scientist is interacting with farmers and private sector specialists in a four-phased approach to addressing the issue of borderlands and their potential for not only ecological remediation, but also multiple-use and income-producing alternatives. The project is moving forward in four phases with Phase One and Two near completion and Phase Three to be completed in 1999.
The objective of Phase One is to focus on information gathering through the establishment of a researchers roundtable to identify and prioritize alternatives, a producers roundtable to identify constraints, concerns and preferences, and finally a combined workshop to broaden the perspectives of both researchers and producers. Much of this has been completed through interviews, meetings and literature searches resulting in several unique possibilities. Work on this phase will continue throughout the life of the project.
Phase Two has involved the development of numerous prototype designs of borderlands combining concepts from both research and producer groups. With input from participating scientists and farmers, landscape architecture collaborators have illustrated concepts and designs for specific on-farm demonstration sites to be installed in Phase Three of this project. Much of this material will also be used in educational materials to be developed in Phase Four.
Phase Three has begun with the partial installation of 10 on-farm demonstration sites in diverse areas of Indiana, four at Purdue Regional Research Farms and six at selected farmer locations, which provide the best opportunities to illustrate innovative designs and are accessible to a broad segment of the agricultural community. These demonstration sites will also provide sites for future evaluation to determine the effectiveness of given designs as well as potential problems.
The objective of the fourth and final stage of the project is to assemble a slide and video presentation to help audiences envision multiple-use borderlands and a publication to be used as a decision-guide to assist landowners and land-use professionals in determining which combination of borderland plantings are most appropriate for their specific situation. These educational materials will be available for broad distribution within the North Central region.
North Central Region 1998 Annual Report