Perimeter trap crop approach to pest management on vegetable farms

2004 Annual Report for LNE03-177

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2003: $139,527.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2005
Matching Non-Federal Funds: $108,434.00
Region: Northeast
State: Connecticut
Project Leader:
Ruth Hazzarad
University of Massachusetts
Jude Boucher
UNiversity of Connecticut Cooperative Extension

Perimeter trap crop approach to pest management on vegetable farms


Perimeter trap cropping (PTC) involves planting a more attractive trap crop so that it completely encircles and protects the main cash crop like fortress walls. Efficacy can often be improved by supplementing the system with other perimeter defenses (i.e. border sprays). In 2003 and 2004, we set out to design and test PTC systems for 2-4 commodities in replicated research trials at university and commercial farms and to help popularize the use of these systems. Growers suggested the PTC systems to study and tested these and additional systems in commercial fields. In 2003, a total of 24 Connecticut and Massachusetts growers installed PTC systems on 7 different commodities on over 98 acres of crops. In 2004, at least 27 CT, MA, NH, and VT growers installed PTC systems on 8 different commodities on over 170 acres of crops. Ten growers are now using PTC on multiple commodities. Most growers found that PTC improved pest control, substantially reduced pesticide use, saved time and money, and was simpler to use than their conventional pest management program. Twenty-seven publications on PTC were produced and 43 presentations were conducted throughout the Northeast in the first two years of the grant. Most milestones were exceeded and all performance target goals have been met.

Objectives/Performance Targets

Of the 800 New England vegetable growers who will learn about PTC, at least 26 growers will adopt PTC on one (16 farms) or more crops (10 farms); will reap pesticide reduction, pest control, crop quality, environmental, safety, time, profit or personal satisfaction benefits; and upon completion of the project, their farms will serve as examples of a novel whole-farm systems approach to pest management.


1) At least 40 growers will attend an introductory PTC meeting (March 2003); learn about pest biology, epidemiology and migration patterns; and half will volunteer to test, explore and implement PTC systems. At least 12 will actually install/evaluate PTC systems in 2003.

Two introductory PTC meetings were conducted by the Extension Educators, on 2 and 8 April, 2003, in Vernon, CT and Chicopee, MA. These meetings were held later than expected and were sparsely attended (4 growers), due to the late approval of agricultural funding by the federal government. Despite the late start in 2003, a total of 24 CT and MA growers attempted to install PTC systems on one or more crops: summer squash, butternut squash, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins, cabbage and eggplant. Seven growers implemented PTC on multiple crops. Evaluations were conducted on at least 14 farms.

2) Replicated experiments in commercial fields and on research farms will be used to screen potential trap crop varieties, and test and verify 2-4 grower-designed/suggested PTC systems.

In 2003 and 2004, replicated PTC experiments were conducted on 4 crops (summer squash and cucumbers in CT, butternut squash and cabbage in MA) at the UConn and UMass Research Farms. In 2004, 4 replicated variety trials were conducted in CT and MA to help determine the best trap crops to use in different systems. Three PTC systems (summer squash-CT, cucumbers-CT, butternut-MA) were replicated on 4 to 10 commercial farms. A similar number of farms, using the conventional full-field spray approach, were also evaluated in the control groups. Data are currently being analyzed.

3) Over 600 New England vegetable farmers will learn about PTC research/outreach results at conferences, other Extension/grower talks, and by newsletter/web site articles/fact sheets.

In 2003, at least 1,743 New England growers and 1,993 Northeast growers learned about PTC research and outreach results at conferences, other Extension/grower talks, and by newsletter/web site articles/fact sheets (see Publications/Presentations). Many more were exposed to the concept in poster display sessions and through web site fact sheets.

In 2004, at least 1,679 New England growers learned about PTC at conference talks. Another 2,150 people attended poster sessions where PTC was explained, and over 45,000 people received newsletter/magazine/manual articles on PTC. Numerous educators and scientists learned about PTC by reading two articles in the Journal of Extension. Many more folks read about PTC on UConn, UMass, UVM and other web sites.

4) Over 200 farmers will learn about PTC directly from mentor growers/Educators at twilight meetings and farm tours. An additional 14 growers will install PTC systems in 2004.

In 2003, 175 growers learned about PTC at 2 twilight meetings (10 July, Northford, CT, and 15 July, Sharon, MA) and at farm tours at the UConn (17 July) and UMass (13 August) Research Farms (see Publications/Presentations).

In 2004, 170 growers learned about PTC at 2 twilight meetings (1 July, Somers, CT and 14 July, Hadley, MA) and at a farm tour at Hampshire College (13 Aug, S. Amherst, MA). Additional growers tried PTC in 2004 after hearing about it at twilight meetings or conference presentations, bringing the total number of documented PTC growers to 27. Ten growers are now using PTC on multiple commodities.

5) At least 20 implementers will attend post-season farmer-to-farmer discussion group(s) to help provide feed back to educators, and to form a post-project support group.

On 3 December 2003, 20 CT and MA growers and Educators met at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA to discuss their 2003 experiences using the various PTC systems. Ideas were voiced which will help in writing new drafts of fact sheets with PTC recommendations. All attendees received contact information for all participants. A second farmer-to-farmer discussion group will be conducted at the same location on 15 February 2005.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

In 2003, we evaluated a single trap crop row of ‘Blue Hubbard,’ a border-row insecticide application, and a combination of the two strategies for protecting centrally-located unsprayed main crops (cucumbers and summer or butternut squash) from cucumber beetles and bacterial wilt. In each experiment, these treatments were compared with control plots consisting solely of the main crop. A similar experiment was conducted on cabbage using trap crops for flea beetles and caterpillar pests.

Some of the cucumber results were very impressive. When the trap crop was sprayed it dramatically reduced defoliation on cucumber seedlings in the center and completely eliminated plant death due to direct feeding damage. Nine percent of the plants were lost directly to beetle feeding in the center of control plots. The sprayed trap crop barrier also dramatically reduced losses from bacterial wilt compared with the control plots. Total plant death (directly from defoliation and from bacterial wilt) dropped from 30% in the center of control plots to 14% for the cucumbers in the sprayed trap crop plots by final harvest. When compared with the control, the sprayed PTC treatment increased cucumber yields by 33% or 148 boxes per acre. For summer squash, both the percent injured leaves and the percent defoliation per plant were significantly reduced for both trap crop treatments compared with control plots.

In 2004, studies on the 4 commodities mentioned above were continued or modified. A double-ringed cabbage PTC system (2 trap crops) for diamondback moths and flea beetles was evaluated. The summer squash experiment was modified to include the following three treatments; control, sprayed Blue Hubbard around unsprayed summer squash, and a plot of all summer squash that was sprayed. Analysis on all four commodities is still being conducted.

A series of Cucurbit variety trials were conducted in MA and CT to evaluate other trap crop possibilities. This was done to offer more options to growers that said they would prefer a more marketable trap crop than Blue Hubbard and to see if a more attractive trap crop exists. A Brassica variety trial was conducted in MA to evaluate preferences of flea beetles and the Lepidopteran pest complex, while an Oriental/Italian eggplant variety trial was conducted in CT to assess trap crop potential against eggplant flea beetles and Colorado potato beetles. It is hoped that a PTC system can be developed to protect traditional eggplant varieties or tomatoes with more attractive Oriental or Italian varieties.

In 2003, Connecticut growers using PTC on their summer squash (6 growers), cucumbers (4), peppers (4) and eggplant (1) compared the PTC system to their former conventional management system that relied on multiple full-field sprays to control cucumber beetles or pepper maggots, and were quite impressed. In every case, the PTC system provided superior pest control compared to multiple full-field sprays and reduced insecticide use substantially. Growers estimated they saved almost 20% of their summer squash crop, a third of their cucumber crop, and 11% of their solanaceous crops by switching to PTC. These growers used PTC on a total of 43 acres (excluding pumpkins and cabbage).

On most farms, insecticide sprays for cucumber beetles or pepper maggots were limited to applications on the ‘Blue Hubbard’ or hot cherry pepper trap crops in the perimeter of the fields. One of the growers stated on a post-season survey that “it blew my mind to see the cucumber beetles flock to the perimeter rows!”

On one farm with extreme cucumber beetle populations, the grower applied an average of 1.5 perimeter sprays prior to bloom and 1.5 full-field sprays during harvest to two of his cucumber fields. The sprays at harvest were necessary to prevent cosmetic damage, where the beetles feed on the fruit rind and render the crop unmarketable. In past years, he normally applied 4 full-field sprays per field and still failed to harvest or market any cucumbers. He harvested and marketed a great crop of cucumbers in 2003 using PTC. When asked in a post-program survey to comment about the PTC system, this grower stated that “I can not even get a crop of cucumbers on my farm without PTC!” This same grower was asked to plant a control field (without a trap crop) as part of the study. He made 4 full-field insecticide applications in the first 3 weeks and 60% of the plants showed signs of bacterial wilt before the plants even started to run. The control crop was lost.

Almost all the growers said that they also saved time and money using PTC and found the new system simpler to use than multiple full-field sprays. All the program participants gave the PTC system high marks for reducing: pesticide use, spray time/expense, possible chemical residues at harvest, possible secondary pest outbreaks, risk of crop damage, and impacts on environment/land/water. They also gave the system high marks for improving farm profitability, for easier/faster pest detection (improved monitoring) and for easier picking/harvesting schedules
(reduced REI/dh restrictions). You can read more about these evaluations and the authors’ philosophy behind developing PTC systems by accessing the Journal of Extension articles listed under refereed publications.

All but one of these growers used PTC again in 2004 with similar results. The grower who did not use the PTC system again, lost a substantial amount of land to development this year, but plans to use PTC on two commodities in 2005. Three additional CT growers tried PTC on summer squash and cucumbers, while 3 more tried PTC on butternut (3) and acorn squash (2). In 2004, 8 PTC evaluations have been conducted in CT (through Dec.).

In 2003, 7 MA growers surrounded 30 acres of butternut winter squash with a ‘Blue Hubbard’ trap crop. Four of the five butternut growers that completed the survey (by Dec., 2003), stated that their pest control was somewhat better using PTC than in previous years without a trap crop system. The remaining grower felt that his pest control was about the same. Three of the five growers felt that the PTC system was simpler than their usual method of pest control. All five growers said they were satisfied with the overall performance of the system on butternut and rated the PTC training program as good or excellent. Four said they would try the system again next year.

In 2004, we worked with 7 MA growers who used PTC on butternut, 2 who used it for cucumbers, 2 who used it for mixed cucurbit plantings, and 2 growers that used it for either peppers or pumpkins. Nine butternut growers (3 from CT) and one mixed cucurbit grower have been surveyed thus far (by Dec. 2005). All 10 growers said they saved pesticides using PTC and that it took them “less” or “the same amount of time” as when using conventional methods. Eighty percent of the surveyed growers said the PTC system saved them money and that they were either “very satisfied” or “thrilled” with the new system. The last two were satisfied with the system and will continue to use it in the future. Seventy percent said that using PTC was “simpler” or “much simpler” than conventional pest strategies. One thought it was about the same, while 2 found it a little more complex to use. The number of cucumber beetles was similar in the main crop of butternut in both the PTC and conventional fields. The conventional fields were sprayed with either a single applications of Admire or one or more applications of Sevin.



Boucher, T. J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Moving Towards Ecologically-Based Pest Management: A Case Study Using Perimeter Trap Cropping. Journal of Extension, December, Vol. 42:6, pp. 7.

Boucher, T. J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Demonstrating a Perimeter Trap Crop Approach to Pest Management on Summer Squash in New England. Journal of Extension. October, Vol 42:5, pp.10. (

Boucher, T. J., R. A. Ashley, R. Durgy, M. Sciabarrasi and W. Calderwood. 2003. Managing the Pepper Maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae) Using Perimeter Trap Cropping. J. Economic Entomology, 96(2): 420-432.


Howell, J., R. Bonanno, J. Boucher and R. Wick (eds.). 2003. 2004-2005 New England Vegetable Management Guide. Recommendations for PTC on peppers, squash and cucumbers included. New England Ext. Syst. Pub. pp.138. (1,500 sold)

Boucher, T. J. 2003. Developing a Perimeter Trap Crop System for Cucurbits, p. 25. In, Integrated Pest Management 2001-2002 Report to the Connecticut Legislature. R. A. Ashley, T. J. Boucher, D. Ellis, L. Los, L. Pundt, M. Chase. IPM Web Site Bulletin. ( pp. 36.


Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Protecting Cucumbers from Beetles and Wilt with Perimeter Trap Cropping, p. 187-188. In, 2004 Proceedings New Jersey Annual Vegetable Growers’ Meeting, 13-15 January. Atlantic City. NJ. 50 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Summer Squash and Cucumbers, p.217-219. In, Proceedings 2003: New England Vegetable & Berry Growers’ Conference, 16-18 December. Manchester, NH. 200 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. Insect Management Update for Peppers & Eggplant, p. 124-128. In, Proceedings 2003: New England Vegetable & Berry Growers’ Conference, 11-13 December, 2003. Manchester, NH. 100 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Trap Crops for Cabbage, Peppers and Cucurbits for Improved Pest Management, p. 38-39. In, 2003 Proceedings New Jersey Annual Vegetable Growers’ Meeting, 14-16 January, Atlantic City. NJ. 200 growers.
Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Why Perimeter Trap Cropping Works, p. 131-132. In, Proceedings 2003 New York State Vegetable Conference, 11-13 February, Syracuse, NY. 75 growers.


Merrill, L. S. 2004. Keeping Bugs at Bay: Perimeter Trap Crops Entice Pests, Slash Insecticide Use, p. 36-40. In, Growing: Commercial Vegetable and Fruit Production. December. (Based on interviews with J. Boucher, R. Hazzard and PTC growers). Circulation 41,000+

Grubinger, V. 2004. It’s a Trap! A Novel Approach to Insect Pest Control. Farming: The Journal of Northeast Agriculture. Vol. 7:8.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Trap Crops for Cabbage, Peppers, and Cucurbits for Improved Pest Management. Country Folks Grower. April. A10-14.


Merrill, L. 2004. Summer Farm Tour: The Many Splendors of Pioneer Valley Agriculture. Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture, Fall, p. 6-7.

Boucher, T. J., R. Durgy, R. Hazzard and A. Cavanagh. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Cucurbit Crop Pests. Handout in Poster Session. SARE 2004 [National] Conference: Setting the Table. October. Burlington, VT. 600 attended.

Grubinger, V. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping: A Novel Approach to Insect Pest Control.VT Vegetable and Berry Fact Sheets. July. pp. 2.

Hazzard, R. 2004. Striped Cucumber Beetle Due to Arrive Shortly. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardening Association Pest Report, June. p.2-4. (

Hazzard R. 2004. Using Admire on Vine Crops and Tomatoes. UMass Vegetable Notes Vol. 15:4 p. 7. circulation 500.

Boucher, T. J., R. Durgy, R. Hazzard and A. Cavanagh. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping. UMass Vegetable Notes Vol. 15:2 p. 2-6. circulation 500.

Anonymous. 2004. Squash Vine Borer. Our Organic Gardening Message Board. March. p. 1-3. (…)

Cavanagh, A. and R. Hazzard. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping Works. Capital Vegetable News, Cornell University Cooperative Extension, February Vol. 6:2. p. 11

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. Protecting Cucumbers from Beetles and Wilt with Perimeter Trap Cropping. IPM Web Site Fact Sheet. ( pp. 3.

Boucher, J. R. Durgy, R. Hazzard and A. Cavanagh. 2003. Perimeter Trap Cropping. p. 5-8. In, Vegetable Research Plots: UMass Research Farm Field Day, 13 August, 2003.

Boucher, J. 2003. Striped Cucumber Beetles; Acalymma vittata, (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). UConn IPM Web Site Fact Sheet. ( pp. 3.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Perimeter Trap Cropping Works. UConn IPM Web Site Fact Sheet. Ibid. pp. 3. Also, printed in UMass Vegetable Notes Newsletter (circulation 304) and sent to CT growers via direct mail (mailing list 460).

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Yellow and Green Summer Squash. UConn IPM Web Site Fact Sheet. Ibid. pp. 3.


Boucher, J. 2004. Managing Sucking Insects: Aphids, Leafhoppers and Plant Bugs. 2004 New England Fruit and Vegetable Conference. 15 December, Manchester, NH. (Talked about PTC to control aphids).

Boucher, J. 2004. IPM & EQIP. Litchfield County Dairy Association Meeting. 9 November, Torrington, CT.

Boucher, J. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping: Research & Implementation on Commercial Vegetable Farms in New England. UConn Plant Science Class: Integrated Pest Management. 2 November, Storrs, CT. 25 students.

Boucher, J., R. Hazzard, R. Durgy and A. Cavanagh. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Striped Cucumber Beetles: Control Pests While Reducing Pesticide Use. Poster Session. SARE 2004 [National] Conference: Setting the Table. October. Burlington, VT. 600 attended.

Hazzard, R. 2004. Trap Cropping and Other Ways to Manage Cucumber Beetles. Annual New England & Berry Growers’ Association Meeting. 6 November. Westport, MA. Attendance: 60.

Boucher, J., T. Morris and S. Olsen. 2004. Tour of the UConn Plant Science Research Farm for the Commissioner of Agriculture (Bruce Gresczyk). Explained IPM/PTC/Nutrient Management. Storrs, CT. 23 September. Commissioner + 8 UConn administrators and researchers.

Boucher, J., D. Young and J. Wolchesky. 2004. UConn Vegetable Production class field trip: Woodstock Orchard and Wolchesky Orchard. (Both used PTC on squash). 22 September. Woodstock & Pomfret, CT. 10 students, 1 professor.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping: A Novel Approach to Pest Control Control/Perimeter Trap Cropping for Striped Cucumber Beetles/Perimeter Trap Cropping for Pepper Maggots: Control Pests While Reducing Pesticide Use (3 Posters + slide show/display). Celebrating Agriculture @ Woodstock Fairgrounds. Woodstock, CT. 18 September, 2004. 1,000 attended.

Boucher, J. 2004 “Vegetable Crops IPM Recorded Telephone and Web Site Pest Message”. Provides the latest pest data from traps and crop scouting around the state with cutting-edge crop management recommendations. Weekly updates provided May-September. (764calls/hits).

Durgy, R. and R. Hazzard. 2004. Using Perimeter Trap Crops. Northeast Organic Farming Association 30th Annual Summer Conference. 13 August, Amherst, MA. 45 people.

Hazzard, R. 2004. Hampshire College Farm Tour: Demonstration Trial of 4 Perimeter Trap Crop Crops for Mixed Winter Squash Plantings Under Organic Management. 13 August, S. Amherst. 30 farmers.

Czajkowski, W., J. Czajkowski, R. Hazzard and J. Boucher. 2004. UMass Twilight Meeting: Demonstrating Perimeter Trap Cropping on Butternut Using Admire. 14 July. Hadley, MA 90 farmers.

Burson G., J. Boucher and J. Chapman. 2004. UConn’s Annual Vegetable Growers’ Twilight Meeting Series: Guided Tour of Pinecroft Farm (using perimeter trap cropping on 55 acres of cucumbers, squash and peppers) Somers, CT. 1 July 2004. 50 Growers/USDA workers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Bugs-‘R’-Us Display and Perimeter Trap Cropping Poster. Tolland County Extension Office Open House. 1 May. Vernon, CT. 350 people.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping: A Novel Approach to Pest Control. Poster Session. Extension Council & Partners of Extension Legislative Reception. 14 April. Hartford, CT. >200 people.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Are Trap Crops for Your Farm? New Hampshire Vegetable & Berry Growers’ Annual Meeting. 6 March. Boscawen, NH. 100 growers.

Hazzard, R. 2004. Using Perimeter Trap Crops for Insect Management in Vegetables. Annual New England & Berry Growers’ Association Meeting. 13 February. Waltham, MA. Attendance: 100 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Vegetable Insect Pests. Vermont Vegetable & Berry Growers’ Association Annual Meeting, 10 February. Rutland, VT. 75 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Summer Squash & Cucumbers. Annual Connecticut Farm Fresh Vegetable Growers’ Meeting, 31 January. Wethersfield, CT. 10 growers.

Hazzard, R. 2004. Trap Crops and Other Tricks for Keeping Beetles and Bugs at Bay. Northeast Organic Farming Association of Massachusetts Winter Conference, 23 January. Barre, MA 20 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping for Cucumbers. Annual Connecticut Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference, 22 January. Vernon, CT. 115 growers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2004. Perimeter Trap Cropping: A Novel Approach to Pest Control. Department of Extension External USDA Review. 20 January. Haddam, CT. 30 educators.

Boucher, J., R. Hazzard, R. Durgy and A. Cavanagh. 2003. Perimeter Trap Crop Farmer-to-Farmer Discussion Group. 3 December. Sturbridge, MA. Attendance: 20 people.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Improved Pest Management Through Perimeter Trap Crop Systems. Annual New England & Berry Growers’ Association Meeting. 1, November. Westport, MA. Attendance: 70.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. PTC Poster Display/Exhibit. Celebrating Agriculture! Woodstock Fairgrounds. 20 September. Woodstock, CT. 3,500 people attended.

Berkowitz, G. and J. Boucher. 2003. Arranged and provided student tour of a commercial vegetable farm with PTC for Dept. of Plant Science Vegetable Crop Management course. 10 September. Somers, CT. 10 Students.

Boucher, J. 2003. “Vegetable Crops IPM Recorded Telephone and Web Site Pest Message”. Provides the latest pest data from traps and crop scouting around the state with cutting-edge crop management recommendations. Used to supply PTC recommendations on several crops. Weekly updates provided June-September. (700 calls and hits/year)

Hazzard, R, A. Cavanagh and J. Boucher. 2003. UMass Research Farm Field Day. R. Hazzard & A. Cavanagh described PTC butternut squash and cabbage research and plots, J. Boucher spoke on “Hints to Successfully Implement Perimeter Trap Cropping in Crops.” 13 August. S. Deerfield, MA. 60 farmers attended.

Boucher, J., T. Morris, F. Himmelstein and R. Durgy. 2003. Tour of UConn’s Plant Science Research Farm Experimental Plots. 17 July. Storrs, CT. 25 farmers attended.

Hazzard, R. and J. Boucher. Ward’s Berry Farm Twilight Meeting. R. Hazzard and J. Boucher spoke on using PTC for cucurbits on commercial farms. 15 July. Sharon, MA. 45 people attended.

Boucher, J. and N. Cecarelli. 2003. Guided Tour of Cecarelli Farm. UConn’s Annual Vegetable Growers’ Twilight Meeting Series. 10 July. Northford, CT. 45 people attended.

Hazzard, R. and J. Boucher. 2003. Introductory Perimeter Trap Cropping Meeting to prepare MA farmer volunteers for implementation for Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) Project. 8 April, Chicopee, MA. 2 farmers.

Boucher, J., R. Durgy and R. Hazzard. 2003. Introductory Perimeter Trap Cropping Meeting to prepare CT farmer volunteers for implementation for Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) Project. 2 April, Vernon, CT. 2 farmers.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Vegetable Crops/IPM Educational Opportunities for Vegetable Growers/Perimeter Trap Cropping for Pepper Maggot: Control Pests While Reducing Pesticides (3 Posters). CT Ag Day at the Capital. 19 March, Hartford, CT.

Boucher, T. J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Why Perimeter Trap Cropping Works. NY State Vegetable Conference, 12 February, Syracuse, NY. >50 people attended (snow storm).

Boucher, T. J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Why Perimeter Trap Cropping Works. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Vegetable Production Conference. 6 February, New Haven, CT. 35 people attended.

Boucher, J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Trap Crops for Cabbage, Peppers and Cucurbits for Improved Pest Management. New Jersey Annual Vegetable Growers’ Meeting. 14-16 January, Atlantic City, NJ. >200 people attended.

Boucher, T. J. and R. Durgy. 2003. Using Perimeter Trap Cropping for Cucumber Beetles on Commercial Farms. Annual Connecticut Vegetable & Small Fruit Growers’ Conference, 16 January, Vernon, CT. 140 people attended.



Steve Bengtson

[email protected]
Cold Spring Brook Farm
979 Deming Road
Berlin, CT 06037
Office Phone: 8606660026
Nelson Cecarelli

[email protected]
PTC Implementor/2003 Mentor Grower for CT
Cecarelli Farm
476 Village St.
Northford, CT 06472
Office Phone: 2034840101
Gordon Burson

[email protected]
Pinecroft Farms Inc.
545 Somers Road
E. Longmeadow, MA 01028
Office Phone: 4135258476
Robert Durgy

[email protected]
Research Assistant
University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension
24 Hyde Ave.
Vernon, CT 06066
Office Phone: 8608753331
Andrew Cavanagh

[email protected]
Research Assistant
University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Entomology
Ag. Eng. Bldg.
Amherst, MA 01003
Office Phone: 4135773976
Kristen Wilmer

[email protected]
Research Assistant
University of Connecticut Dept. of Plant Science
1376 Storrs Road, U-4067
Storrs, CT 06269-4067
Office Phone: 8604861950