Increasing Farm Profitability through Agritourism Product Development and Marketing

2008 Annual Report for LNE08-267

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2008: $89,563.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: Northeast
State: Vermont
Project Leader:
Dr. Lisa Chase
University of Vermont Ext

Increasing Farm Profitability through Agritourism Product Development and Marketing


Seven workshops on agritourism are planned between January and March 2009. The workshops will be held throughout the Northeast region, and they will be followed by technical assistance for 140 farmers. Curriculum for the workshops is being developed and uploaded to a SharePoint site, along with other project materials. Evaluation tools are being developed to verify milestones and the performance target.

Objectives/Performance Targets

By the end of the two year project, at least 70 farmers in the Northeast will have adopted new agritourism practices that contribute to farm viability.


1. One farmer and one service provider from each of the participating locations in the Northeast region (Maine, Maryland/Delaware, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island/Massachusetts/Connecticut, Vermont and West Virginia) have committed to coordinate involvement in the project for their respective states.

2. Collaborating farmers and service providers are in the process of developing a curriculum of core business skills training modules, state-specific modules, and evaluation tools.

3. Workshops in the seven locations are being planned for January to March 2009. We anticipate that over 700 farmers in the Northeast region will participate in workshops and complete benchmark surveys.

4. Through the workshops, over 140 farmers will identify agritourism practices they are considering adopting, including new venture concepts and areas for improvement. They will work with agricultural, tourism, or business resources in their respective states to plan and implement the changes. These farms will take at least one action that helps them (1) start a new agritourism venture, (2) improve an existing venture, or (3) decide not to begin a venture or activity based on business analysis (January 2009 – March 2010).

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Collaborators on this project are strengthening their relationships and learning about best practices throughout the Northeast region. Project collaborators in NH and VT have submitted a pre-proposal to the Northeast Center for Risk Management Education to support risk management related to agritourism and provide supplementary funding for the SARE project.


Ben Amsden
Research Assistant Profes
Plymouth State University
MSC 68, 17 High Street
Plymouth, NH 03264
Office Phone: 6035353274
Cindy Martel
Marketing Specialist
West Virginia Department of Agriculture-Oak Hill
226 Maple Avenue
Oak Hill, WV 25901
Office Phone: 3044699738
Marc Edwards
Tourism Economic Development
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
138 Pleasant Street, Suite 1
Farmington, ME 04938
Office Phone: 2077784650
Ginger Myers
Regional Extension Marketing Specialist
Western Maryland Research and Education Center
18330 Keedysville Road
Keedysville, MD 21756
Office Phone: 3014322767
Beth Kennett
Liberty Hill Farm
511 Liberty Hill Road
Rochester, VT 05767
Office Phone: 8027673926
Stu Nunnery
Rhode Island Center for Agricultural Promotion & Education
PO Box 40940
Providence, RI 02940
Office Phone: 4015920209
Diane Kuehn
Associate Professor
SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry
320 Bray Hall
Syracuse, NY 13210
Office Phone: 3154706561