Farm-based selection and seed production of varieties of bread wheat, spelt, emmer, and einkorn adapted to organic systems in the Northeast

2015 Annual Report for LNE12-318

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2012: $196,743.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2015
Region: Northeast
State: New York
Project Leader:
Dr. Mark Sorrells
Cornell University

Farm-based selection and seed production of varieties of bread wheat, spelt, emmer, and einkorn adapted to organic systems in the Northeast


The grant team engaged farmers, seed companies, and researchers in improving seed production, seed quality, and breeding of organic small grains. Advanced breeding populations of winter and spring wheat were distributed to and selected by 11 farmers according to their desired characteristics. New York Seed Improvement collaborated with several organic farmers to produce quality assured seed of improved Red Fife. Gary Bergstrom’s lab at Cornell is developing a PCR screening technique that farmers could use to screen seed lots for a primary seed borne disease of small grains in the Northeast: loose smut. Information on the project was distributed through several workshops, newsletters, and field days.

Objectives/Performance Targets

Needs in organic wheat breeding 

Through purposive sampling, regional researchers and extension personnel nominated eleven organic farmers to participate in wheat breeding. After learning about the project objectives, all farmers agreed to participate. Farms include a diversity of sizes, production systems, and climates of the Northeast. The demographics of participating farms inform the breeding program about the contexts of organic wheat farmers in the Northeast. Eleven participants farmed a mean of 629 acres (range 7-1500). The average number of wheat acres per farm, 41 (range 1-200), sharply contrasts with the nationwide average of 332 (2012 Ag Census). Years of farming experience reveal the newness of organic wheat farming in the region. Although farming experience averaged 23 years per farmer (range 3-40), experience farming wheat was only half that, at 12 years (range 3-40). Farms exhibited high temporal and spatial diversity. Over a mean rotation length of 5.5 years (range 2-8), 17 crops were grown per farm (range 5 to >30). 72% (8 of 11) participants also raised livestock on their farm. Consequently, farmers identified straw quantity as an important target for wheat breeding (see Figure 2). Ten of 11 farmers milled their own flour or were partners with a local miller. As markets for wheat are focused on local, direct-to-market sales, artisanal baking quality and flavor were traits of interest to local farms. 

Through semi-structured interviews, farmers ranked the traits that they found to be most important in a wheat variety. Most farmers valued several traits in common (weed competitive ability, height / straw quantity, and lodging resistance for spring wheat; Fusarium head blight (FHB) tolerance, protein content, baking quality, and flavor for winter wheat), although many farmers emphasized traits that were uniquely important to their operation (white grain color, resistance to leaf diseases, high number of seeds per head, and performance under low nitrogen conditions). Some traits of importance identified by organic farmers in the Northeast are negatively correlated with the targets of formal wheat breeding programs.


Selection for priority traits 

Researchers at Cornell University and The University of Vermont crossed parental varieties showing promising traits for organic production. Eleven participating farmers planted bulked F3 biparental families from winter wheat crosses in the fall of 2014 and/or F4 biparental families of spring wheat crosses in the spring of 2014. Each farm established two replicates of five biparental family plots and one check variety commonly grown by organic farmers in the region: ‘Warthog’ winter wheat or ‘AC Barrie’ spring wheat. Plot sizes varied from 4.65 to 9m2, depending on the size of regional planting equipment. Farm-specific selection protocols facilitated the selection of phenotypes best suited to the priority traits of each farmer. With the help of the graduate investigator, the farmer visually separated each biparental family plot into four quadrants and selected the 10% of plants or spikes that best met priority traits in each quadrant. The graduate investigator also randomly collected the same number of spikes from each biparental family plot to form F3:F4 winter wheat and F4:F5 spring wheat baseline populations to track gains in selection. Selected seed was pooled from the two replicate plots of each biparental family at each farm for a second year of selection on farm. The same plot layout was repeated during the second year of selection, with the addition of adjacent plots seeded with randomly collected baseline populations for each biparental family. 

Direct selection for some traits of importance was costly or unfeasible. Consequently, we used indirect selection to identify traits that are strongly correlated with the trait of interest, yet have higher heritability and are easier to evaluate in the field. The most important trait among farmers, particularly for spring wheat, was weed competitive ability (WCA). Correlated traits to indirectly select for WCA include ground cover and leaf width of young seedlings, and mature plant height (Huel & Hucl 1996; Ogg & Seefeldt 1999; Rebetzke & Richards 1999; Worthington & Reberg-Horton 2013). For the six farmers who ranked WCA as a priority trait, plots were space-planted so individual plants could be identified, and best individuals were flagged in each plot between third and fifth leaf stage. Researchers also used screens to select the largest seeds, which have been correlated with WCA (Rebetzke & Richards 1999; Cousens & Mokhtari 1998), from farmer selected seed. Gains in selection will compare the weed biomass present in plots of farmer selected seed with plots of randomly collected seed from the same biparental family. Weed biomass was clipped from two 0.25 m2 quadrats in each plot, dried at 55°C, and weighed. This process will be repeated in Multi-environment trials (MET) to compare F4:F7, F5:F7, and F7 selected populations (see Efficiency of breeding methods). If possible, MET trails will be overseeded with a mustard surrogate weed species (Brassica sp.) to facilitate evenness in weed competition among plots. 

The second most important trait for farmers was FHB tolerance. During selection of best phenotypes, farmers avoided infected spikes. This method is likely not effective in selecting for tolerance, as FHB infection is related to the alignment of a genotype’s anthesis to rainfall timing, which changes year to year. In previous PPB projects, selecting for disease resistance was most effective on controlled research station conditions in which plants are inoculated with the disease (Kornegay et al. 1996). Consequently, researchers selected for FHB tolerance on an inoculated FHB nursery in Ithaca, NY (see Parallel research station selection program).

Farmers’ third highest ranked trait was protein. Protein is a highly heritable trait (0.72-0.85), but is generally evaluated destructively (Loffler et al. 1972; Bhatt & Derera 1975).  For farmers who selected protein as a priority trait, our single seed non-destructive NIR machine allowed the selection of 50% of spikes with highest protein. The graduate researcher calibrated the NIR instrument using a partial least squares model calibrated to a destructive nitrogen test (LECO TrueMac N), obtaining an r2 of 0.87. One hundred and ninety two seeds each from six wheat varieties from a range of protein contents and color classes comprised the calibration set.

Height was the fifth highest ranked trait, which was exclusively valued by spring wheat farmers. As height is a highly heritable trait (0.80) (Loffler et al. 1972), farmers who desired tall plants selected for tall plants. As height is pleiotropic with early vigor (Worthington & Reberg-Horton 2013), selected genotypes with tall height should also be more competitive with weeds.

Selection for lodging resistance is challenging due to environmental variability in weather conditions, soil moisture, and wind eddies. Consequently, indirect selection for correlated traits was implemented. Berry et al. (2003) and Zuber et al. (1999) found the diameter of the stem at the first internode to be the most effective indirect selection parameter. After farmers selected plants of interest in a plot, each selected stem was measured with a pair of calipers. The largest 50% of stems were selected for the next generation.


Parallel research station selection 

In tandem with on-farm selection, researchers selected biparental families on research stations for the most important regional traits. For spring wheat, researchers screened 210 headrows of F2:F3 individuals for the trait of most importance to spring wheat farmers in the region: weed competitive ability. Flagged plants and headrows with the highest early vigor (1-5) and leaf width (1-5) at third to fifth leaf stage advanced to the second year of selection in 2016. 

For winter wheat, selection protocols focused on FHB tolerance, high protein content, and desirable baking and sensory qualities. From the same winter wheat biparental families planted on farms, researchers planted 302 headrows of F2:F3 individuals and the parental varieties at Freeville, NY and at a Fusarium head blight nursery in Ithaca, NY in the fall of 2014. At the disease nursery, headrows were inoculated at anthesis with Fusarium, and screened for FHB index (infection rate x severity). Other metrics of headrow evaluation included average height, leaf disease severity (1-9), glume blotch severity (0-3), and date at which 50% of heads emerged. Index selection provided a quantitative way to select the 30% best headrows, weighted strongly against fusarium index, and to a lesser extent, against late heading, very tall height, leaf disease, and glume blotch (Equation 1). For baking and sensory quality, the third most important trait ranked by winter wheat farmers, the index added points to crosses with parents that have desirable quality characteristics. Researchers collected seed from 10 individual plants in each selected headrow. Eight seeds from each plant entered NIR evaluation for protein content. The 50% of plants with highest protein from each selected headrow were planted in the same headrow nurseries in the fall of 2015. 

Index Score = IF(FHB index>10,-20,0)+(50/FHB index))+(IF(Heading Day after May1<38,0, Heading Day after May1*-0.5))+IF(Height<110,0,(Height*-1/20))+IF(RC(leaf disease<7,0,leaf disease*-1)+IF(leaf disease<5,(8/leaf disease),0)+IF(glume blotch=3,-5,IF(glume blotch=0,5,IF(glume blotch=1,3,0)))+(5 to 10 for parents with good qualities) Equation 1. (Excel 2013) 


Free threshing ancient grains 

The most commonly cited barrier for farmers in the Northeast to growing ancient grains is dehulling. In the spring of 2015, superior varieties ‘Lucille’, ‘ND Common’, and ‘Red Vernal’ were crossed with the free-threshing emmer variety, ‘Debra’, that is poorly adapted to the Northeast, in addition to a free-threshing emmer relative, Kamut®. While the genetic basis of the free-threshing trait in ‘Debra’ and ‘Kamut® is not fully understood, there is a possibility that orthologous genes of the recessive tg allele in Triticum aestivum L. (Jantasuriyarat et al. 2004) and/or the APETALA2 (AP2) gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (Faris et al. 2003) may be causative agents of threshing free from the glume. In the greenhouse, F1 progeny will be backcrossed to each parent during flowering in the summer of 2015. After selecting the seed from the BC1 generation that thresh free of glumes, we will grow out the selected seed in the greenhouse. During flowering, the BC1 generation will be backcrossed to the recurrent parents ‘Lucille’ and ‘ND Common’. The BC2 seed that threshes free will be selected in the spring of 2016 and planted in headrows for agronomic evaluation. 

In the fall of 2014, einkorn and spelt seeds from various F3 biparental populations that most easily separated from the hull were selected. After rolling in a simple rubber tube, small portions of the hulled seed broke free of the glume. These seeds were planted in F2:F3 headrows at two sites for winter hardiness, heading date, height, and FHB tolerance. In the fall of 2015, we repeated this process, selecting the most easily dehulled seed from superior performing headrows. This selected seed will be replanted as F2:F4 in the fall of 2015 for another year of FHB and agronomic evaluation. In the fall of 2016, the most easily dehulled F5 seed from top-performing headrows will be selected. Crosses will also be made between top performing einkorn varieties, such as ‘TM23’, and ‘AC Knowles’, a free-threshing einkorn cultivar developed in Ontario, Canada. 

After consultation with members of the project’s farmer advisory committee, it was decided to begin a pilot project for the production of quality assured seed of heritage wheat, focusing first on the variety Red Fife.   A quality assurance standard rather than that of certified seed was selected because many heritage varieties do not meet the eligibility requirements for varieties as outlined by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies.   Red Fife was selected because of consumer interest in this variety, the lack of uncontaminated Red Fife seed in our region, and the development of an “improved” Red Fife by the small grains breeding program at Cornell University through multi-year selection of a Red Fife population to conform to the earliest-recorded descriptions of the variety.  

In NY, two farmers who have been growing Red Fife for more than four years and who are interested in crop seed production began work with the research team and the NY State Seed Improvement Project (NYSIP) on the pilot project. The farmers were first made familiar with NYSIP’s process and requirements for the production of quality-assured seed. After having signed onto the process, the farmers each planted 2 bushels of improved Red Fife in the spring of 2015. The two fields were inspected by NYSIP and harvested in accordance with NYSIP’s instructions…


Quality Assurance Program participation

Three farmers planted the Breeder class seed of Improved Red Fife for the purpose of producing the QA Parent generation of seed. The Improved Red Fife on these farms then underwent field inspections by NYSIP personel. The inspections included :

  • meeting isolation requirements
  • varietal purity assessment
  • genetic off-type assessment
  • observation of weed species

These fields have been harvested and the seed is stored at the NYSIP seed cleaning facility at Cornell.

(Spring and summer of 2015). Upon cleaning, packaging and a suitable lab report, NYSIP will issue QA Parent labels for this seed. The QA Parent seed will then be available in spring of 2016 to farmers who wish to plant the next generation, QA seed, of Improved Red Fife. (spring and summer 2016)


  1. 1000 farmers in ME, NY, PA and VT learn about the project through newsletters, information given out at field days and mailings (Summer and Fall 2012).


  • Kissing Kucek, L. “Participatory Plant Breeding: Engaging farmers and gardeners to build resilient food systemsYale Food Systems Symposium. New Haven, CT, October 2015.

40 participants (including farmers, students, and food processors) learned about the coevolution of crops and humans, the importance of involving more people in breeding, and examples of participatory plant breeding.

  • Kissing Kucek, L and Atkins, P “Small Grain Variety Selection and Seed Production Workshop” University of Maine. Orono, ME, July 2015.

30 participants (primarily farmers) learned about the basics of small grain genetics and experimental design for on-farm breeding. Phil Atkins introduced the basics of seed certification and how to save quality seed on farm.

  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al. Variety Evaluation for Sourdough Baking and Sensory QualityNOFA-NY Dairy Field Crops Conference. Syracuse, NY, March 2015. 50 farmers learned about evaluation of varieties for sensory quality and receive an introduction to the participatory breeding program.
  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al. “Breeding Wheat for Organic SystemsGreat Lakes Wheat Workers. Cornell University, March 2015.

20 wheat breeders and researchers learned about traits of importance to organic farmers and participatory methods for selecting improved genotypes for organic production.

Methods and preliminary results from the SARE project were peer-reviewed and published open access online.

Methods and preliminary results from the SARE project were presented to 30 researchers and farmers at this symposium, held prior to the country’s largest gathering of organic farmers (Midwest Organic Agriculture Research and Education Conference).

  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al.A Grounded Guide to Gluten.” Eastern Canadian Organic Seed Growers Conference. Montreal, Quebec, November 2014.

Methods of the SARE grant were shared and exchanged with Canadian organic seed growers and researchers guiding the continents largest participatory plant breeding program (Bauta Family Initiate on Seed Security)

  • Two of the farmer cooperators participated in the field inspection of their Improved Red Fife seed production. They learned what the NYSIP inspector was looking for during the inspection. Factors for successful seed production as well as factors that would disqualify a field from certification were discussed. August 2015
  • Elizabeth Dyck, Organic Growers’ Research and Information-Sharing Network (OGRIN), introduced participants to the project and discussed methods of seed increase, organic management, and post-handling for high quality seed of rare heritage and ancient wheat varieties at the following events:

Growing Ancient Grains in NYS,” Small Grains for Specialty Markets: Grains for flour, Cornell Coop. Ext Workshop, Hamden, NY, June 2015.

Heritage Grains Resources,” Bailey Farm, Germansville, PA, June 2015.

Growing and Processing Ancient Grains,” Annual Northern Grain Growers Association Winter Conference, Essex, VT, March 2015.

Organic Production and Marketing of Ancient and Heritage Grains,” NOFA-NJ Annual Winter Conference, Lincroft, NJ, February 2015.

“Value-Added Grains: Progress in the Northeast,” Long Island Agricultural Forum, Riverhead, NY, January 2014.

On-Farm Research Networks, Specialty Grain Crops on Farms in the Northeastern U.S., Selecting the Right Grain Equipment,” Ecological Farmers of Ontario Conference, Orillia, Ontario, Canada, December 2014.

Integrating Grains and Cover Crops into Regional Food Systems,Farm-To-Table Conference, Weyers Cave, VA, December 2014.

Organic Farmer-Led Research on Value-Added Grains in the Northeast,” Eastern Canadian Organic Seed Growers Network Conference, Montreal, Canada, November 2014.

  • Darby, H. et al.Modern and Heirloom Wheat Evaluation and Participatory Development of New Varieties.” Atlantic Canada Organic Regional Network (ACORN) Grain Workshop. Prince Edward Island, February 2015. Methods and early results of the SARE grant were shared and exchanged with Canadian organic seed growers and researchers.
  • Darby, H. et al. “Modern, Heirloom, and Ancient Grain Evaluation and Participatory Development of New Varieties for Our Region.” 2015 Growing Organic Farm Conference. Harrisburg, PA, December 2015. Methods and early results of the SARE grant were shared and exchanged with organic growers and researchers in PA.


  1. 60 farmers participate in seed production training and learn about the key production, processing and legal aspects of producing certified seed. 30 of these farmers indicate they will produce seed of project varieties (Winter 2012-13 and Winter 2013-14). By the end of the grant, 25 farmers produce organic seed that passes state certified seed requirements (Harvest of 2015).


  • Kissing Kucek, L and Atkins, P “Small Grain Variety Selection and Seed Production Workshop” University of Maine. Orono, ME, July 2015.

30 participants (primarily farmers) learned about the basics of small grain genetics and experimental design for on-farm breeding. Phil Atkins introduced the basics of seed certification and how to save quality seed on farm.

  • Three of the eleven participating farmers in on-farm selection are organic seed suppliers for regional seed companies.  These farmers received training about quality organic seed through farm visits with researchers and workshops.  Moreover, they will serve as direct connections with regional organic seed companies to distribute new varieties and landraces developed through the on-farm selection program.
  • One farmer participating in on-farm selection has decided to become a seed producer, and is seeking further training by attending the 8th Annual Organic Seed Growers Meeting in Corvallis, Oregon in 2016
  • All three farmers growing QA Parent seed in 2015 plan to produce QA seed from the Parent seed in 2016. In addition, NYSIP plans to plant another, larger, QA Parent generation of Improved Red Fife in 2016 to satisfy the growing demand for this variety.
  • Through the use of a mobile grain processing unit, farmers Kit Kelley (Montour County, PA), Ron Springer (Chemung County, NY), Andy Nagerl (Tioga County, NY), and Walter Riesen (Schoharie County, NY) developed expertise in the use of a gravity table to produce seed-quality grain.
  • Farmer Henry Beiler (Northumberland County, PA), who participated in the project-sponsored seed-cleaning shortcourse at Ernst Seeds (Meadville, PA) in September 2014, continued to increase seed of three promising winter einkorn landraces from 160 pounds (produced in the 2013-2014 growing season) to 2000 lbs at harvest in 2015, resulting in the distribution of cleaned seed to 17 growers in PA, NY, NJ, and OH for further seed increase and observation. Farmer Kit Kelley further increased seed of the “Chocolate” black emmer variety to over 1000 pounds and of four French heritage varieties, which have now been planted to field-scale strips for combine-harvest in 2016. Farmer Omar Beiler (Lancaster County, PA), in consultation with OGRIN and other farmers working with the project, in 2014-2015 purchased an air-screen cleaner, indent separator, and gravity table to process his seed and has increased seed of three heritage varieties from the NY State collection sufficiently to plant 1 or more acre fields of each.
  • Farmer David Freeman (Steuben County, NY), one of those participating in the Red Fife Quality- Assured seed project, has committed to producing increased acreage of improved Red Fife seed for the project in 2016.


  1. 120 farmers attend selection workshops and 10 farmers establish successful trials with early-generation breeding populations (Summer 2013, Summer 2014).
  • 11 farmers participated in selection of early generation breeding populations during 2015.  Farmers made selections based on priority criteria for their organic operation, including weed competitive ability, straw quantity, height, fusarium head blight tolerance, etc.
  • 30 farmers selected early generation populations established at University of Maine during a field day in July of 2015.
  • 42 farmers participated in a grain workshop held at the University of Vermont in July and participated in selecting early generations that had been established at the research farm.


  1. 40 farmers participate in selection of early-generation breeding populations (Summer 2013, Summer 2014), and 10-20 of the most promising populations are advanced to larger on-farm selection trials (Summer 2015).
  • 11 farmers participated in selection of early generation breeding populations during 2015.  Farmers made selections based on priority criteria for their organic operation, including weed competitive ability, straw quantity, height, fusarium head blight tolerance, etc.
  • An additional grant was obtained evaluate F7 breeding lines developed by farmers on-farms and on-research stations.


  1. A data-sharing system for on-farm selection is established and used among states. A sustainable model of collaboration is developed so that on-farm selection can continue after the termination of the grant (throughout, to be completed before harvest 2015).
  • An additional grant was obtained to host a visioning session with organic farmers and food processors to determine the future of organic wheat breeding in the Northeast. The session will take place in June of 2016.


Publications/outreach—describe your outreach and education efforts, including any publications, web content, or other media products that grew out of the project, and assess their effectiveness. Include a brief description of any field days or other events, and assess their attendance, effectiveness, and follow-up, if applicable.


  • Kissing Kucek, L. “Participatory Plant Breeding: Engaging farmers and gardeners to build resilient food systemsYale Food Systems Symposium. New Haven, CT, October 2015.

40 participants (including farmers, students, and food processors) learned about the coevolution of crops and humans, the importance of involving more people in breeding, and examples of participatory plant breeding.

  • Kissing Kucek, L and Atkins, P “Small Grain Variety Selection and Seed Production Workshop” University of Maine. Orono, ME, July 2015.

30 participants (primarily farmers) learned about the basics of small grain genetics and experimental design for on-farm breeding. Phil Atkins introduced the basics of seed certification and how to save quality seed on farm.

  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al. Variety Evaluation for Sourdough Baking and Sensory QualityNOFA-NY Dairy Field Crops Conference. Syracuse, NY, March 2015. 50 farmers learned about evaluation of varieties for sensory quality and receive an introduction to the participatory breeding program.
  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al. “Breeding Wheat for Organic SystemsGreat Lakes Wheat Workers. Cornell University, March 2015.

20 wheat breeders and researchers learned about traits of importance to organic farmers and participatory methods for selecting improved genotypes for organic production.

Methods and preliminary results from the SARE project were peer-reviewed and published open access online.

Methods and preliminary results from the SARE project were presented to 30 researchers and farmers at this symposium, held prior to the country’s largest gathering of organic farmers (Midwest Organic Agriculture Research and Education Conference).

  • Kissing Kucek, L. et al.A Grounded Guide to Gluten.” Eastern Canadian Organic Seed Growers Conference. Montreal, Quebec, November 2014.

Methods of the SARE grant were shared and exchanged with Canadian organic seed growers and researchers guiding the continent’s largest participatory plant breeding program (Bauta Family Initiate on Seed Security)

  • Kissing Kucek, L. Customizing small grain varieties for your farm. 2015 UMaine Sustainable Agriculture Field Day, July 16, Stillwater, Maine. 45 attendees.
  • Mudge, S., S. O’Donnell, and E. Mallory. 2015. Customizing spring wheat varieties through on-farm selection. 2015 Maine Grain Conference, March 13, Bangor, Maine. 75 attendees.
  • O’Donnell, S. 2015. Producing quality assured foundation seed of Cornell improved Red Fife spring wheat. Rusted Rooster Farm Tour, July 23, 2015. 18 attendees.
  • Methods to increase rare seed (i.e., heritage wheat varieties and emmer and einkorn landraces) and organic production methods for these crops were presented by Elizabeth Dyck of OGRIN to over 200 participants at workshops and field days held in NY, PA, NJ, VA, and eastern Canada.
  • Video of the field inspection process for quality-assured Red Fife seed was shot at a NY farm and will be edited and made available on the web in 2016 as one in a series on organic production of high-quality grain seed.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

  • As a result of this project, three farmers have started a Quality Assurance program for production of Cornell improved Red Fife spring wheat seed for local markets. In 2015, these farmers received training and one-on-one guidance from the New York Seed Improvement Program manager and grew quality assured seed for Cornell’s Foundation seed program. In 2016, these farmers will purchase Foundation seed from Cornell and produce seed for a local seed company.
  • Discussions among the project coPI and farmer advisory board members in Maine led to the re-activation of the state’s small grain certification program. The project provided opportunities for Maine’s small grain inspector and the Director of the Animal and Plant Health Division of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to educate farmers and ag service providers about the small grain certification program. One thousand acres of small grain seed were certified in 2014.
  • The Maine team used the selection skills that they developed from participating in this project to begin adapting a promising Danish spring wheat population (Dalerne Mix) to central Maine.
  • Eleven farmers are were trained in participatory plant breeding and have successfully selected advanced lines of spring and winter wheat that will be evaluated in 2016.
  • Through semi-structured interviews, farmers ranked the traits that they found to be most important in a wheat variety for their organic farms. Most farmers valued weed competitive ability, height / straw quantity, and lodging resistance for spring wheat; Fusarium head blight tolerance, protein content, baking quality, and flavor for winter wheat
  • 41 new populations of spring wheat have been developed by organic farmers from New York to Maine. After testing these populations in 2016, the superior varieties will be available for variety release. Once released, these varieties can immediately boost performance, sustainability, and profitability of organic farms in the region. Moreover, the varieties will help build local grain economies that are emerging throughout the Northeast. Similar quantities of winter wheat varieties developed by farmers will be tested for release in 2017.


Dr. Julie Dawson

[email protected]
Postdoctoral research associate
Cornell University
417 Bradfield Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office Phone: 6072551197
Phil Atkins

[email protected]
New York Seed Improvement Project
103C Leland Lab
Ithaca, NY 14853
Office Phone: 6072559869
Dr. Elizabeth Dyck

[email protected]
Founder and Coordinator
1124 County Rd 38
Bainbridge, NY 13733
Office Phone: 6078956913
Dr. Heather Darby

[email protected]
Associate Professor of Agronomy
278 S. Main Street
St. Albans, VT 05478
Office Phone: 8025246501
Dr. Ellen Mallory

[email protected]
assistant professor and extension specialist
University of Maine
495 College Avenue
Orono, ME 04469
Office Phone: 2075812942
Dr. Michael Davis

[email protected]
Farm Manager
48 Sayward Lane
Willsboro, NY 12996
Office Phone: 5189637492