2001 Annual Report for LS01-120
Long-Term, Large-Scale Systems Research Directed Toward Agricultural Sustainability
An experiment involving five systems began in September of 1998 with cover crop rye planted over the entire 82 ha site. Systems include three agroecosystems ( BMP standard, organic and integrated crop/animal) , a successional ecosystem and a plantation forestry system. Systems have been established and 3-yr data collected and summarized. During the current phase which includes SARE support funding systems are anticipated to separate with respect to variables being measured.
Objectives/Performance Targets
Evaluate the transitional changes that will begin manifestation during years 4-6 on the five, diverse systems: three agricultural, a successional and a plantation forestry system.
Expand the scope of the experiment beyond the initiation phase by nesting of other experiments within.
Strengthen existing innovative educational programs by elaborating the intensive internships in sustainable agriculture for undergraduates, field days, tours, faculty visits and a web site.
Continue to build our team of scientists and stakeholder groups to insure that relevant, critical questions are addressed.
It is too early to have definitive data on changes taking place in the systems other than that reported in project LS98-094. Two new nested studies are being planned for initiation in 2002; one focusing on the influence of natural areas and field borders on weed diversity and abundance and a second focusing on carbon cycling within the pasture ecosystem An intensive internship program will occur in the summer of 2002 with the first planning meeting 01-15-02. A special workshop was held for CEFS stakeholders during July of 2001. This activity will continue to be a regular feature of our project in the coming years. Data from the first 3-years of the study are being reported in January 2002 under Project # LS98-094.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
This project will provide information, facilities and leadership to implement the integration of sustainable agriculture research, demonstration and training activities for the benefit of farmers and citizens of the state and region.
Associate Professor Plant Pathology
box 7616
Raleigh, nc 27695
Office Phone: 9195156698
Assistant Professor of Soil Science
Greensboro, nc 27411
Office Phone: 3363347779
Associate Professor of Entomolgy
North Carolina State University
Unit 1 840 Method Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27695
Office Phone: 9195151651