Sustainable Vegetable Production in Rural Mississippi

2002 Annual Report for LS01-125

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2001: $133,187.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2003
Region: Southern
State: Mississippi
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Franklin Chukwuma
Alcorn State University

Sustainable Vegetable Production in Rural Mississippi


Conventional monocroppoing system supports higher yields of bell pepper, collard green, sweet potato and tomato crops compared to transitional and organic intercropping systems. However, sales from the herb companion (sweet basil, sage and dill) when considered made transitional and organic cropping systems more comparative to conventional monocropping. Compared to other treatments the organic cropping system indicated: (a) significant reduction in nitrate-nitrogen and orthophosphate level and (b) increased fruit K, Ca, Fe and Zn and soil extractable P, K, and Mg.

Objectives/Performance Targets

  1. To determine the growth, yield potential and nutritive quality of fresh vegetable crops grown in a sustainable farming system.

    To determine the effect of sustainable crop production practices on the soil, physical and chemical properties and water quality.

    To determine the requirements, costs and returns for vegetables produced in a low-input sustainable farming system and to compare these costs and returns with those coventionally grown.


Work has been completed on the three objectives. However, with the completion of the current growing season more data with photo documentation will be generated.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Findings were presented at the Small Farm Conference where over 200 hundred farmers were in attendance. Many small farmers at the conference indicated their support of the study and their willingness to engage in such farming practices. Also, workshops on sustainable agriculture were conducted for Alcorn State University Extension Personnel to enable them to support their extension programming in this area.


Patrick Igbokwe

Professor of Horticulture
Alcorn State University
1000 ASU Drive #625
Alcorn State, MS 39096-7500
Office Phone: 6018776542
Liang Huam

Professor of Agriculture Economics
Alcorn State University
1000 ASU Drive #750
Alcorn State, MS 39096-7500
Office Phone: 6018776531