Sustaining Ecological and Economic Diversity Among Limited Resource Landholders by Expanding Opportunities for Management of Productive Woodlands

2004 Annual Report for LS01-126

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2001: $180,431.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2005
Region: Southern
State: North Carolina
Principal Investigator:
Sarah Warren
North Carolina State University

Sustaining Ecological and Economic Diversity Among Limited Resource Landholders by Expanding Opportunities for Management of Productive Woodlands


Combining productive and sustainable woodlands with farming systems raises quality of life and diversity, especially for landowners not always able to take full advantage of forest management opportunities. Our two goals are to strengthen the capacities of limited-resource, traditionally under-served forest landholders to sustainably and profitably manage their forest resources, and to identify opportunities for and constraints on their participation in timber and alternative forest-products sectors. Working with voluntary organizations, community leaders, and local and state agencies, the project team focuses on seven counties: Duplin, Halifax, Northampton, Robeson, Sampson and Warren counties in North Carolina, and Brunswick county in Virginia.

Objectives/Performance Targets

  • Objective 1: to develop and apply methods for identifying and contacting landholders.

    Objective 2: to describe and analyze the preferences, opportunities, and constraints that inform decision-making about woodland management within farming systems.

    Objective 3: to analyze and select technically proven options for woodland management that are sustainable and appropriate to farm family goals and economic systems.

    Objective 4: to extend these options to the client population through education and outreach.


In 2004, the Sustainable Woodlands project has focused on completion of objectives 1, 2, and 3, and the continuation of objective 4. In-person surveys of limited resource landowners in the study counties have been completed, and follow-up calls to absentee owners and non-respondents continue to be made. Results and analysis are expected to appear in 2005. Respondents received outreach publications during the survey interview, and those who have requested additional materials have been provided information and contacts. This survey continues to be supplemented and enriched by listening sessions, landowner interviews, professional contacts, and collaboration with our NGO partners.

The two publication series, WoodWise and Tree Tips, are now available in both hard copy and on our website ( WoodWise titles include “Guide to Consulting Foresters” and “Guide to Selling Timber”. These are designed for use by both landowners and outreach personnel. The Tree Tips series publications are simpler and shorter, including “Getting Started With Your Woods,” “Getting Help from a Consulting Forester,” “Goods from your Woods,” “Making a Profit from Pinestraw,” and “Making Money from Hunting Leases.” Over 5,000 copies have been distributed throughout North Carolina and Virginia. An office poster and pocket guide “key” to forestry assistance have also been distributed to outreach personnel and community organizations in North Carolina. To date, three of the Tree Tips series have been translated into Spanish (available in .pdf format), and the necessary revisions for use of all publications in Virginia have been completed. Still in production are a “Guide to Financial Assistance” and a “Glossary of Common Forestry Terms.” The publications have been thoroughly evaluated for both content and design by forest landowners (local and absentee) and forestry professionals. One graduate student completed a master’s thesis on the process of adapting, writing, designing, and evaluating these publications.

Other educational and outreach activities to landowners include continued responses to inquiries received through the project’s toll-free telephone number, and meetings with groups and individuals concerning heir property, woodland management, and related topics. For forestry professionals, the Sustainable Woodlands project team broadcast a teleconference throughout North Carolina (June 2004) on “Reaching the Underserved Landowner”; 88 foresters participated and the proceedings and slides from the teleconference have been distributed. Currently consulting foresters in the study counties are being surveyed regarding their experiences with and interest in working with owners of relatively small woodland acreages. A presentation about the project was also made to the State Outreach Council members, who have also received copies of the outreach publications.

During the remainder of the project period, field days are being planned in the study counties. The survey results will be analyzed, and interviews with landowners completed.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

We continue to raise awareness of issues concerning limited-resource traditionally under-served forest landholders, to respond to inquiries about forest management and marketing, to increase press and other media coverage, and to work around the difficulties associated with identifying limited-resource forest landholders in the study counties. During 2004 we have focused almost entirely on survey preparation and administration and public outreach and education.


Savi Horne
Executive Director
Land Loss Prevention Project
P.O. Box 179
Durham, NC 27702
Office Phone: 9196825969
Gary Grant
Executive Director
Concerned Citizens of Tillery
P.O. Box 61
Tillery, NC 27887
Office Phone: 2528263017
Frederick Cubbage
North Carolina State University
Box 8008
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
Raleigh, NC 27695-8008
Office Phone: 9195157789
Susan Moore
Director of Educational Outreach
North Carolina State University
Box 8003
Department of Forestry
Raleigh, NC 27695-8003
Office Phone: 9195153184
Benjamin Gray, Jr.
Assistant Professor
North Carolina A&T State University
A-27, C.H. Moore Agricultural Research Facility
Department of Agribusiness
Greensboro, NC 27411
Office Phone: 3363347072
Godfrey Chima Ejimakor
Associate Professor
North Carolina A&T State University
Department of Agricultural Economics and Education
145 Carver Hall, 1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27411
Office Phone: 3363347943
Rick Hamilton
Extension Specialist, Department Extension Leader
North Carolina State University
Box 8003
Department of Forestry
Raleigh, NC 27695-8003
Office Phone: 9195155574
Robert Williamson
Natural Resources Specialist
North Carolina A&T State University
P.O. Box 21928
Cooperative Extension Program
Greensboro, NC 27420
Office Phone: 3363347957
Erin Sills
Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
Box 8008
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
Raleigh, NC 27695-8008
Office Phone: 9195157784