1991 Annual Report for LWD91-002
An Economic Evaluation of the MSU Crop Rotations On-Farm Research, Demonstration Legume, Cereal Rotations Compared with Conventional Rotations
This research proposal is designed to do an economic evaluation of selected on-farm demonstrations of legume/cereal rotations developed by Dr. James R.Sims at four locations in Montana. These legume/cereal rotations will be compared to conventional rotations used by Montana farmers. The procedure used will be to develop budgets and farm plans for each location. The purpose of the research will be to compare the economic efficiency of the legume/cereal rotations with the conventional rotations.
(1) Identify the costs and returns data for the crop enterprises.
(2) Develop enterprise budgets to estimate costs and returns.
(3) Develop farm budgets to compare the efficiency of the legume/grain rotations with conventional rotations.