Kansas Annual State Report

Project Overview

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2017: $110,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2018
Grant Recipient: Kansas State University
Region: North Central
State: Kansas
State Coordinator:
Kerri Ebert
Kansas SARE

Information Products


Not commodity specific


  • Animal Production: manure management, rangeland/pasture management
  • Crop Production: cover crops, cropping systems, food product quality/safety
  • Education and Training: extension, networking
  • Farm Business Management: farmers' markets/farm stands
  • Sustainable Communities: local and regional food systems


    Kansas SARE PDP is part of K-State Research and Extension (KSRE) based at the main campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas as part of the Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Crops (KCSAAC) in the Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) administrative unit. Guidance for Kansas SARE PDP is provided by an advisory committee with oversight by KSRE ANR administration. The Kansas SARE PDP coordinator provides support, cooperation, and training to regional (north central) and national SARE goals, activities, and requests.

    The primary target audience for professional development programming in the 2017-18 budget cycle is Extension professionals -- county/district Extension agents and area/state specialists. Secondary audiences are NRCS, FSA and Conservation District professionals, NGOs, agriculture educators, and graduate students.

    The state of Kansas is experiencing significant tax revenue shortfalls resulting in a callback of extension operating funds from the university and counties. While the situation is unfortunate and hopefully short-lived, KS SARE continues to experience an increase in requests for small dollar amounts to attend professional improvement trainings.

    Project objectives:

    2017-18 Kansas SARE initiatives are:

    1. Carbon, energy, and climate
    2. Local food and speciality crops
    3. Applied sustainable agriculture
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.