Project Overview
- Agronomic: corn, sorghum (milo)
- Animal Products: dairy
- Animal Production: feed/forage, feed rations
- Crop Production: application rate management
- Education and Training: demonstration, extension, on-farm/ranch research
- Farm Business Management: budgets/cost and returns
- Production Systems: general crop production
Proposal abstract:
Project objectives from proposal:
We propose planting BMR-SS plots at four farms in southwestern New Hampshire that currently also grow silage corn. The cooperating dairy farms range in size from 43 to 500 milking cows, and from 180 to 1900 acres of cropland. The dominant soils on each farm vary from moderately well-drained upland soils to well-drained and highly productive soils in the Connecticut River Valley. Each farm will plant between three and five acres of BMR-SS and manage the crop according to current recommendations established by Thomas Kilcer from Cornell Cooperative Extension for optimal dry matter yield and forage quality: we will sow the crop at 65-70 pounds of seed per acre once the soil temperature reaches 60oF. We will harvest the crop at a height of 36-48 inches, supplying each cutting with 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre (applied as manure at planting and as urea after first and second cuttings). We will ensile harvested forage in bunker silos or in wrapped round bales, depending on the system used on each cooperating farm.
At each farm we will determine the cost of producing both BMR-SS and silage corn by recording seed, labor, fertilizer, and herbicide inputs for both crops. We will measure dry matter yields for both BMR-SS and silage corn using a set of portable scales (MD400 Portable Weighing System, General Electrodynamics Corp.) and a Koster moisture tester. Three weeks after ensiling, we will submit feed samples to DairyOne Forage Laboratory for forage analysis for both BMR-SS and corn silage on each farm in order to determine feed value.
We will use forage analysis data and the National Research Council’s computer model for balancing feed rations to compare income over feed costs for supporting each farm’s current level of milk production using rations based on either corn silage or BMR-SS. This will enable us to compare BMR-SS with silage corn in yield, cost of production, feed value, and ability to fit into cropping systems on New Hampshire dairy farms.