Project Overview
- Fruits: peaches, general tree fruits
- Education and Training: demonstration, extension, on-farm/ranch research, participatory research
- Pest Management: biological control, biorational pesticides, chemical control
Proposal abstract:
Project objectives from proposal:
Integrated strategy. In performing this project, our overall goal is to demonstrate to growers that highly efficient and effective disease management of peach rusty spot is possible through a combination of optimized application timing and judicious use of biofungicides. Relative to current management practices, successful implementation of the integrated program will result in a reduction of 50 to 75% of the conventional fungicide without any loss in disease control. This program results in less fungicide applied to edible fruit (improved food safety), less fungicide applied to the environment, and an improved profitability for commercial growers. Furthermore, since fewer applications are required and less toxic biofungicides are employed, the risk of applicator exposure is also reduced.
This proposal is a continuation of the last six years of experimentation on the epidemiology and management of rusty spot of peach. As such, it represents the implementation phase for the strategies that have been developed. Grower cooperators will apply several integrated disease management programs to portions of peach blocks known to have a history of rusty spot. Rutgers research and extension personnel will monitor the epidemics in each of these treatments to provide data for statistical comparison. These results, along with cooperator testimonials, will be used in extension presentations to enhance and stimulate further adoption by all growers.