Comparison of Stockpiled Bermudagrass + Annual Ryegrass and Traditional Hay-Only Winter Feeding Practices

2004 Annual Report for OS04-021

Project Type: On-Farm Research
Funds awarded in 2004: $14,645.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2007
Region: Southern
State: Texas
Principal Investigator:
Larry Redmon
Texas Cooperative Extension

Comparison of Stockpiled Bermudagrass + Annual Ryegrass and Traditional Hay-Only Winter Feeding Practices


The project to compare the economic viability of using stockpiled bermudagrass plus ryegrass (BG+RG) as a livestock winter feeding program versus traditional hay-only (H) feeding is nearing completing for Year 1 of the project. At both sites late-season (late August) nitrogen applications were made to optimize bermudagrass accumulation in deferred pastures. In December, cattle in the BGRG treatment group began grazing the stockpiled bermudagrass, while cattle in the H treatment group began receiving hay. Forage biomass samples were obtained from the BGRG pastures prior to the initiation of grazing and analyzed for nutritive value. Every 30 days, pastures were sampled for nutritive value and body condition scores (BCS) were obtained on cattle from both treatment groups at both project sites. In February 2005 at the Panola County site, cattle in the BGRG treatment group began grazing ryegrass, while the cattle in the H treatment group continued to receive hay. In March 2005, cattle in the BGRG treatment group at the Wood County site began to graze ryegrass. Prior to the initiation of grazing the ryegrass pastures, forage biomass samples were obtain and the samples subsequently analyzed for nutritive value. Every 30 days, ryegrass pastures have been sampled for nutritive value and BCS have been obtained on cattle from both treatment groups at both project sites. The project is nearing the completion of the winter feeding period for Year 1 at both sites and data for forage nutritive value, BCS, and economics will be analyzed this summer.

Objectives/Performance Targets

The objectives of this project are to evaluate the economics and animal performance of two different types of livestock wintering programs and to determine the feasibility of using stockpiled bermudagrass in association with annual ryegrass to reduce the overall costs of wintering beef cattle in the Southeast US.


Year 1 data collection is nearing completion. The protocol for the project has already been disseminated to the public at various educational programs and results of the project are highly anticipated by the target audience. An on-line publication has been developed for producers, county extension agents, and NRCS personnel for use in establishing the winter feeding program at their own location.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Data collection and analysis for Year 1 is not complete but will be forthcoming this summer. Analysis of Year 1 data may result in some slight modification of the program for Year 2.


Doug McKinney

County Extension Agent Panola County
Carthage, TX
Jason Cleere
Asst Prof and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist
Texas Cooperative Extension
PO Box 38
Overton, TX 75684
Office Phone: 9038346191
Gerald Evers
Professor Forage Management
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
PO Box 100
Overton, TX 75684
Office Phone: 9038346191
Dean Hopkins

Panola County Beef Cattle Producer
Gary, TX
Jerry Atkinson

Wood County Beef Cattle Producer
Mineola, TX