Local Feed Formulation for Goats

2011 Annual Report for OW10-322

Project Type: Professional + Producer
Funds awarded in 2010: $41,485.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: Western
State: Guam
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Manuel Duguies
Cooperative Extension Service

Local Feed Formulation for Goats


Pasture and grazing areas for goat populations on Guam need development in terms of being the source of high quality protein in their daily diet. Grain feeding is not generally practiced among local goat producers because of the high cost of imported commercial goat feed.

Initial results of this project have shown that local feed materials such as breadfruits, taro and coconuts can be processed for goat feed. Five different varieties of forages have also been tested for nutrient content, palatability and acceptance to the goats. Feeding trials utilizing these local feed materials demonstrated that goats improved in their general body conditions and health.

Objectives/Performance Targets

1. Establish formulated rations and feeding guidelines for young, growing and mature goats.

2. Showcase the important role of improved nutrition on growth rate and production of goats.

3. Educate producers on resourcefulness and dependence on local resources in their farm operations.

4. Sustain goat production through local feed resources and better forage quality. Secure sources of protein through local resources, efforts and low input technology. This is the long-term objective of the grant.


* Several feeding trials on goats on different kinds of forages: pigeon pea, mulberry, Leucaena sp., Moringa sp., sweet potato vines.

* Several feeding trials on different kinds of goat rations using local feed materials such as taro, breadfruit, coconut and Leucaena sp. Different proportions of local feed materials and commercial goat feed were utilized.

* Demonstration plots of six different forages at the University of Guam campus and at the Guam Department of Agriculture Station.

* Nutrient analysis of ten varieties of forages and grasses.

* Nutrient analysis of five different goat rations from local feed materials.

* Presentation of initial results of grant in a Sweet Potato Festival in Rota, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. Initial results were also discussed in my Animal Science course, Fall 2011.

* Seedlings and cuttings of forages were propagated for distribution to goat producers.

* Publication on forage and goat rations are in “draft” stage.

* Two goat producers visited the Small Ruminant Center at the Central Luzon State University and one of the largest dairy/meat goat farms in Luzon Island. They observed the different goat management and production systems of these centers utilizing high quality forages as the main feed source.

Work To Do:

* Evaluate and analyze additional two forages, namely Indigofera sp. and Sesbania sp.

*Finalize publications and other educational materials.

* Conduct a regional workshop on goat productions in collaboration with other goat production activities with Northern Mariana College.

* Gather more data on biomass, adaptation and diseases of these different forages.

* Continue on-farm feeding trials with forages and local feed material.

* Conduct tour of project/farm sites.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

The result of the nutrient analysis of the goat rations formulated out of local feed materials and the different forages is new data, highly informative and educational for producers and extension agents. The recommendations based on the observations from the project are good guidelines for producers in terms of selecting what forages they will propagate and feed for their goats.

Several producers who have visited the feeding trial sites have positive comments on the effects of utilizing local feeds and supplementing forages for daily goat diet.

One producer prepared a field and planted a row of pigeon pea to supplement nutritional needs of his goats.

Adaption of local research-based information and practices can be a challenge for producers in the Pacific region. Their farm resources are so limited to implement changes in spite of potential benefits.


Larry Taitano

[email protected]
P.O. Box 20875
Barrigada, GU 96921
Office Phone: 6716538899
John Benavente

P.O. Box 25229 GMF
Barrigada, GU 96921