2013 Annual Report for OW13-034
Enhancing the sustainability of grass-fed beef production in Hawaii via carcass and meat quality improvement
Interest in locally-produced, grass-fed beef has increased tremendously among the general public, chefs and agricultural community in Hawaii as a sustainable model for beef production and also to increase the level of food self-sufficiency for the isolated island state. Despite this interest, our studies and others have shown that meat quality of grass-fed beef is inconsistent, potentially limiting the long-term economic sustainability of grass-fed beef production. It was identified that information on carcass and meat quality characteristics and the nutritional quality of pastures on which grass-fed beef are produced will help to develop strategies of improving carcass and meat quality characteristics of grass-fed beef in Hawaii. Therefore, the project was designed 1) to evaluate growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of pasture-finished cattle in selected local ranches of Hawaii and 2) to evaluate characteristics of pastures on which cattle are finished in collaboration with local ranchers.
During the first year of the project period, about 180 grass-fed ribeye steak samples aged two to three weeks were collected from six major ranches producing grass-fed beef and stored frozen until analysis. The Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) values of those steaks cooked by water-bath method at 70oC were measured. For comparison of the WBSF value of those steaks with that of “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steak, thirteen “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steaks were purchased from a local supermarket, and WBSF values were measured. Results showed variations in carcass weight and WBSF value among ranches. The WBSF value of local grass-fed beef was much more variable than that of “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steaks, indicating a need for efforts to reduce the variation in tenderness of local grass-fed beef. Data on growth performance and carcass characteristics of participating ranches and forage nutritional characteristics were obtained, and data analysis is under progress.
Objectives/Performance Targets
1) To evaluate growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of pasture-finished cattle in selected local ranches of Hawaii
2) To evaluate characteristics of pastures on which cattle are finished
The principal investigator (PI, Dr. Yong Soo Kim), a collaborating faculty member (Dr. Rajesh Jha) and extension agent (Mr. Glen Fukumoto) together visited participating ranchers in Hawaii Island (Mrs. Jill Mattos, Mr. Pono von Holt, Mr. Jerry Egami and Mr. Steven DeLuz) to explain the project to the ranchers, to understand ranchers’ operation of grass-fed beef production, and to discuss a sample collection scheme in June, 2013. Investigators, including Dr. Yong Soo Kim, Dr. Mark Thorne, and Mr. Glen Fukumoto, had a meeting to discuss the forage characteristics in the area, where the grass-fed beef production is carried out, and grass samples were collected in December, 2013 for analysis from a participating ranch, where little information is available on nutritional characteristics of forage.
About 60 grass-fed ribeye steaks samples aged between two to three weeks were collected and stored frozen by January 2014. The Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) values of those steaks cooked by water-bath method at 70oC were measured. Another 120 steaks samples aged between two to three weeks were collected and stored frozen by June 2014, and WBSF values of those steaks cooked by the same method were measured. For comparison of the WBSF value of those steaks with that of “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steak, thirteen “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steaks were purchased from a local supermarket, and WBSF values were measured. Results show that a large variation exists in carcass weight and WBSF value among ranches. The WBSF value of local grass-fed beef was much more variable than that of “USDA Certified Tender” ribeye steaks, indicating a need for efforts to reduce the variation in tenderness of local grass-fed beef.
Data on growth performance and carcass characteristics of participating ranches were obtained, and data analysis is under progress. Data on forage nutritional characteristics were also partially obtained for analysis.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
An invited presentation entitled “Grass-fed beef in Hawaii: A Review on Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics “ was made by Dr. Yong Soo Kim at the 5th Korea-US International Joint Symposium sponsored by the National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Agency, Korea (October 28, 2013). The presentation introduced grass-fed beef as a part of sustainable agriculture in Hawaii.
A workshop with the title of “A Primer on Local Beef” sponsored by the Hawaii Culinary Education Foundation was presented by Mr. Glen Fukumoto to 22 chefs and industry personnel (April 7, 2014). The workshop also introduced the important role of grass-fed beef in sustainable agriculture in Hawaii.
Extension agent
University of Hawaii
Kona Extension Office, 79-7381 Mamalahoa Highway
Kealakekua, HI 96750
Office Phone: 8083220165
Hawaii Beef Producers, LLC
One Old Plantation Rd.
Paauilo, HI 96776
Office Phone: 8087761109
Extension agent
University of Hawaii
Kauai Extension Office
State Office Building, 3060 Eiwa Street, Room 210
Lihue, HI 96766
Office Phone: 8082743472
Extension agent
University of Hawaii
Komohana Research and Extension Center
875 Komohana Street
Hilo, HI 96720
Office Phone: 8089698218
Assistant Animal Scientist
University of Hawaii
1955 East-West Rd
Honolulu, HI 96821
Office Phone: 8089564122
Associate Animal Scientist
University of Hawaii
Kamuela Extension Office
67-5189 Kamamalu Road
Kamuela, HI 96743
Office Phone: 8088876183
Kamehameha School
78-6831 Alii Dr., Suite 235
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Office Phone: 8083225310