Using the Wyoming Ranch Tools site to evaluate selected Western SARE research projects to assess economic sustainability for individual producers

Project Overview

Project Type: Local Ed & Demo (formerly RGR)
Funds awarded in 2020: $61,160.00
Projected End Date: 12/30/2022
Host Institution Award ID: G149-21-W7906
Grant Recipients: Master Stockman Consulting; Utah State University
Region: Western
State: Utah
Principal Investigator:
Bridger Feuz
Master Stockman Consulting

Information Products


  • Agronomic: grass (misc. perennial)
  • Animals: bovine, sheep


  • Animal Production: feed/forage, grazing management


    With this project Master Stockman Consulting (MSC) will teach ranchers in Utah methods and tools for evaluating research based projects to see if they are economically sustainable in their individual operations through a 3-phase approach.  This project will utilize 4 previously funded Western SARE projects (GW17-040, FW18-013, GW17-059, OW10-309) with direct application for Utah producers and combine them with analysis tools from the Wyoming Ranch Tools website.  Phase 1 – MSC will partner with USU Extension to offer 4 producer workshops throughout Utah.  MSC has partnered with USU Extension for the last 8 years to offer workshops with annual attendance of over 120 producers.

    Workshop Outline

    • Using Wyoming Ranch Tools to evaluate potential changes (can you afford to incorporate recommended practices)
    • Dormant Season Grazing using Protein Supplementation
      • Combine with stocking rate calculator and partial budget tool
      • Based on SARE project GW17-040
    • Fodder Beats as Late Season Forage
      • Combine with relative value of feed calculator and partial budget tool
      • Based on SARE project FW18-013
    • Understanding Cattle Diets using Advanced Plant DNA Technology
      • Combine with partial budget
      • Based on SARE project GW17-059
    • Reducing Nitrogen Fertilization by Inter-seeding Legumes
      • Combine with AUM value calculator and Partial Budget
      • Based on SARE project OW10-309

    Phase 2 – MSC will partner with USU Extension and at least 4 producers to implement “on ranch” demonstrations.  Phase 3 – MSC will create 4 YouTube “How to” videos documenting the “on ranch” demonstrations and using the Wyoming Ranch Tools to estimate economic sustainability.  Each of the 4 YouTube videos will also be available in Spanish.  This 3-phased approach will effectively take 4 Western SARE projects from Research to Grass Roots while also giving producers tools for evaluating other research projects.

    Project objectives:

    Master Stockman Consulting has ambitious objectives for this project.  However, given past experience MSC feels the objectives are attainable.

    • Increase participants understanding of Western SARE Projects and the importance of sustainability research.
    • Increase participants understanding of the 4 projects.
      • Dormant Season Grazing using Protein Supplementation
        • Based on SARE project GW17-040
      • Fodder Beats as Late Season Forage
        • Based on SARE project FW18-013
      • Understanding Cattle Diets using Advanced Plant DNA Technology
        • Based on SARE project GW17-059
      • Reducing Nitrogen Fertilization by Inter-seeding Legumes
        • Based on SARE project OW10-309
    • Introduce participants to user friendly tools that enable them to make more informed ranch management decisions.
    • Increase the use of decision support tools in evaluating implementation of research projects.
    • Increase the use of decision support tools in evaluating diversification strategies.
    • Increase the economic sustainability of livestock producers by use of decision support tools for making economic ranch management decisions.
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.