2023-2024 MODEL STATE PROGRAM - Assistant

Project Overview

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2024: $33,000.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2025
Grant Recipient: Kentucky State University
Region: Southern
State: Kentucky
State Coordinators:
Jerusha Lay, DVM
Kentucky State University
Dr. Timothy Woods
University of Kentucky


No commodities identified


No practices identified

Proposal abstract:

Now in its 26th year, The Third Thursday Thing (Third Thursdays) features monthly sustainable agriculture training sessions. The sessions take place at the Kentucky State University (KSU) Harold R. Benson Research and Demonstration Farm on the third Thursday of every month with no session in December. Agricultural professionals and farm leaders throughout the Commonwealth and surrounding states are the target audience for the trainings. These trainings are structured for multiple learning types, with lecture style presentations followed by hands on demonstration/activities. KSU has also added a Fourth Wednesday program on sustainable beef cattle production and marketing based on requests from the agricultural community. Third Thursdays have become an institution in Kentucky’s professional development educational programming. The broad range of topics (listed in a later section) ensure that agricultural professionals and producer leaders have training in the skills necessary on a diversified small farm. Third Thursdays serve as a space for synergies in small farm education. Many conferences and educational meetings are planned around “Third Thursdays” including: the Annual Small, Limited-Resource/Minority Farmers Conference, the International Pawpaw Conference, the Regional SARE Goat Project’s Collaborator Conference, and many others.

Project objectives from proposal:

2025 KSU SARE MSP Revised Objectives:

  • Continue to offer the basic science-based information on sustainable agriculture production and marketing.
  • Supplement previous efforts with new subject matter training about farm succession and transition planning.
  • Expanding professional capacity of agriculture professionals in supporting producers as they plan for the present and future of their farms.
  • Support the further development of a community of women working in sustainable agriculture.


2024 SARE outreach objectives, topics and events for the state and expected outcomes. Explain how the money will be used to promote and develop a comprehensive state program highlighting the entire SARE program. If outreach objectives/trainings are repeats from 2023 explain why. The 2023-2024 year should include a revision of the state strategic plan.

  • Kentucky’s SARE PDP Model State Program objectives are to build a broad base of interest and skills in agricultural sustainability among extension agents, other professionals, and farmers, particularly mentor farmers, in the state to equip them with the needed skills to assist farmers, marketers, and community leaders, and to facilitate a diverse range of collaborative projects.
  • Continue to offer the basic science-based information on sustainable agriculture production and marketing.
  • Support the further development of a community of women working in sustainable agriculture.
  • Forums for underserved farmers and professionals to network with USDA, State, Research, Extension, NRCS, and other professionals, learn about their programs and opportunities, and learn about Third Thursdays.
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