2004 Annual Report for SW02-048
Alternative Housing Structure for Livestock and Poultry in Micronesia
Three batches of layers were raised in container vans during this period. The production stages ranged from brooding, growing to active laying. The multi-age group batched of layers enabled the farmers to see how each age group of chickens performed when housed in container vans.
A workshop on poultry production was conducted last July 26-30, 2004. The major emphasis of the workshop was on the results of the project. Extension agents and producers from the region attended the workshop.
The project site was opened to producers since the first batch of layers came into production. Visitors were surprised to see layers producing eggs in container vans.
Objectives/Performance Targets
1. To study and demonstrate the practical use of container vans as alternative housing structures for livestock and poultry on Guam and Micronesia.
2. Encourage farmers to revive the poultry industry in the region.
3. To produce educational materials on poultry production.
4. To dessiminate the results of this project to producers and farmers in the region.
The first batch of layers started egg production in February 2004, and the second batch started laying in September 2004. The performance and egg production of both batches were comparable to birds raised in a standard open poultry house. The chickens did not exhibit any behavioral problems such as cannibalism, feather picking or hysteria in spite of the higher temperature inside the container vans.
Two container vans were also added to accommodate more trials. These container vans were placed side by side as a way to secure the vans in case of supertyphoons hitting Guam.
The project site was opened for producers and farmers to observe the growth and performance of chickens raised in container vans. A workshop was also conducted last July 2004. Extension agents and producers from the region attended the workshop.
Since the birds just started to lay eggs this year, another year of egg production is needed to study the standard two-year egg production cycle of layers.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
A lot of interest was generated from the initial results of this project. Producers and farmers who visited the project site were impressed by what they saw and observed in terms of the growth of the birds from stages of brooding, growing to active laying. Some farmers came out with ideas of using old school buses for poultry houses. Old buses are given out free to farmers. Instead of buying container vans, they will secure the buses to the ground and use the buses for poultry house.
No supertyphoons came to Guam since the project started. The layout of the container vans placed side by side have not been tested yet in terms of its staying power against supertyphoons. But as to the concept of raising birds in container vans, the growth performance and egg production records of the two batches of layers proved the efficiency of using container vans for poultry houses.
192 Dairy Road
Mangilao, GU 96923
Office Phone: 6717342942
Guam Department of Agriculture
142 Dairy Road
Mangilao, Gu 96923
Office Phone: 6717343946