Project Overview
Annual Reports
- Agronomic: wheat
- Crop Production: double cropping
- Education and Training: demonstration, display
- Pest Management: biological control, field monitoring/scouting, trap crops
The wheat stem sawfly is the major insect pest for wheat in Montana. We developed a trap crop system using two different mechanisms of resistance. The first is solid-stems, which kills sawfly larvae in the stem. The second is a trait whereby females avoid laying eggs in certain varieties. A solid-stemmed variety is paired with a high-yielding unattractive variety. The sawflies lay their eggs in the solid-stem trap. This allows growers to choose higher yielding varieties for most of their acreage, providing both sawfly control and increased production.
Project objectives:
1) Assess the potential of solid-stemmed Choteau spring wheat as a trap crop for control of wheat stem sawfly.
2) Select solid-stem lines from a Reeder/Choteau cross that have high end-use quality and vary in volatile production and stem solidness.
3) Determine the relative ability of the solid-stemmed Choteau/Reeder lines to trap wheat stem sawfly.
4) Provide meaningful outreach to growers regarding sawfly control in general and use of trap varieties specifically.