Integrated rotation systems for soil borne disease, weed and fertility management in strawberry/vegetable production

2013 Annual Report for SW11-116

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2011: $218,424.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2016
Region: Western
State: California
Principal Investigator:
Joji Muramoto
University of California, Santa Cruz

Integrated rotation systems for soil borne disease, weed and fertility management in strawberry/vegetable production


We continued a rotation trial at the Santa Cruz site. After completing growing strawberries in fall 2012, legume/cereal mixed cover crops (November 2012 – March 2013) and Romaine lettuce (July – September 2013) were grown. No significant difference was found between any treatments in total biomass of cover crop (P>0.66) and marketable yield of Romaine lettuce (P>0.18). Marketable strawberry yield at a demonstration trial at ALBA showed a strong negative correlation with plant mortality caused by Verticillium dahliae (P=0.0001***) and was in order of cauliflower > fallow > broccoli for main plots and ASD > ASD+MS > MC > UTC for sub plots.

Objectives/Performance Targets

Objective 1: To test the effects of ASD, broccoli residue incorporation, mustard cake (MC) application, alone and in combination, on crop yields, Verticillium dahliae suppression, weed suppression, N provision, production costs and net returns in strawberries and lettuce grown in typical crop rotation systems on organic and conventional farms with high V. dahliae pressure. (Shennan, Muramoto, Koike, Klonsky, Milazzo, Wong, Tanimura, Noma and Kimes. Years 1-3, Santa Cruz, Salinas).

Objective 2: We propose a series of additional experiments to optimize MC application procedures for improved yields, weed and disease suppression and N provision in strawberries and Romaine lettuce. Specific goals are 1) to establish the optimum time between MC application and lettuce planting; 2) test the effects of MC application rate, depth of incorporation and level of pre-plant fertilizer on yields, disease and weed suppression in lettuce production; 3) as for goal 2 but for strawberries, and 4) assess the economic feasibility of MC use in lettuce and strawberries. (Shennan, Muramoto, Koike, Klonsky, Pedersen and Kimes. Years 1-3, Watsonville).

Objective 3: To disseminate results to growers and agricultural professionals in coastal CA and beyond through a variety of approaches, including workshops, a field demonstration (at an NGO farm that works with low resource Hispanic organic farmers), field trips, YouTube, eOrganic and written materials. (All team members. Years 2 and 3).


Objective 1

1.1       Santa Cruz Site

After the end of the strawberry season, in fall 2012, plants were mowed and the field was disked and spring tooth cultivated. Soil pH was measured at the end of strawberry season (9/28/12) and four tons/acre of dolomite was applied to all plots to correct acidity based on the pH buffer curve developed using the plot soil. A legume/cereal mixed cover crop (45% bell beans, 45% vetch, 10% rye cv. AGS104) was direct seeded at 300 lbs/acre for all plots on 11/6/12 and grown over the winter. On 3/18/13, aboveground cover crop biomass was sampled in a 0.25 m2 quadrat in each plot. Fresh biomass for each type of cover crop was recorded and a sub-sample taken for moisture and nutrient analysis. Between 3/20 and 3/27/13, the cover crop was mowed and incorporated by a spader. Soil samples for inorganic N monitoring for top- (0”-6” depth) and sub-soil (6”-12” depth) were taken on 12/13/12, 1/17/13 and 3/11/13.

At the end of July 2013, the field was springtooth cultivated and 36” wide beds were listed. On 7/30/13, Romaine lettuce transplants (cv. Salvius) were planted in a single row per bed with 12” spacing for all plots. Lettuce was harvested on 9/10/15 in block 3-4 and on 9/13/13 in block 1-2. Marketable head yield and total biomass of lettuce was recorded. Two plants per plot were sub-sampled for moisture and nutrients analysis. Top- (0”-6”) and sub- (6”-12”) soils for inorganic N monitoring and chemical analysis were taken before (7/29/13) and after (9/10/13; 9/13/13) lettuce growth.

Work left to do for this trial includes total N analysis of plant samples, estimation of N loss during the winter rainy seasons, soil Verticillium test and economic analysis.

1.2       Salinas Site

This field trial was completed in summer 2012. Work left to do for the trial include total N analysis of plant samples, estimation of N loss during the winter rainy season, a part of soil Verticillium test and economic analysis.

Objective 2

2.1       Mustard Cake Plant Back Time Trial for Transplanting Romaine Lettuce

The trial was conducted in 2012. Work left to do for the trial includes an economic analysis of MC application.

Objective 3

3.1       Demonstration trial at ALBA

A non-replicated demonstration trial (0.1 acre) with the same design as the Santa Cruz trial in Objective 1.1 was established in ALBA, Salinas in 2012. Prior to establishing the trial, tomatoes were planted at the site to increase V. dahliae population. Broccoli and cauliflower were grown on 1/3 of the site in the summer 2012 as main plots. After harvest, crop residues from broccoli and cauliflower were mowed and incorporated. Split plots of ASD, MC, ASD+MC and UTC were created as described in section 1.1 before transplanting strawberries. Strawberries (cv. Albion) were transplanted to all plots on 11/13/12.

A wooden sign in Spanish and English explaining the goals, approaches and funding sources of the trial was established at the demo site in January 2013 (Image 1). Strawberry fruit yield from each plot was monitored throughout the harvest season in 2013.

3.2       Other outreach activities accomplished and to be done

Using the demonstration trial, a field day/workshop on soilborne disease management in organic strawberry production was conducted at ALBA on 7/9/13. Data from rotation trials were presented at multiple ASD workshops/grower meetings in the central coast area. A paper based on this project was submitted to the Eighth International Symposium on Chemical and Non Chemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation (SD 2014) to be held at Torino, Italy in July 2014 (in review). Outreach meetings/workshops and webinars will be held in 2014. Outreach pamphlet on the integrated approach will also be published. A survey on potential adoption of developed practices was conducted after the ALBA workshop (see Table 1 below) and will be repeated along with outreach meetings/workshops to be held in 2014.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Objective 1

1.1       Santa Cruz Site

Cover crops grew uniformly across treatments. No significant differences were found between any treatments on total dry aboveground cover crop biomass (Fig. 1). Similarly, uniformity across treatments were observed on each cover crop species biomass (Fig. 2). No difference was found among main treatments, and the only significant difference among split treatments was between ASD and UTC; ASD plots had a higher bell bean biomass compare to UTC (P=0.008**) (Fig. 2a)).

At the end of the strawberry season, soil pH of the ASD+MC, MC and ASD plots was lower than UTC (Fig. 3). All plots showed fairly low pH, ranging from 5.1 for ASD+ MC to 5.4 for UTC plots. The pH reduction by 0.5 to 1 unit after ASD treatment with 9 tons/acre of rice bran has been widely observed in many trials in this area. It is probably due to large NO3-N release during December – February (see Fig. 5). After liming with four tons/acre of dolomite, pH level for all plots was raised to 5.4 to 5.5 by lettuce transplanting (7/29/13).

Romaine lettuce’s marketable yield showed no significant difference neither in main (P=0.43) or split plots (P=0.18) (Fig. 4). No difference occurred in total yield (heads and residue) where values in main and split plots averaged around one ton/acre (data not shown).

Inorganic N dynamics throughout the experiment are shown in Fig. 5. As crop residues were incorporated in September 2011, and rice bran and MC applied, soil inorganic N in the topsoil rapidly increased and peaked in November to December, reaching to 60-120 mg kg-1 and 10-30 mg kg-1 for NO3-N and NH4-N, respectively. The NO3-N peak in December for sub plots was highest in ASD+MC, followed by ASD, MC and UTC (P<0.0001***). Soil inorganic N concentration gradually decreased at all plots regardless of treatment during the strawberry growth period. No significant difference was found in inorganic N at either depth after cover crops were planted in the fall 2012. In the sub-soil, NO3-N and NH4-N showed lower overall concentration than top-soil following a similar dynamic pattern with the top soil.

Objective 3

3.1 Demonstration trial at ALBA

Strawberry plants started to show wilt symptom in April 2013 and, by May, significant plant mortality occurred. For main plots, mortality was highest in the broccoli plots, followed by the fallow plots, and the lowest in the cauliflower plots (Image 2). For sub plots, UTC and MC plots had higher mortality compared to ASD and ASD+MC plots. The disease plants were taken to the UCCE diagnostic lab and V. dahliae alone was identified as the pathogen.

Cumulative fruit yield reflected the mortality of the plants; for main plots, the cauliflower plots had the highest yield, followed by the fallow plots, and the lowest in the broccoli plots. For sub plots, the order was ASD > ASD+MS > MC > UTC (Fig. 6). There was a strong negative correlation between mortality and cumulative fruit yield (Fig. 7. P=0.0001***).

Based on earlier studies, the broccoli treatment was included in this rotation trial with the expectation of an additive or synergistic V. dahliae suppression effect with ASD and/or MC. However, it resulted in a higher mortality than the cauliflower and the fallow plots. A multi-cut broccoli variety De Cicco was used in this broccoli treatment, suggesting that the effect of broccoli residue incorporation on V. dahliae suppression may be variety dependent.

Using this demonstration trial, a field day/workshop on soilborne disease management in organic strawberry production was conducted at ALBA on 7/9/13. The workshop mainly targeted Latino growers. We had 14 participants and simultaneous Spanish translation was provided. According to the post-workshop survey, the event was well-received by the most participants (Table 1).


Joji Muramoto

[email protected]
Associate Researcher/co-PI
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dept. of Environmental Studies, 1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Office Phone: 8314592506
Margherita Zavatta

[email protected]
Jr. Specialist/Cooperator
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dept. of Environmental Studies
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Gary Tanimura

[email protected]
Executive Vice President/Producer Cooperator
Tanimura & Antle Fresh Foods Inc.
1 Harris Rd.
Salinas, CA 93908
Office Phone: 8314553690
Steven Koike

[email protected]
UCCE Plant Pathology Farm Advisor/co-PI
University of California, Cooperative Extension
1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, CA 93901
Office Phone: 8317597356
Steve Pedersen

[email protected]
Owner/Producer Cooperator
High Ground Organics
521 Harkins Slough Road
Watsonville, CA 95076
Office Phone: 8317860286
Nathan Harkleroad

[email protected]
Ag Education Program Director/Cooperator
The Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association (ALBA)
P.O. Box 6264
Salinas, CA 93912
Office Phone: 8317581469
Elizabeth Milazzo

[email protected]
Field Manager/Producer Cooperator
University of California, Santa Cruz
CASFS 1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Office Phone: 8314594661
Dan Legard

[email protected]
Director of Research/Cooperator
California Strawberry Commission
180 Westridge Drive
Watsonville, CA 95076
Office Phone: 8317241301
Carol Shennan

[email protected]
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dept. of Environmental Studies, 1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Office Phone: 8314594181
Karen Klonsky

[email protected]
University of California, Davis
Dept. of Agricultural & Resource Economics, One Shields Ave.
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
Office Phone: 5307523563
Glenn Noma

[email protected]
Producer Cooperator
Tanimura & Antle Fresh Foods Inc.
1 Harris Rd.
Salinas, CA 93908
Office Phone: 8317073004
Mark Bolda

[email protected]
UCCE Strawberry Farm Advisor/Cooperator
University of California, Cooperative Extension
1432 Freedom Boulevard
Watsonville, CA 95076
Office Phone: 8317638025
Graeme Baird

[email protected]
Research Associate/Cooperator
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dept. of Environmental Studies
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Office Phone: 8314591716
James Leap

[email protected]
Ag technitian/Cooperator
1636 East Alisal Street
Salinas, CA 93905
Office Phone: 8315359399
Megan Sabato

[email protected]
Communications and Outreach Associate/Cooperator
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF)
PO Box 363
Davis, CA 95616
Office Phone: 5307568518
Kenneth Kimes

[email protected]
Farm Fuel Inc.
PO Box 1413
Freedom, CA 95019
Office Phone: 8317284136
Rachael Goodhue

[email protected]
University of California, Davis
Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
Office Phone: 530-754-7812