Creating an Online Toolbox for Understanding and Communicating Artificial Intelligence within Sustainable Agriculture

Project Overview

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2024: $99,982.00
Projected End Date: 03/31/2026
Host Institution Award ID: G302-24-WA511
Grant Recipient: Center for Sustaining Agriculture & Natural Resources
Region: Western
State: Washington
Principal Investigator:
Georgine Yorgey
Center for Sustaining Agriculture & Natural Resources
Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel
Washington State University
Jordan Jobe
Washington State University
Dr. Alex Kirkpatrick, PhD
Center for Sustaining Agriculture & Natural Resources, WSU
Chad Kruger
Washington State University


Not commodity specific


  • Animal Production: artificial intelligence
  • Crop Production: artificial intelligence
  • Education and Training: technical assistance
  • Farm Business Management: artificial intelligence
  • Natural Resources/Environment: artificial intelligence
  • Pest Management: intelligence

    Proposal abstract:

    The goal of this project is to equip agricultural professionals
    (I.e., ag-educators, extension professionals, crop consultants)
    with understanding of AI and its potential role in sustainable
    agriculture, along with knowledge, skills and abilities to
    strategically communicate about this emerging technology and
    facilitate the diffusion of AI tools to support sustainable
    agriculture goals. To accommodate geographical and time zone
    differences, we propose an online asynchronous
    instructional-video course for participants, including
    certificate of completion. Toolbox development will be informed
    both by our existing assessment of needs, and by an in-person
    workshop and focus-group designed to engage agriculture
    professionals with AI, and encourage contributions towards
    ensuring that asynchronous training materials meet the needs of
    agricultural professionals. Subsequently, a toolbox of 10
    asynchronous online professional development videos, and
    associated self-guided activities, will be developed around
    understanding the broader impacts of AI on society and
    agriculture, AI’s specific impacts on achieving sustainable
    agriculture, and science communication best practices for
    engaging others on the topic of AI within sustainable
    agriculture. Participants will have the opportunity to: 1)
    achieve a deeper awareness of AI in both society and sustainable
    agriculture; 2) develop knowledge of behavioral models predicting
    technology adoption; 3) obtain skills in utilizing strategic
    science communication theory to construct, frame and diffuse
    messages surrounding AI; and 4) improve their confidence and
    abilities to facilitate engagement with AI in sustainable
    agriculture. Rigorous evaluations will be conducted in the last
    year to improve the course for future participants, and as new
    science and tools are developed. We will measure improvement in
    AI and strategic communication knowledge for trainers.
    Qualitative feedback will assess potential longer-term impacts on
    grower knowledge, attitudes, and technology adoption for

    Project objectives from proposal:

    1. We will enhance understanding of ag-AI and its connection to
      sustainability, other implications, technology adoption, and
      technical knowledge strategic science communication among ag-tech
    2. We will develop interpersonal, mass (i.e. workshops or group
      presentations) and computer-mediated communication skills among
      agricultural professionals.
    3. We will improve participants’ confidence and perceived
      effectiveness of in communicating AI-within-sustainable-ag to a
      range of public audiences.
    4. We improve understanding of how technology and communication
      skills training can impact ag-tech professionals’ thoughts,
      attitudes and behaviors. This will contribute to existing science
      communication literature and inform both the science
      communication community and the agricultural professional
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.