2018 American Somoa Community College PDP Project

Project Overview

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2017: $28,817.80
Projected End Date: 12/31/2019
Grant Recipient: American Somoa Community College
Region: Western
State: American Samoa
State Coordinator:
Ian Gurr
American Samoa Communiy College- Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources


Not commodity specific


  • Education and Training: extension
  • Pest Management: chemical control
  • Sustainable Communities: public policy, quality of life

    Proposal abstract:

    a) Topic
    Pesticide Safety (developing a pesticide safety program for American Samoa Department of Agriculture).

    b) Context, Justification and assumptions
    Previous WSARE PDP funding trained 2 American Samoa Community College - Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources (ASCC-ACNR) staff in the Produce Safety Alliance Food Safety Course. These 2 Individuals can now act as PSA food safety trainers and are in the process of applying to become PSA Food Safety Lead trainers. The PSA food safety course focuses on biological contamination, and prevention. Pesticide safety is not covered in depth.

    Background and previous projects.

    Agriculture in American Samoa is in need of a functioning pesticide safety program which will develop regulations, provide farmer education, provide regulator training and certification and allow enforcement in the area of agriculture pesticides. Currently in American Samoa there is no agriculture Worker Protection Standard {WPS) Program, no DOA inspectors trained and certified to do farm inspections of pesticides and their use, or a program in place to sample and test produce for pesticide residues.

    Leadership and appropriate staff of American Samoa DOA, EPA and ASCC-ACNR will greatly benefit by training from someone who has experience in an effective DOA pesticide safety program. Mr. Steve Russo, Education Specialist and former Inspector for the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Pesticide Program will observe our situation, Identify areas where we are deficient and assist our local legislature, DOA, EPA and Land Grant in developing the appropriate legislation, farmer and regulator trainings, and pesticide related programs. He will also assist our local DOA in developing a program which will result in the capability to test local produce for pesticide residues utilizing a lab in Hawaii. A follow up visit by Steve Russo or one of his staff to provide needed training after observing our conditions in American Samoa may be needed. If possible, I would like to apply the travel stipend for AS of 3000.00 to this p1.1rpose.

    At a later time, a representative from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture Farm Food Safety Program or Pesticide Program will provide a WPS training to our farmers, and work with our DOA/EPA in implementing a WPS program and getting local staff certified to provide future WPS training.

    c) Stakeholder and partner involvement

    The American Samoa Department of Agriculture (ASDOA), American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency (ASEPA.), American Samoa Community College­ Agriculture, Community and Natural Resources, and the local legislative branch and community are the stakeholders In this endeavor. They will be partnering with Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA), Pesticide Branch and Agricultural Farm Food Safety Branch to identify deficiencies, help develop and provide training in the areas of pesticide safety for American Samoa.

    d) Inputs
    ASDOA, ASEPA, ASCC-ACNR, working with HDOA will develop education and programs to address deficiencies in agriculture pesticide safety In American Samoa. HDOA will provide their expertise and provide WPS training

    e) Outputs

    1) Target audience-

         A. Leadership and inspectors from ASDOA, ASEPA, ASCC-ACNR, American Samoa                   Governor's office legal counsel, and the American Samoa Legislature Agriculture                 Committee members

         B. Farmers.

    2)Activities and methods -

        A. Meetings with Steve Russo to identify deficiencies, and assist in developing                         appropriate legislation, education, trainings resulting in appropriate certification, and           programs that address pesticide safety in American

        B.Training for farmers in WPS.

    3)Products -

        A. Partnership with HDOA Pesticide and Farm Food Safety Programs to assist                         with development of an American Samoa Pesticide Safety

        B. Educational materials and workshop on Worker Protection Standards

    Project objectives from proposal:


    A. Meetings of a HDOA pesticide educator and former pesticide inspector with our local               leaders in government, DOA, EPA and Land Grant will increase their awareness                     and knowledge of what is required to develop an effective pesticide safety

    B. An Agricultural Worker Protection Standard workshop for our farmers will make                   farm workers and their employers aware of pesticide use requirements and give                   them the knowledge and skills necessary to safely use pesticides on the farm. This              will also act as the initiation of an agriculture WSP program in AmericanSamoa           


    A.  Many of end results (educational programs, legislation regulating pesticide                  use, inspector certification, etc.) will not be realized by the end of this Functioning            partnerships between HDOA and our local agencies, and local work in developing a            pesticide safety program will bea way to measure changes in action as a result of this        portion of this project.

    B.The number of farmers completing the WPS course, and in the future, the number of local DOA/EPA staff certified to conduct WPS training.

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.