Washington 2018-20 PDP project

Project Overview

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2018: $28,636.00
Projected End Date: 09/30/2021
Host Institution Award ID: G162-19-W7506
Grant Recipient: Washington State University CSANR
Region: Western
State: Washington
State Coordinator:
Chad Kruger
Washington State University


Not commodity specific


  • Animal Production: animal protection and health
  • Crop Production: crop improvement and selection, cropping systems
  • Education and Training: networking, on-farm/ranch research
  • Energy: anaerobic digestion
  • Production Systems: agroecosystems
  • Sustainable Communities: local and regional food systems, sustainability measures

    Proposal abstract:

    The results of a recent survey of past and potential recipients of the SARE State Program funds indicated a broad array of topic interests and needs including livestock management topics, natural resource topics, soil and fertility, waste management, crop protection and climate change, among others. When possible, we will fund activities in these areas. However, because the number of field personnel working in any one technical or geographical area, or farming system in Washington is limited, it is often not cost effective to organize local or state events to meet their needs. Therefore, we have focused on giving mini-grants to individuals so that they can take advantage of educational events put on by professional organizations, or to events that can attract a sufficient number of participants because they are regional or national.

    Mini-grants: We plan to spend $15,000 on mini-grants to support either hosting ($5000 each
    max.) or attending ($1000 each max.) a conference, workshop, or training program related to
    sustainable agriculture. Priority will be given to proposals for activities that relate to our state’s
    priority information needs. We will use mini-grant and travel scholarship forms modified from
    those on the WSARE website for our program.

    Educational Events: In Nov. 2019 we will sponsor a sustainable agriculture event targeting ag
    professionals and producers in southeast Washington ($5054).

    Educational materials: We will use $4330 to support the SARE State Program coordinator who
    will provide technical support and expertise in the production of webinars and other emerging
    communication tools covering sustainable agriculture topics.

    Products. Various products may be produced through mini-grants. At least one of the
    educational events will result in proceedings which will be available online. Electronic
    educational materials will be produced by the SARE State Program coordinator and be available

    Project objectives from proposal:

    Short-term. We aim to increase the awareness, knowledge, and skills of at least 200 ag
    professionals in areas related to their expertise and local needs for the improvement of the
    agricultural sustainability of their operations and clientele (via mini-grants and educational
    events). We aim to increase the awareness and knowledge of 50 extension educators about three
    sustainable agriculture topics in Washington State (via educational materials/webinars).

    Medium-term. We aim to increase the quality of sustainable agriculture programs and events in
    the state of Washington (via mini-grants and educational events). Using mini-grants and
    educational events, we aim to increase ag professionals’ ability to answer questions from their
    clientele on sustainable agriculture related activities, especially those identified as needs. We
    aim to improve the ag professionals’ ability to assist their clientele in adopting sustainable
    agriculture practices in the future (via educational materials). We aim to increase the number of
    extension educators associated with the WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural
    Resources (via all activities).

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.