2011 Annual Report for YENC10-027
Direct Marketing Raspberries for a Healthy Community
• Three groups of students, one for each variety, researched sources to identify raspberry plant varieties and care needs. Under direction of the Ohio State University Extension (OSU) Educator, we located the best place suitable to plant the berry plants and prepared the ground; tilling the soil, making raised beds, collecting soil samples, applying fertilizer, planting the plants and installing the irrigation.
• Things learned during this project year – The project participants learned about raspberry variety types, planting methods, soil nutrient needs, general care of raspberries, different types of trellising, weed control and different irrigation methods.
• The student groups have presented the information collected so far to approximately 60 students at the on-site community school (Paint Creek Academy). In the following crop year (2012), we will be sharing information about the health benefits to the community as we market the raspberries at the Chillicothe Farmers Market.
• Provide necessary care for each variety; compare yields, disease problems and sales of the three varieties.
• Conduct research on the health benefits of each variety of raspberries; develop a marketing brochure and a poster board which will be displayed at the Ross County Farmers Market.
• Construct the trellis
• Examine the marketability and profitability of the raspberries.
Lighthouse Youth Center-Paint Creek
1071 Tong Hollow Road
Bainbridge, OH 45612
Office Phone: 7406343094