Nonprofit Revenue Generation

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2021: $77,867.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2022
Grant Recipients: University of Florida; Florida A&M University
Region: Southern
State: Florida
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Kimberly Wiley
University of Florida
Dr. Jennifer Jones
University of Florida
Dr. Marilyn Swisher
University of Florida
Nonprofit organizations rely on multiple types of revenue, including program fees, donations, and earned income. It is a commonly held belief that nonprofits should seek as much diversity in their revenue streams as possible (Hager & Hung, 2020). Benefits of this revenue diversification include flexibility, autonomy, and community embeddedness. However, having too many revenue streams can lead to increased risk and vulnerability (Fulop, 2012). Additionally, diversification of funding sources can increase administrative costs. Instead, the organization needs to be strategic. Not all sources of revenue are appropriate for all organizations. Therefore, nonprofit leaders must decide which revenue sources make the most sense for their organization. This publication was designed to help nonprofit organizations develop a strategic revenue generation plan that aligns with their mission and organizational capacity. The publication discusses steps in choosing a revenue strategy, as well as common mistakes to avoid.
Peer-reviewed Journal Article
Micayla Richardson, University of Florida
Marlen Barajas Espinosa, University of Florida
Jennifer Jones, University of Florida
Kimberly Wiley, University of Florida
Target audiences:
Farmers/Ranchers; Educators; Consumers
Ordering info:
Kimberly Wiley
[email protected]
University of Florida
PO Box 110310
Gainesville, FL 32611-0310
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.