NYS IPM Program - Cornell
State: NY
(w) (315) 787-2422
ONE16-271 | Managing western bean cutworm: An impending threat to organic field corn, sweet corn, and dry bean growers |
LNE07-263 | Developing farmers' skills and confidence in the use of Trichogramma ostriniae for European corn borer control in sweet corn, peppers and potatoes |
ONE04-030 | Screening Potato Varieties Commonly Grown by Organic Farmers for Susceptibility to Damage and Yield Reduction Caused by Potato Leafhopper |
LNE01-154 | Farm Ecosystem - Management Factors Contributing to Pest Suppression on Organic - Conventional Farms-phase II |
LNE99-116 | Farm Ecosystem - Management Factors Contributing to Pest Suppression on Organic - Conventional Vegetable Farms |