Dr. Bruce L. Parker

University of Vermont
[email protected]
Entomology Research Laboratory
661 Spear Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(w) (802) 656-5440


LNE22-454R Vertical Bifacial Solar Panels: A Winning Solution for Agrivoltaics and Farmers
ONE14-220 Biological control of conifer root aphids in Christmas trees
LNE10-299 Novel approaches to improve energy efficiency in northern New England greenhouses
ANE95-023 Development of Fungal Entomopathogens for Greenhouse IPM (LNE95-058)
LNE95-058 Development of Fungal Entomopathogens for Greenhouse IPM (ANE95-23)
ANE92-015 Fungal Pathogens For BioControl of Sweetpotato Whitefly in Greenhouses
LNE92-033 Fungal Pathogens for Biocontrol of Western Flower Thrips and Green Peach Aphids in Greenhouses