Dr. Curt Rom

University of Arkansas
State: AR
(w) (479) 575-7434


GS14-136 Sustainable management of high tunnel organic vegetable production with short-season winter cover crops
LS12-250 Extending the Market Season with High Tunnel Technology for Organic Fruit Production
CS11-085 Building a Model Farm to School Program using Community Partnerships
GS05-048 The Effects of Different Organic Apple Production Systems on Seasonal Variation of Soil Properties and Foliar Nutrient Concentration
LS05-176 Best management practices for organic orchard nutrition
GS04-033 Impact of Potential Organic Pesticides and Potential Fruit Crop Load Regulators on Photosynthesis and Growth of Apple
LS04-167 The Southern Region Organic Fruit Production Initiative: Identifying Barriers, Needed Research, Markets, and Opportunities