Research Consultant
Stute Farms
State: WI
(w) (608) 449-6863
FNC24-1436 | Up or down: Should row cleaners be used when planting green into cereal rye? |
ONC23-135 | Finding the sweet spot: rye termination timing to balance weed suppression and yield reduction in green planted no-till soybean. |
ONC21-094 | Can "planting green" suppress troublesome glyphosate tolerant/ resistant weeds in no-till soybean? |
FNC21-1308 | Can T-banding gypsum at planting prevent soil crusting and improve emergence in no-till corn and soybean? |
LNC21-456 | Can cover crops pay? Unraveling yield enhancement on a wide scale to provide incentive for increased adoption. |
FNC14-979 | Evaluation of Oilseed Radish Biomass Management As A Control Strategy For Pests In No-Till Corn |
FNC08-706 | Optimization of corn production following legume green manures |
FNC06-626 | Evaluation of Annual Legumes as Alternatives to Red Clover for Use as Cover Crops |