Dr. Julie Grossman

Associate Professor
University of Minnesota
State: MN
(w) (651) 625-8597


GNC23-379 Assessing High Tunnel Soil Health Under Prolonged Cover Cropping Methods
GNC20-300 Maximizing Nitrogen Fixation in Cold-Hardy Hairy Vetch
GNC20-310 Smart Farming with Microbes: Managing Summer Cover Crops to Cultivate Beneficial Soil Communities
YENC19-137 Educating urban youth via decision cases and curriculum on hoop house vegetable production
LNC19-423 Summer Cover Crop System Management: New options for Upper Midwest vegetable producers
GNC16-232 Cover Crop Cold Tolerance for High Tunnels
ENC15-145 Soil Health and Nutrient Management Training for Immigrant and Minority Farming Communities
GNC14-187 Improving Soil Health and Microbial Activity through Zone Tillage and Innovative Cover Cropping Strategies
LNC14-364 Bringing the Benefits of Legume Cover Crops to Northern Midwest Climates
LS10-227 Lighting up the black box: Improving legume performance on organic farms by optimizing microbially-mediated plant and soil nitrogen cycling processes.