Associate Research Scientist
University of Georgia
State: GA
(w) (706) 410-1921
Jennifer Jo Thompson is a socio-cultural anthropologist embedded in the College of Ag & Environmental Sciences. Her inter-/transdisciplinary research focuses on the social sustainability of agriculture and food systems. Dr. Thompson directs a wide range of projects -- from those collaborating to develop knowledge and outreach to support farmers in adopting more sustainable agricultural practices (i.e., cover cropping) to those focused on community food systems and food justice (i.e., produce prescription programs, farm to school, and diversity/equity/inclusion/justice in food studies and agriculture more broadly). She is also the director of UGA's Sustainable Food Systems Initiative, which runs an Interdisciplinary Grad Certificate in Sustainable Food Systems.
GS19-217 | Evaluating Stakeholder Perceptions on Palmer Amaranth Management in Georgia |
GS19-216 | Assessing the Conditions Informing Direct-to-Consumer Access for Hispanic Immigrant Farmers in the Southeast |