Masoud Hashemi

Extension Faculty
University of Massachusetts Amherst
State: MA
(w) (413) 545-1843


GNE22-300 Performance and agronomic management of crabgrass to meet summer forage shortfalls in the Northeast
GNE22-301 Evaluating decomposition trends and effects of fall planted annual CC on spring soil active carbon in the Northeast
LNE20-399 Season Extension Strategies and Profitability in Dairy and Livestock Operations in New England
GNE15-102 Dual purpose cover crops for grazing season extension, nematode management, and improved resiliency on dairy farms
LNE15-340 Building resilience and sustainability in dairy forage systems in New England
GNE14-075 Physiochemical and soil biota response to biochar in agricultural soils
GNE14-078 Fava beans: A new multipurpose crop for New England
GNE14-080 Integrating no-till and forage radish cover crops for sustainable early sweet corn production
GNE13-066 Management practices for production of local malting barley in Northeast