Agricultural Agent and Professor
Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension
254 County House Rd.
Shady Lane Complex
Clarksboro, NJ 08020
(w) (856) 224-1036 x-1
Michelle Infante-Casella has been an Agricultural Agent with Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension since 1996. She is also the County Extension Department Head in Gloucester County, New Jersey. Her responsibilities include vegetable production and marketing as well as field crops in Gloucester County. Her research areas include solanaceous crops, cole crops, cucurbit crops research and sustainable agriculture practices. Agent Infante-Casella also chairs the Rutgers NJAES Agritourism Working Group and leads programs related to on-farm direct marketing risk management for farmers.
Michelle served as the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Professional Improvement Council, Sustainable Agriculture National Chairperson for the first 2 years (2009-2010) of the program and assisted in writing curriculum for the NACAA/SARE Fellows Program. She continues serving this committee as the New Jersey Chairperson.
Michelle Infante-Casella has a Bachelors Degree in Horticulture from Delaware Valley College and a Masters in Plant Science from Virginia Tech. Originally from Monmouth County, New Jersey, she and her husband Benjamin reside in Gloucester County, New Jersey and have two sons, Benjamin and Dominick.
SNE21-009-NJ | New Jersey Agricultural Service Provider Education and Networking to Improve Farmer Outreach and Services |
SNE20-009-NJ | Development of Hemp Production Resources for New Jersey |
NENJ17-001 | Using Demographic Information to Identify Specialty Crop Markets |
NENJ14-001 | On-Farm Direct Marketing SWOT Analysis Training |
ENE97-035 | Review and Evaluation of Educational and Reference Materials Pertaining to Nutrient Management and Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture Production. |