Dr. Nancy Creamer

North Carolina State University
State: NC
(w) (919) 515-9447


GS15-142 Food Waste: Quantifying on-farm vegetable losses
GS10-088 Predictors of short-term nitrogen availability in organic farming systems that utilize warm season cover crops
ES09-095 Training the Trainers in Community-based Food Systems: a project-oriented case study team approach
MS09-002 Taking it Statewide: Growing Sustainable Good Systems Capacity and Outcomes across North Carolina
GS07-058 Cover crop mulches for no-till organic onion production
GS01-008 Breeding a better cover crop: a screen of rye germplasm for weed suppression
GS00-006 Evaluation of Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage for Conventional and Organic Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) Production in North Carolina
ES97-025 Building Capacity in Sustainable Agriculture: A Comprehensive Training Program in Organic Farming Systems