Final Report for FNE97-183
Project Information
Note to readers, attached is the complete final report for FNE97-183
Ms. Sheehan produces organic lamb and poultry. She feels that because of inefficiencies in processing, marketing, and distribution, her production is far less than what it could be. She conducted a state-wide survey of organic producers, retailers, and processors to examine the feasibility of processing and marketing cooperatively.
Ms. Sheehan concluded from her surveys (which are available in detail) that:
1) demand for organic lamb and poultry is substantial in Vermont, and is not currently being satisfied by local producers;
2) local origin is a more important draw, as far as retailers are concerned, than organic husbandry, because of a general belief on the part of consumers that locally-produced meats are fresher;
3) there is much room for improvement and systematization in the marketing of organic meats; and
4) slaughterhouses are lacking in Vermont, and the few that there are, are not well-distributed geographically.
Ms. Sheehan is attempting to secure a permanent, year-round outlet for Vermont-raised organic meats in Burlington, Vermont, outside the usual retail channels. She is also encouraging the state’s legislature and Department of Agriculture, and others, to promote processing and marketing of organic lamb and poultry in Vermont.