Cover Crop Biomass Removal Rates to Optimize Livestock Production and Soil Health in No-Tillage Dryland Cropping Systems

Final report for GNC22-357

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2022: $14,845.00
Projected End Date: 05/31/2024
Grant Recipient: Kansas State University
Region: North Central
State: Kansas
Graduate Student:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Augustine Obour
Kansas State University
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Project Information


Growing cover crops (CCs) on no-tillage (NT) fields has been widely recommended to regenerate degraded soils after many years of conventionally-tilled, low-intensity crop production. However, major barriers to the adoption of CCs exist in water-limited areas of the North Central Region including costs of establishing CCs, and risk of CCs reducing subsequent grain yields because of reduced soil water at next crop planting. Grazing CCs could provide economic benefits to offset revenue losses when the water use of CCs decreases subsequent grain yields and potentially increased system profitability. However, at this time, there is limited guidance on the optimum CC biomass removal rate for grazed CCs. Current Kansas Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) recommended stocking rates are based on those developed for native rangelands.

This project was initiated in fall 2022 on a 20-ha producer field in Russell Co., KS to investigate the effects of CC biomass removal rates with cattle grazing on soil health parameters and grain crop yields, and profitability in no-till (NT) dryland cropping systems. The study design was a randomized complete block with three treatments and four replications. The treatments included ungrazed CCs, “talk-half-leave-half” (T-H-L-H, 50% biomass removal), and “graze-out” (G-O, 90% biomass removal). Results showed that T-H-L-H and G-O significantly reduced CC residue amount and height compared to ungrazed CCs but maintained residue cover on the soil surface similar to ungrazed CCs. Cover crop management had no significant effect on soil organic carbon, particulate organic matter, nitrate-N, or P concentrations. However, T-H-L-H somewhat increased soil bulk density compared to ungrazed CCs though both of these were similar to G-O. Soil penetration resistance, wind-erodible fraction, mean weight diameter of water stable aggregates, time-to-runoff, and subsequent grain sorghum yield were unaffected by CC management.

These results suggest that farmers and ranchers may be able to graze CCs at greater intensities than T-H-L-H to maximize livestock gains while obtaining soil health and water quality objectives similar to ungrazed CCs, which could increase adoption of CCs in central and western Kansas. Greater adoption and implementation of cover crops would also benefit water quality protection and improvement efforts in reaching the goals of the approved 9 Element Watershed Restoration And Protection Strategies Plan developed in partnership with Kansas State University, Kansas Center for Agriculture Resources and the Environment, the Kansas Department of Health, and Environment and Environmental Protection Agency. Nevertheless, these observations were made under exceptional drought conditions, so further investigation will be necessary under conditions of average or above average precipitation when wet soils may be more susceptible to degradation by cattle hoof traffic.

For one dryland farmer/rancher in west central Kansas, cover crops have become a staple component of his livestock grazing plan. Cover crops allow him to delay moving cattle to native rangelands in the spring and also move cattle off rangeland earlier in the fall. This  allows longer periods of rest, which has increased rangeland health on his operation. This farmer feels further empowered to implement cover crop grazing on his no-till cropland knowing that his soil health can be maintained or enhanced with proper stocking rates and duration of grazing. For him, grazing cover crops allows him to capture economic value in the form of livestock gains while making steps to enhance the health of his soil.

Project Objectives:

This research generated information which will improve farm profitability, improve environmental quality, and enhance quality of life. First, by learning the optimum amount of CC biomass removal that balances grazing and soil health goals, farmers will be able to optimize livestock gains while enhancing soil health. This information adds to management guidelines for producers to make the most of CC grazing in their overall livestock operations to reduce the need for more costly stored forages (hay and silage) and delay grazing of native rangelands, allowing for longer rest periods and improved rangeland health. Enhanced soil health with CC grazing is expected to improve water and air quality by increasing water infiltration and reducing soil water and wind erosion. By reducing soil loss, soil fertility will be sustained for future generations of farmers and ranchers.

This research targets farmers using CCs to build soil health and integrate livestock on their croplands. While producers most likely to be directly impacted by the findings of this research will be located in Kansas and nearby surrounding states, the results will be broadly applicable to producers across the North Central Region. In order to measure the outcomes of this research, surveys will be distributed to producers attending field day events to determine their likelihood of adopting grazed CCs in their operations. Additionally, Kansas State University extension agents will also be polled to determine the likelihood of farmers and ranchers in their districts to adopt grazing CCs given the results of this study.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Stacie Minson (Educator)
  • Craig Dinkel (Educator)
  • Zach Carson (Researcher)


Materials and methods:

An on-farm study was established in fall 2022 on a 20-ha producer field in Russell Co., KS (38° 42’ 2.2” N, 98° 37’ 58.3” W) located in the KSU Kanopolis Reservoir Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watershed Restoration And Protection Strategies (WRAPS) Area to investigate the effects of CC biomass removal rates with cattle grazing on soil health parameters, grain crop yields, and system profitability in NT dryland cropping systems. Soil types at the study site are the Crete silt loam (72%) and Harney silt loam (28%), and long-term average (30-yr) annual precipitation is 660 mm. However, the study period coincided with a period of exceptional drought. If fact, a second site that was expected to be located at the Kansas State University HB Ranch in Trego Co., KS was abandoned due to severe drought in both years of this study (background information not presented). The study design at the Russell Co. site was a randomized complete block with three treatments and four replications. Treatments included ungrazed CCs, “talk-half-leave-half” (T-H-L-H, 50% biomass removal), and “graze-out” (G-O, 90% biomass removal).
In fall 2022, a three-species CC mixture of triticale, pea, and rapeseed was planted into wheat stubble about October 1 at 67, 17, and 2.2 kg ha-1, respectively, using a NT drill. No fertilizers were applied. In spring 2023, treatments were established with ungrazed plots of about 0.6 ha and grazed plots of about 2 ha each replicated and randomized across the field (Fig. 1). Plots were grazed with yearlings beginning in the last week of April and moved plot-to-plot every 1 to 2 days across the eight grazed plots to achieve desired CC biomass removal rates based on visual assessment (Fig. 2). Plots were only grazed once because of declining apparent forage quality (increasing plant maturity) and limited regrowth because of dry conditions.

Moving Cattle on Cover Crops.

Figure 1. Temporary electric interior cross fencing was used to limit livestock grazed areas and moved regularly across the plots of the on-farm cover crop grazing intensity study in Russell Co., KS.

Grazed and ungrazed cover crops.

Figure 2. Cover crop residue remaining after grazing a graze-out (90% removal) plot (left) next two an ungrazed plot (right) divided by temporary electric interior cross fencing in the on-farm cover crop grazing intensity study in Russell Co., KS 

In May 2023, following the end of grazing but before CCs were chemically terminated, CC biomass was measured in all plots by hand-clipping, to the ground level, two areas of 0.56 m2 per plot. Samples were dried at 50˚C for a minimum of 48 hrs in a forced-air oven and weighed to determine CC dry matter produced. Cover crops were chemically terminated in the third week of May, and the whole field was planted to grain sorghum with a NT planter approximately two weeks after termination or about the first week of June. Fertilizer applied to sorghum was based on the standard producer practice and kept consistent across treatments. Grain sorghum was harvested with a field scale combine equipped with a calibrated yield monitor about the last week of October. Plot level yield and moisture content data were extracted using QGIS 3.34 Prizren software, and yields were adjusted to 13.5% moisture content.
At the initiation of the study in fall 2022 before planting CCs, soil samples and water infiltration measurements were collected from the 0-5 and 5-15 cm soil depths for initial characterization of soil chemical and physical properties. Again, in spring 2023, soil samples and water infiltration measurements from ungrazed, T-H-L-H, and G-O plots were collected to determine the effects of biomass removal on soil chemical and physical properties. Soil bulk density (BD) was determined as mass of oven dry soil divided by volume of the core following oven-drying at 105°C for 48 hr. Penetration resistance (PR) was measured at 10 random points within each plot using a hand cone penetrometer (Eijkelkamp Co., Giesbeek, The Netherlands) and readings were divided by the area of the cone (1 cm2). Values of penetration resistance were adjusted to a field capacity gravimetric water content of 0.35 (g/g).
Additionally, 10 soil cores were randomly collected within each plot, divided into the 0-2 and 2-6 in. depths, and composited by depth. Samples were air-dried, crushed, and sieved to pass through a 2 mm stainless steel screen. The SOC and particulate organic matter (POM, <0.0531 mm) concentrations were determined by loss-on-ignition. Soil pH was determined potentiometrically by an electrode. Soil NO3-N concentrations in samples were determined with a segmented flow analyzer after extracting the soil with 2 M KCl. Available P was determined by the Mehlich-3 extraction method, and P concentration in the extract was measured using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Lastly, intact soils samples were carefully collected with a flat shovel and were allowed to air-dry and then gently passed through a 19-mm sieve. Subsamples of <8-mm diameter aggregates were obtained and used to estimate mean weight diameter (MWD) of water stable aggregates by the wet-sieving method. The remaining sample was used to estimate wind-erodible fraction (WEF) (<0.42 mm) by the dry-sieving method.

In spring 2024, a spring CC was planting at a similar seeding rate as in fall 2022 and plots were grazed a second time as described above. Biomass and soil samples were collected and analyzed similar to that described for spring 2023. Following CC termination, grain sorghum was planted and will be harvested in fall 2024. Analyses of CC biomass, grain yields, as well as soil chemical and physical properties were performed using the PROC GLIMMIX procedure in SAS ver. 9.4.

Research results and discussion:

Results from this study showed that, in both 2023 and 2024, T-H-L-H and G-O significantly reduced CC residue amount and height compared to ungrazed CCs (Table 1). However, T-H-L-H maintained greater CC residue amount and height compared to G-O in 2023. Percentage residue cover with G-O was not significantly different from the ungrazed treatment in 2023 though T-H-L-H was only somewhat less than G-O and ungrazed CCs. However, percentage residue cover with G-O and T-H-L-H were both less than the ungrazed treatment in 2024 (Table 1).

Table 1. Cover crop residue amount, cover, and height at cover crop termination in 2023 and 2024 near Dubuque, KS.

  Cover crop residue amount Cover crop residue cover Cover crop residue height
Management kg ha-1 % m
  --------------------------------------------- 2023 --------------------------------------------
Ungrazed 1967a 76a 0.55a
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 795b 70b 0.43b
Graze-out (90% removal) 541c 76a 0.28c
  --------------------------------------------- 2024 --------------------------------------------
Ungrazed 884a 65a 0.56a
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 215b 43b 0.48b
Graze-out (90% removal) 231b 44b 0.49b


Means with the same letter are not significantly different across treatments in the same year (α ≤ 0.05).

Cover crop management had no significant effect on SOC, POM, NO3-N, or P concentrations at subsequent grain sorghum planting (Table 2), which suggests that increasing grazing intensity maintained soil chemical properties similar to ungrazed CCs. However, SOC, POM, NO3-N, and P concentrations were greater in the 0-2 in soil depth compared to 2-6 in. 

Table 2. Cover crop management effects on soil organic carbon, particulate organic matter, nitrate-nitrogen, and phosphorus on in 2023 and 2024 near Dubuque, KS.

  Soil organic carbon Particulate organic matter Nitrate-Nitrogen Phosphorus
Management g kg-1 g kg-1 mg kg-1 mg kg-1
  --------------------------------------------- 2023 --------------------------------------------
Initial 19.4a 10.0a 18.9a 17.7a
Ungrazed 21.1a 11.7a 13.7a 23.5a
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 18.6a 9.1a 9.9a 20.1a
Graze-out (90% removal) 1.92a 10.1a 10.7a 17.9a
  --------------------------------------------- 2024 --------------------------------------------
Initial 19.4a 10.0a    
Ungrazed 18.4a 9.1a    
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 20.0a 8.5a    
Graze-out (90% removal) 18.6a 8.1a    

Means with the same letter are not significantly different across treatments in the same year (α ≤ 0.05). Awaiting 2024 nitrogen and phosphorus soil test results.

Soil BD was somewhat increased with T-H-L-H and G-O grazing management strategies at subsequent grain sorghum planting compared to study initiation (Table 3). In 2023, soil BD was slightly increased with T-H-L-H compared to ungrazed CCs though both of these were similar to G-O. However, G-O and T-H-L-H were not significantly different from the ungrazed treatment in 2024. This was potentially because of exceptional drought conditions during the CC growing season and grazing period that resulted in very dry soils that were less susceptible to compaction by cattle hoof traffic. In 2023 and 2024, the WEF at subsequent grain sorghum planting was greater in all CC treatments compared to study initiation but was not affected by CC management (Table 3). Cover crop management had no significant effect on PR, MWD, or time-to-runoff (TTR), which suggests that increasing grazing intensity maintained indicators of soil erodibility (i.e., MWD and WEF) and water infiltration (i.e., TTR) similar to ungrazed CCs. In 2023, CC treatments had somewhat less cumulative water infiltration compared to study initiation up to approximately 40 minutes, but G-O reached cumulative water infiltration similar to study initiation after 40 minutes (36.8 mm) and up to 60 minutes (68.2 mm). This suggests that increasing grazing intensity maintained or increased cumulative water infiltration compared to ungrazed CCs.

Table 3. Cover crop management effects of soil, penetration resistance, mean weight diameter, and wind-erodible fraction on in 2023 and 2024 near Dubuque, KS.

  Bulk density Penetration resistance Mean weight diameter Wind-erodible fraction
Management g cm-3 MPa mm %
  -------------------------------------------------- 2023 -------------------------------------------------
Initial 1.25c   1.23a 23.7b
Ungrazed 1.26bc 1.04a 1.78a 33.2a
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 1.33a 1.10a 1.75 32.8a
Graze-out (90% removal) 1.32ab 0.99a 1.90a 29.7a
  -------------------------------------------------- 2024 -------------------------------------------------
Initial 1.25a   1.23a 23.7b
Ungrazed 1.34a 0.73a 1.24a 36.7a
Take-half-leave-half (50% removal) 1.39a 0.62a 1.22a 32.7a
Graze-out (90% removal) 1.40a 0.68a 0.92a 35.6a

Means with the same letter are not significantly different across treatments in the same year (α ≤ 0.05).

Results showed no significant effect of CC management on subsequent grain sorghum yield, which averaged 5133 kg ha-1 across treatment in 2023. This finding suggests that increasing grazing intensity maintained similar subsequent cash crop yields to ungrazed CCs. Final yield measurements of grain sorghum planted in June 2024 will be determined at crop maturity in October 2024.

Participation Summary
1 Farmers participating in research

Educational & Outreach Activities

10 Consultations
1 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
1 On-farm demonstrations
3 Published press articles, newsletters
1 Tours
1 Webinars / talks / presentations
1 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

20 Farmers participated
10 Ag professionals participated

Project Outcomes

6 Farmers reporting change in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness
3 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

Our results suggest that farmers and ranchers may be able to graze cover crops at greater intensities than take-half-leave-half to maximize livestock gains while maintaining soil health in dryland cropping systems. The findings of this research has been adopted into the Watershed Restoration And Protection Strategies (WRAPS) cover crop program, which could increase adoption of cover crops in Kansas and the North Central Region. Greater adoption and implementation of cover crops will benefit water quality protection and improvement efforts in reaching the goals of the approved 9 Element WRAPS Plan developed in partnership with Kansas State University (KSU), Kansas Center for Agriculture Resources and the Environment (KCARE), the Kansas Department of Health (KDHE), and Environment and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

Knowledge Gained:

Our results suggest that farmers and ranchers may be able to graze cover crops at greater intensities than take-half-leave-half to maximize livestock gains while maintaining soil health in dryland cropping systems. This could increase adoption of cover crops in Kansas and the North Central Region. On-farm research is an essential component of research and education efforts in sustainable agriculture. Collaborative on-farm research to brings relevant local results to communities. However, the relationships between research/extension specialists and stakeholders do not end at the conclusion of the field day or the end of the field season but are continuously developing as research/extension programs and the communities served grow together in partnership.

Success stories:

For one dryland farmer/rancher in west central Kansas, cover crops has become a staple component of his livestock grazing plan. Cover crops allow him to delay moving cattle to native rangelands in the spring and also allow him to move cattle off rangeland earlier in the fall. This allows longer periods of rest, which has increased rangeland health on his operation. This farmer feels further empowered to implement cover crop grazing on his no-till cropland knowing that his soil health can be maintained or enhanced with proper stocking rates and duration of grazing. For him, grazing cover crops allows him to capture economic value in the form of livestock gains while making steps to enhance the health of his soil.


These observations were made under exceptional drought conditions, so further investigation will be necessary under conditions of average or above average precipitation when wet soils may be more susceptible to degradation by cattle hoof traffic. The Kansas State University HB Ranch component of the study will continue as weather conditions improves, so we can generate more data to support guidelines for CC biomass removal rates for dryland systems.

Information Products

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.