Addressing Key Challenges in Green Sea Urchin Aquaculture

Progress report for GNE24-311

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2024: $14,999.00
Projected End Date: 10/31/2026
Grant Recipient: University of Rhode Island
Region: Northeast
State: Rhode Island
Graduate Student:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Coleen Suckling
University of Rhode Island
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Project Information


The green sea urchin (GSU)
fishery is in decline and to sustain the industry, the emerging
sector of aquaculture needs to address challenges preventing its
expansion. One is to optimize production methods, information
needed by growers, and another is a lack of awareness of this
species as an option for aquaculture. GSUs have also shown
potential to be integrated with shellfish and graze upon and
reduce labor intensive biofouling species and consequently help
increase shellfish growth. Pilot trials in commercially used
lantern net cages with an Atlantic sea scallop grower have shown
that GSUs and scallops integrate well with modest reductions in
biofouling, and this study takes the next steps towards
optimizing methods to achieve more dramatically beneficial
results. The objectives are to: 1) Optimize GSU stocking density
and size classes integrated with scallops by trialing higher than
previously tested GSU stocking densities (6 and 8 GSUs per
lantern tier) and size classes (medium (35-43 mm) and large
(44-52 mm); 2)
whether GSUs can be reared on the outside of aquaculture gear to
reduce external net biofouling by using an external mesh
enclosure; and 3) Using strong outreach, increase and disseminate
technical knowledge on rearing GSUs with shellfish to increase
awareness of and grower confidence in the uptake of this
industry, measurable through numbers of people reached and
requests and uptake of GSU seed from the region’s only
operational GSU hatchery who also partners in this

Project Objectives:

This project aims to sustain the
northeastern green sea urchin (GSU;
industry which mainly operates out of the state of Maine by
addressing challenges preventing the expansion of the emerging
sector of aquaculture. The objectives are to:


  1. Determine the ideal stocking
    density and size classes of GSUs to be integrated with
    shellfish such as sea scallops inside lantern nets to maximize
    growth of both animals and reduce biofouling on scallops and
    net interior.

To address this,
the project will conduct farm
trials to optimize GSU stocking density and size classes
integrated with scallops by trialing higher than previously
tested GSU stocking densities (6 and 8 GSUs per lantern tier) and
size classes (medium (35-43 mm) and large (44-52 mm) and
measuring species survival, growth and amount of biofouling on
gear and shellfish.


  1. Determine whether GSUs can be
    reared on the outside of gear to reduce external net

To address this,
the project will conduct a proof
of concept farm trial by maintaining GSUs
onto the external net gear surface to graze
upon and reduce biofouling, retained on the net by using an
overlaying mesh enclosure often used as predator mesh enclosures
in industry. This will translate from previous successful work
for GSUs enclosed onto mussel (
Mytilus sp.) longlines (Sterling et al., 2016) using
similar effective stocking densities (6 and 9 GSUs per net) and
GSU sizes (42 mm) which showed positive species growth and
reduction in biofouling. Responses to be measured will
species survival,
growth and amount of biofouling on gear and shellfish.


  1. Increase of and uptake in GSU
    aquaculture using strong outreach and transferring technical
    knowledge on rearing green sea urchins with shellfish to
    increase grower confidence.

Using a strong technology
transfer and outreach plan, this project will increase awareness
of GSU aquaculture through stakeholder attended events, broad
targeted communications to regional extension networks including
underserved and underrepresented communities, tribal and
minority-owned small business owners. Technical transfer of
production methods will be adopted immediately by a grower and to
the GSU aquaculture network. Responses to be measured will
include the number of requests and uptake of GSU seed from the
region’s only operational GSU hatchery who also partners in this


The purpose of this project is to
address the key challenges in green sea urchin
hereafter GSU) aquaculture. The GSU fishery is in major decline,
and the emerging sector of GSU aquaculture is needed to sustain
this industry. However, there’s a lack of awareness of GSU as a
species for production and lack of knowledge on how they can be
grown with shellfish, information that’s needed to expand uptake
of GSU aquaculture (Plee and Suckling, 2024). GSUs can
potentially be integrated with shellfish, using their grazing
activity to feed and reduce nuisance shellfish biofouling. This
offers a potential low environmental impact solution to tackling
biofouling, which requires regular and costly farm interventions
such as gear changes and cleaning making up to 30% of shellfish
costs. Farmers across Maine are concerned that biofouling
prevents shellfish from reaching their full commercial potential
by >30% which in scallops (Ross et al., 2004) equates to $7
kg-1 missed opportunity (Fitzgerald, 2021). Biofouling restricts
and reduces water flow, and because it adds mass to external
shell surfaces, animals expend additional energy to open, likely
diverting energy from feeding, gas exchange, and waste removal,
negatively affecting growth. If GSUs can be integrated
successfully with shellfish, then this could increase profit, due
to the high value of GSUs within global and regional markets; its
edible roe, known as uni, can be sold as a processed product at
~$12-14 100g-1 and like oysters, can be sold as live, shell on
animals, fetching ~$22 to $110 kg-1. Uni quality is linked to
dietary intake, and biofouling species on shellfish nets and
shells offer additional protein for uni growth (Cook and Kelly,
2007; Suckling et al., 2011; Eddy, 2015). 

Project collaborator Hunt (Casco
Bay Mooring) grows Atlantic sea scallops (
) and
wants to commercially grow GSUs, alone in preexisting lantern net
gear and/or integrated with scallops. Pilot integration trials
(NE SARE, 2022) deployed GSU seed from the region’s only
operational GSU hatchery in the University of Maine’s Center for
Collaborative Aquaculture Research (CCAR; Collaborator Eddy is
the Director of this facility) by Advisor Suckling showed that
these species can be integrated together with excellent species
survival (>97%). The trial used a range of stocking densities
(2, 4, and 8 GSUs per lantern tier) and sizes classes of
Us (small (13-20 mm) and medium (26-35
and scallops (small
(4-5 cm) and large (10-12 cm)), a
nd resulted in modest internal net biofouling
reduction and shellfish growth. This showed that they could be
successfully integrated, but the results were not as dramatically
beneficial as initially hoped. External net fouling was not
noticeably reduced and may be due to the GSUs not being large
enough to protrude the grazing teeth (known as the Aristotle’s
lantern) far enough through the net mesh to intercept external
biofouling as food. Next steps towards achieving more dramatic
benefits of integration have been discussed and identified with
this grower, and this project builds on these important pilot
trials by using larger GSUs and higher stocking densities. It
will also examine whether GSUs can be maintained on the external
pearl net surface to intercept this biofouling, retained on the
net by using an overlaying mesh enclosure often used as predator
mesh enclosures in industry. This builds on an approach shown to
work for GSUs enclosed onto mussel (
Mytilus sp.) longlines to reduce biofouling (Sterling
et al., 2016). If these approaches prove successful then there
will be an immediate adoption of this technology showing direct
commercial impact. 

The collaborative team in this
project (Eddy, Suckling) have collated a GSU aquaculture interest
list comprising of >80 regional growers including tribal
communities, small-medium sized growers in rural areas,
minority-owned small businesses in aquaculture (i.e. shellfish
and seaweed), and fishers, across multiple states. Growers in
this list are actively participating in GSU aquaculture, are
conducting pilot growth trials or are seriously interested but
want to learn more about growing methods before participating in
this industry. Technical guidance provided to industry by GSU
experts Eddy and Suckling lack detailed information about optimal
stocking densities and sizes of GSUs and this is urgently needed
to increase grower confidence and industry uptake. This project
serves as an important case study to address this knowledge gap.
Through collaborative extension with the project team, I will
conduct strong outreach in order to transfer the research
findings to regional growers to increase awareness, and measure
the uptake of GSU aquaculture.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Steve Eddy (Researcher)
  • Stewart Hunt (Researcher)


Materials and methods:

The following approaches will be employed to address the previously described project objectives: 

Objective 1: Determining the ideal stocking density and size classes for shellfish integration. 

This will be conducted as a field experiment at the Casco Bay Mooring Farm located in Casco Bay, near Falmouth Maine. The farm typically uses 5 tiered 50 cm lantern net cages (15mm mesh size) suspended on horizontal long lines which are 7 feet below the sea water surface. Each lantern net has approximately 6 feet of line, which places the top of each lantern net approximately 13-15’ below the surface.

The trial will comprise of 5 treatments: 

  1. Control no GSUs; 
  2. Medium sized GSUs (35-43 mm TD) at a density of 8 GSUs per lantern net tier;
  3. Medium sized GSUs (35-43 mm TD) at a density of 10 GSUs per tier;
  4. Large sized GSUs (44 - 52 mm) at a density of 8 GSUs per tier;
  5. Large sized GSUs (44 - 52 mm) at a density of 10 GSUs per tier.

Trials will be conducted in lantern net cages described above. Each treatment will be held in a single lantern net tier, and replicated across five separate lantern net cages. Within each lantern net cage the treatment tier location will be randomized to account for light and depth influence (Sterling et al. 2016; Table 1). These GSU size classes were chosen to build off of previous trials (described in the Project Focus section). The size classes of GSUs are realistic sizes for rapid growing juveniles that can be achieved in a hatchery setting, and for hatchery supplied GSU seed which have been grown on the farm. If mass produced in monoculture at the farm, the benefit of integrating larger size classes of farm grown GSUs with scallops would be to help boost gonad growth in preparation for the market (>52 mm size).

Sea scallops will be maintained in all lantern net tiers at a constant density of 30% lantern net tier bottom coverage, which at the (approx. 2”) size we will use will equate to 30 scallops per lantern net tier. For this trial, GSUs will be sourced from the University of Maine's Center for Cooperative Aquaculture research (CCAR) hatchery in Franklin, Maine and transported to Casco Bay Mooring Farm in coolers.  Atlantic sea scallops will be sourced from Casco Bay Mooring’s farm stock. 

A HOBO onset data logger (Model U24-002-C) will be deployed with the experiment to measure and record seawater temperature and conductivity (salinity) every 15 minutes at the farm location. These are not monitored currently by the grower.  Having this data will allow us to connect any changes in conditions to shellfish and urchin performance and provide more information on their tolerances needed by the grower and by the broader GSU industry and can be shared in Objective 3.

Objective 2: Determine whether green sea urchins can be reared on the outside of gear to reduce external net biofouling. 

This trial will also be conducted in parallel with Objective 1, at the Casco Bay Mooring farm site and will use 13” pearl nets with 9mm mesh size. While pearl nets are not typically used at this farm, they are utilized in other scallop farms across the region (e.g. Vertical Bay Maine, Peter Andrews). Their small size and independent units provide an easy handling approach to carry out this important proof of concept study. 

This trial will apply the following treatments: 

  1. A sea urchin control which only contains scallops and no GSUs;
  2. A low stocking density of GSUs (6 per pearl net) on the external pearl net surface, enclosed using a 12.7 mm (½”) mesh size predator exclusion nylon mesh netting;
  3. A high stocking density of GSUs (9 per pearl net) on the external pearl net surface, enclosed with netting;
  4. A net control which only contains scallops,has  no GSUs and has the external netting to determine whether the presence of the netting alone influences biofouling on the external pearl net surface.

The GSU stocking densities and size (42 mm) have been adopted from the best performing results from Sterling et al. (2016) who enclosed GSUs onto mussel long lines using a net enclosure (described in Previous Work section) to allow us to determine how well these methods translate to alternative gear in aquaculture and enable study comparisons for performance. All pearl nets will be stocked with 2” scallops at 30% lantern net bottom coverage (approx. 10 scallops per pearl net) following the same practices and sources of scallops (and GSUs) as Objective 1 for comparability. 

Sampling, data collection and analysis for Objectives 1 and 2

PI Elba will visit the farm with Grower Hunt every 2 months to check the progress of the trials. During these visits the following will be observed and recorded: the condition of the gear, the level of biofouling (photographed, see methods below), species survival, and all of the GSUs and a subsample of 5 scallops from each treatment replicate will be weighed, measured and photographed for size and shellfish biofouling (see methods below). This will allow the team to assess trial progress and act as a backup in case of unlikely losses of nets during the project.

During these visits, PI Elba will also download seawater parameter logger data, clean the logger of fouling, reset it, and as needed calibrated for continued measurements.

During the project start and end (and bimonthly subsamples as appropriate), all shellfish will be measured for their shell length, width and height and mass and all sea urchins will be weighed and measured for the test diameters using a combination of vernier calipers and digital photography against a stationary ruler for scale for digital measurements using ImageJ (Shindelin et al 2012). Urchins and shellfish at the experimental start will be grouped by similar sizes to ensure homogeneity before being set out on the farm. 

Similarly, all nets and scallops will be photographed against a scale to qualitatively rank the level of biofouling (e.g. Rare: <2 organisms per scallop Frequent: 2–5 organisms per scallop Abundant: 5+ organisms per scallop), following Ross et al. (2004), and identify biofouling species on nets and shellfish. Fouling species and the nets will be weighed wet and dry to quantitatively determine biofouling presence. Additionally, to quantify fouling per tier in the first trial, a square of mesh of standard size will be randomly chosen and photographed to measure percentage of net occlusion (PNO) following methods of Sterling et al. (2016). 


Baseline and end of experimental samples of shellfish (n = 10 per replicate tier) and all sea urchins will be dissected. Shellfish wet tissue mass and sea urchin gonad mass will be weighed to determine impacts on market meat of the species. Following international reporting protocols, sea urchin gonads will be divided by the whole animal wet mass and expressed as a  percentage. Gonad color will be compared against a sea urchin color card to qualitatively assess whether gonads are marketable in color (bright orange to yellow color) or not (dark brown, gray to black color; Suckling et al. 2011). 

Data will be analyzed using R Studio to determine the treatment effects (GSU size, stocking density, use of external net) on biofouling, survival, growth, wet tissue mass, gonad index and color for shellfish and sea urchins and environmental data (temperature and salinity) within the farm. Treatment differences will be analyzed using either Nested ANOVA via a General Linear Model or One-Way ANOVA after testing for normality and homogeneity of variance (p > 0.05). After significant ANOVA results, Tukey’s or Bonferroni’s Pairwise Comparisons will be utilized to determine which treatments differ for balanced and unbalanced data sets respectively. Non-parametric Kruskal Wallis tests will be carried out where heterogeneous residual variability remains after transforming data following Sokal and Rohlf (1995) or for qualitative data. The sample size in each trial will be sufficient for the proposed statistical testing.

Objective 3: Increase awareness and grower uptake of green sea urchin aquaculture.

Key updates will be generated from results from the above objectives collated, analyzed, interpreted, and discussed across the whole project team through email communications and team update meetings throughout the project duration. After agreeing on the interpretation of the data and the technical guidance production information to be disseminated to stakeholders, this information will be collectively used to promote awareness of and technology transferred to regional industry via the GSU aquaculture interest email list (Managed by Advisor Suckling and collaborator Eddy), the NOAA Sea Grant extension network via my role as a Sea Grant Community Engagement and Communications Fellow, and via talks at events such as the Northeastern Aquaculture Conference (NACE), the Department of Marine Resources annual green sea urchin research forum (initiated in 2023 and often live streamed online to the broader region) and the Sea Urchin Zone Council (Project collaborator Eddy is the Aquaculture representative) which is attended by our targeted stakeholders such as fishers, shellfish and seaweed growers, processors, harvesters and permitters. In conjunction, it will be embedded into education at the University of Rhode Island where many aquaculture and fisheries students end up working in regional industry as growers and eventually as farm owners. More details on the outreach plans have been provided in the outreach plan section of the proposal below. To measure the impact of these outreach efforts, we will quantify the number of talks, attendees, and email/network recipients, and for effectiveness the number of new growers requesting to join the GSU aquaculture interest email list, seed requests and new GSU uptake by growers to via collaborator Eddy.

Research results and discussion:

This experiment has just started so there are no results updates yet.

However, preliminary actions have included a visit to the farm site and discussion with the owner, Stewart Hunt. During this visit, assessment of the site, determination of optimal gear to be used and arrangement of such, and logistical planning were discussed. This will ensure a seamless experiment beginning as all partners have discussed plans and expectations.

Additionally, PI Elba has been experimenting with the HOBO onset data logger (Model U24-002-C) to determine proper function and gain familiarity with the logger. This has been taking place at the University of Rhode Island, Blount Aquaculture Laboratory.

Research conclusions:

This experiment has just started so there are no conclusion updates yet.


Participation Summary
1 Farmers participating in research

Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary

1 Webinars / talks / presentations

Participation Summary:

4 Number of agricultural educator or service providers reached through education and outreach activities
Education/outreach description:

This project has just started so there are few updates for this section yet.

The results of this project will be strategically knowledge transferred to regional and national stakeholders using the following strategies:

  1. Project team meetings enable immediate adoption of these approaches by the grower pending on results. These also provide CCAR with new knowledge on effective integrative production methods which can be used in their technical guidance for new growers taking up green sea urchin aquaculture.
  2. Talks overviewing the study, results and method recommendations at events such as the Northeastern Aquaculture Conference (NACE), the Department of Marine Resources annual green sea urchin research forum (initiated in 2023) and the Sea Urchin Zone Council (Project collaborator Eddy is the Aquaculture representative) which is attended by our targeted stakeholders such as fishers, shellfish and seaweed growers, processors, harvesters and permitters.
  3. Distributing the news directly to the ‘Green sea urchin aquaculture interest list’ a group collated  and managed by Advisor Suckling and project collaborators Eddy from previous outreach efforts which increased awareness of this emerging sector of industry and provided free seed and technical guidance. These efforts created this group which comprises >80 growers interested in and several now participating in green sea urchin aquaculture. This platform is used to distribute updates on green urchin aquaculture and distribute a seed request form and therefore directly reaches those who would benefit from this research. 
  4. Using my existing role as a community engagement and communications fellow with the Aquaculture and Fisheries extension team at Rhode Island Sea Grant,  I will disseminate project result information to the public and industry via the NOAA Sea Grant extension network which I have access to in my role. There are many shellfish farms in the region/network which have a vested interest in reducing biofouling and integrating new species. This network also includes Sea Grant states involved with Western US sea urchin aquaculture research which includes species such as the green sea urchin. 
  5. Green sea urchin aquaculture education is also heavily embedded into the University of Rhode Island's Aquaculture and Fisheries program and the project has been used to educate numerous undergraduate and graduate students through courses such as AFS425 Aquaculture and the Environment, AFS491 Special research projects and BES600 Graduate research Seminars all taught by Advisor Suckling and teaching assisted by PI Elba.

Project Outcomes

Project outcomes:

This project has just started so there are no updates for this section yet.

Knowledge Gained:

This project has just started so there are no updates for this section yet.

Assessment of Project Approach and Areas of Further Study:

This project has just started so there are no updates for this section yet.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.