Social Valuation of Forest-based Ecosystem Services of Female Forest Landowners in Georgia, United States

Final report for GS22-264

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2022: $15,081.00
Projected End Date: 08/31/2024
Grant Recipient: University of Georgia
Region: Southern
State: Georgia
Graduate Student:
Major Professor:
Dr. Puneet Dwivedi
Clemson University
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Project Information


In the United States, about 24% of forest landowners who own 10+ acres are female, collectively owning 52 million acres. This percentage is even higher in the Southern United States (Southern US), as about 27% of forest landowners are females owning 30 million acres in total. While trends show that female forest landowners (FeFLs) are on the rise, FeFLs are less actively involved in forest management, compromising the sustainability of these forestlands and the flow of ecosystem services (ESs). No substantial research efforts have been made to understand the perceptions of ESs and the underlying value orientations of FeFLs. This lack of knowledge about FeFLs has resulted in a situation where extension efforts to engage FeFLs positively were either not launched or failed due to a mismatch between the information provided and information needed resulting in lower recruitment and funding support. In this context, the project aims to capture the perceptions, motivation, synergies, and trade-offs of FeFLs for sustainable management of forests in the Southern US, in general, and Georgia, in particular. A value-based approach to decision-making will help us understand the factors influencing forest management decisions. As part of the first objective to capture the perceptions and underlying motivations for the preferred ESs, we employed mixed methodology using a combination of conceptual content cognitive mapping (3CM) and cultural consensus analysis. Our findings highlight the ESs benefits and the underlying motivations of FeFLs in five thematic areas. These are primary benefits for self and family, economic benefits, forestland as a place for family time, forestland as a place for social activity, and environmental benefits, including provisioning, regulating, and supporting services. As part of the second objective to assess value-based ESs bundles (synergies) and trade-offs,  we utilized principal component analysis. Our findings revealed that FeFLs held a high preference for cultural, regulating, and supporting services. ES bundles encompassed environmental, economic, heritage & social, recreation & aesthetic, and urban escape. The strongest trade-off appeared between the environmental and economic bundle. Underlying biospheric and altruistic values along with conservation and climate change motivations influenced the environmental bundle. The heritage & social bundle was influenced by altruistic values and motivations, including heritage, finance, recreation, and social benefits. In contrast, egotistic values and motivations encompassing home site, aesthetics, sustainability, and education influenced the urban escape bundle. Aligning forest management policies and programs with FeFLs’ ES preferences, values, and motivations would promote sustainable forestry, foster gender equality, and ensure the continued provision of diverse ESs in the region. Our results will inform the decision-making of forestry management activities. This will, in turn, cater to the needs of FeFLs, which will bring a sense of community to FeFLs, ensuring the sustainability of forestlands and the flow of ESs in the Southern US.

Project Objectives:

The social valuation of ESs will provide knowledge on the perceived benefits of FeFLs and their underlying motivations for managing forest lands. The social valuation of ESs can be understood through preferences, synergies and trade-offs of ESs. ESs that are preferred together would appear in bundles, revealing the synergies between ESs. Those ESs that compete with other preferred ESs would emerge as trade-offs.


Value dimensions will help us understand the motivations and how synergies and trade-offs emerge based on the perceived benefits 13. The underlying values of FeFLs will reveal the driving factors that motivate the preferences for ESs. Further, diverging values and varying stakeholder preferences of ESs will reveal the FeFL perceptions of ESs trade-offs. Considering a value-based approach will help us examine the trade-offs of ESs as well as the motivations for ESs preferences of FeFLs.


Social preferences of ESs, and the resulting ESs bundles (synergies) and trade-offs will enhance our understanding of FeFL decision-making for forestland management in order to develop targeted outreach and policy interventions. Further, motivations for ESs will help evaluate the trade-offs, reveal land management intentions, and develop land-management options 14.


Goal: The goal of the study is to assess the social valuation and perceptions of ESs benefits based on socio-cultural knowledge that influence forest management decisions of FeFLs in order to safeguard the sustainability of forests, sustain the flow of ESs and empower FeFLs in Georgia.



  1. Assess the perceptions and preferences for ESs and the underlying motivational factors contributing to the preferences of ESs based on socio-cultural knowledge of FeFLs.
  2. Evaluate the value-based ESs trade-offs and bundles based on the perception of FeFLs.


Materials and methods:


Preferences and motivations towards ESs depend on the values held by FeFLs. Human values represent underlying motivational structures and determine environmental behavior 17, especially the pro-environmental behaviors of women 10. Assessing value orientations provides a strong understanding of the driving factors that motivate the preferences of ESs. This provides a value-based approach to decision-making that influences the forest management decisions of FeFLs. For instance, ecological value influences environmental management decisions 18. Further, social perceptions of ESs trade-offs arise from diverging values and varying stakeholder preferences of ESs. Considering multiple value orientations will help us understand the trade-offs as well as the motivation of ESs.


The three environmental value orientations - altruistic, biospheric and egotistic – best describe the environmental choices and intentions of people 19. These value orientations give rise to preferences and motivations of ESs which in turn will provide value-based trade-offs of ESs based on the perception of FeFLs. The theoretical framework is captured in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Theoretical framework for assessing social preferences and trade-offs of ESS



The study employed a combination of methods such as a mental model and social valuation to study the research objectives. The first objective was assessed using a mental model to understand the values and the underlying motivational factors that contributed to the ESs preferences as perceived based on socio-cultural knowledge of FeFLs. The second objective was assessed using a social valuation approach to evaluate the relative importance of ESs by ranking the preferences of ESs 20. This revealed the ESs bundles and trade-offs perceived by the FeFLs.


Mental Model

Cognitive mapping, such as the mental model, provides a mechanism to understand the underlying values and motivational factors 21 influencing the preferences of perceived benefits. A mental model is a cognitive representation of external reality based on people's personal life experiences, perceptions, and understandings of the world 21. A combination of diagrammatic method (conceptual content cognitive mapping (3CM)) and oral interview method (cultural consensus analysis (CCA)) was employed to elicit response from deeper cognitive structures. First, 3CM card sorting was performed to collect clusters of key concepts on ESs and their motivations. Based on the clusters of key concepts, CCA was performed and presented through multi-dimensional scaling to represent the socio-cultural knowledge on preferences of ESs and the factors underlying those preferences. Detailed steps of the mental model approach were represented in Figure 2. In addition, a survey was employed to assess the value orientations. Developing correlations on the resulting ESs and motivations with value orientations provided the relationship between them.


Figure 2: Framework of mental model of FFL preferences of ESS


Social valuation

The social valuation approach was used to understand the perceived bundles and trade-offs of ESs benefits. The social valuation is based on the societal valuation of ESs, that enables assessing the relative importance of the ESs 20. Preferences and relative importance of perceived ESs reveal the trade-offs between ESs and the bundles of ESs 22. Bundles of ESs and the trade-offs were assessed using principal component and hierarchical cluster analysis 23,24.


The developed questionnaire includes major ESs benefits derived from forest, based on Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ecosystems provides a set of supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural services for human well-being 25. The term ESs might be a technical jargon to the landowners. Hence, ESs are defined as statements that relate to the forest-based benefits that could be perceived by forest landowners. These are defined and adapted based on the typology of social values of forest-based ESs 26 and interaction with landowners (Questionnaire phase-II Q2).


Value orientations were assessed based on Schwartz value theory. An environmental portrait value questionnaire (E-PVQ) 27 that focuses on environmental research was used to develop the questionnaire for value orientations (Questionnaire phase-II Q3). The advantages of using PVQ over Schwartz value survey is that E-PVQ is adjusted to focus on environmentally significant values and reduces the bias. E-PVQ helps to measure the respondents’ individual values less directly, reducing the bias that may arise from the respondents likely strain to choose socially acceptable values 27,28.

Survey and data sampling

FeFLs who own forestland in Georgia were chosen for the study. FeFLs were initially identified through contacts obtained from a local organization (Land & Ladies), preliminary surveys at a workshop held in Georgia on Aug 22, 2023, and the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) Stewardship Landowner database. Questionnaire phase-I and phase-II Q1&Q3 were employed for the preliminary survey and main survey respectively. Snowball sampling was used to contact more FeFLs. In total for the first objective, data was collected from 17 FeFLs for the preliminary survey and 39 FeFLs for the main survey. FeFLs from the preliminary survey who expressed a desire to participate further were included in the main survey. For the second objective, data collection involved 62 FeFL respondents. 

Data collection and analysis: Objective 1

Data was collected in two stages: preliminary freelisting and then card sorting with 3CM. Freelisting was carried out as a preliminary step in data collection. Freelisting involved eliciting key concepts or keywords from FeFLs. FeFL participants were asked to freelist as many key concepts as they can think of about the benefits they receive from forests and the motivations. ESs may be a technical term to the participants and hence ‘benefits from forests’ was used throughout the data collection rather than ‘ecosystem services.’ These key concepts were curated, standardized, and examined for saturation of new concepts. Once the saturation of new key concepts was reached and no new key concepts were emerging, the preliminary stage of collecting key concepts was stopped. Saturation of key concepts was achieved after collecting data from 17 FeFLs. At the end of the preliminary freelisting stage, 69 key concepts were elicited from 17 FeFLs. These 69 key concepts encompassed ESs benefits, as well as various other aspects that connects their perception of ESs benefits and forestland ownership, such as motivations, constraints, and forest management.

In the second stage, the 69 key concepts gathered from FeFLs were then employed in a 3CM open-ended card sorting exercise. 3CM method involved two steps. In the first step the respondents were instructed to arrange the cards into groups based on a prompt. The prompt was ‘please organize the key concepts into clusters based on your understanding of the benefits perceived from your forestland and the reasons why these benefits are important to you.’ The respondents were free to discard any card or add new concept to a blank card. They were also free to organize the key concepts into any number of groups. Pile sort data obtained at the end of each card sorting exercise reveals the mental model of each respondent. In the second step, the respondents were then asked to name and explain each group.

We conducted the analysis using the ANTHROPAC Pilesorts software package (Borgatti et al. 2002). We employed multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis to capture a shared mental model and overall socio-cultural perceptions. The aggregate proximity matrix was used to create a shared mental model and an MDS visualization, ensuring a stress value below 0.2 to effectively represent intricate key concept relationships (Sturrock and Rocha 2000). Hierarchical cluster analysis identified clusters and sub-clusters among the key concepts, with clusters named according to respondents’ cluster descriptions during the card-sorting exercise.

Data collection and analysis: Objective 2

The data were collected using questionnaires for social valuation and value orientations (using Questionnaire Phase-II Q1&Q3). The responses from these questionnaires were analyzed using relative importance to assess preference of ESs and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation (UCINET) to assess ESs bundles. Further we assessed trade-offs and synergies among ESs bundles using Spearman's rank correlation coefficients based on PCA factor loadings. We also conducted Spearman rank correlation analysis to examine the underlying value orientations and motivations shaping ESs bundles. 

Research results and discussion:

Objective 1

A mental model of FeFLs as a Stakeholder

Data analysis was carried out using statistical packages ANTHROPAC (Borgatti, 1996a) and UCINET (Borgatti et al., 2002). A mental model of FeFLs was developed using cultural consensus analysis and cluster analysis, and the mental model was visualized using multidimensional scaling (MDS). Results from the study showed that the mental model of FeFLs’ was grouped in five thematic clusters that demonstrate the perceived ESs benefits and the underlying motivational factors. These were primary benefits for self and family, economic benefits, forestland as a place for family time, forestland as a place for social activity, and environmental benefits.

The mental model of FeFLs captured the socio-cultural factors that influenced FeFLs perceptions about the forest-based ESs benefits. The mixed methodology of 3CM and cultural consensus analysis yielded quantitative and qualitative data that determined FeFLs' mental model  by demonstrating the linkages between socio-cultural factors and perceptions of FeFLs’ about ESs. The 3CM method of data collection elicited a rich and comprehensive mental model of FeFLs. Compared to the conventional methodologies that uses either qualitative or quantitative approaches, the mixed methodology approach using a mental model provided a rich representation of the various factors of how FeFLs perceive ESs benefits. The mental model approach elicited FeFL responses not just about the perceived ESs benefits and FeFL motivation for protecting forests-based ESs, but also associated factors involved in owning forestland such as forest management activities and barriers of forest management.

Objective 2

Preferences of ESs

Relative importance of ESs were very high (mean value above 6.5) for 12 ESs indicators. Highest mean responses were obtained for aesthetics (mean=6.9), erosion control (mean=6.9), wildlife biodiversity (mean=6.9), which are categorized under the category of aesthetics, regulating and supporting services (Table 2).

Bundles and trade-offs of ESs

Findings from PCA revealed five bundles of ESs, collectively explaining 62.4% of the variance. These were ecosystem health & environmental services, tangible economic services, recreational & aesthetic, heritage & social, and urban escape & indirect benefits. Significant trade-offs emerged between  three bundles. Trade-offs between ecosystem health & environmental services and tangible economic services were relatively stronger (ρ = –0.47, p < 0.05) than trade-offs observed between other bundles. Trade-offs were moderately strong between ecosystem health & environmental services and heritage & social (ρ = –0.39, p < 0.05) as well as between heritage & social and recreational & aesthetic (ρ = –0.33, p < 0.1).

Influence of value orientations on ESs bundles

For the ecosystem health & environmental services bundle, both biospheric (ρ = 0.31, p < 0.05) and altruistic (ρ = 0.25, p < 0.05) value orientations played significant roles. On the other hand, the results did not show significant underlying values associated with the tangible economic services bundle and recreational & aesthetic bundle. Altruistic value orientation underlay the heritage & social bundle (ρ = 0.32, p < 0.05), whereas various motivations exhibited significant influences. Finally, the urban escape & indirect benefits bundle was associated, even though weaker, with egotistic value orientation (ρ = 0.22, p < 0.05). 

These insights underscore the complexity of FeFLs' decision-making processes and emphasize the need for diverse perspectives in forest management. The study provided a nuanced understanding about ESs’s preferences, bundles and trade-offs to forest managers and policy makers. Tailoring forest management to align with the preferences, values, and motivations of FeFLs of ESs can unlock synergistic and multiplier effects from these services. Recognizing the interconnectedness among the ESs bundles highlights the potential for cumulative and additive gains of various ESs. Adapting the forest management policy and extension programs to FeFLs’ perceived ESs preferences and motivations will not only enhance forest management but also promote inclusivity and active FeFL engagement in sustainable forest stewardship.

Participation Summary
62 Farmers participating in research

Educational & Outreach Activities

62 Consultations
2 Journal articles
2 Published press articles, newsletters
4 Webinars / talks / presentations
35 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

62 Farmers participated
Education/outreach description:

Publications: The first article is published (citation below) and we are in the process of publishing the second article (see below for title).

  • First article: Balasubramanian, K., & Dwivedi, P. (2024). Using mental model approach for ascertaining socio-cultural perceptions of forest-based ecosystem services among female forest landowners in Georgia, United States. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 33(2), 135-157.
  • Second article (draft title): Perception of Ecosystem Service Bundles and Trade-Offs among Female Forest Landowners in Georgia, United States. In the process of submitting for publication.

Outreach: I have also presented the research in multiple conferences and webinars.

  • Kanchana Balasubramanian, Puneet Dwivedi, 2024. Unveiling Social Perception of Ecosystem Service Bundles and Trade-Offs: Female Forest Landowners in Georgia, United States. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Long Beach, California. Aug 4-9, 2024.
  • Kanchana Balasubramanian and Puneet Dwivedi. 2024. Using Mental Model Approach for Ascertaining Socio-Cultural Perceptions of Forest-Based Ecosystem Services Among Female Forest Landowners in Georgia, United States. Warnell Graduate Student Symposium. Athens, Georgia. February 22-23, 2024.
  • Kanchana Balasubramanian and Puneet Dwivedi. 2024. Using Cultural Consensus Analysis and Mental Model Approach for Ascertaining Perceptions of Forest-Based Ecosystem Services Among Female Forest Landowners in Georgia, United States. Integrative Conservation Conference (ICC). Athens, Georgia. February 16-17, 2024.
  • Kanchana Balasubramanian and Puneet Dwivedi. 2024. Gender, Forests, and Ecosystem Services: Insights from the Study in the Southern United States. World Resources Institute Brown Bag Presentation. August 2, 2023 (Virtual).

Project Outcomes

1 Grant received that built upon this project
1 New working collaboration
Project outcomes:

Exploring the socio-cultural perceptions of forest-based ESs will enhance our understanding of decision-making framework of FeFLs about forestland management to develop targeted interventions and ensure the sustainability of forestlands in the South. In addition to strengthening forest stewardship and providing the flow of ESs, this research will also pave the way for improved economic benefits through inclusive strategies targeting FeFLs. Targeted communication and inclusive programs and policies will encourage the participation of FeFLs in forest management and enhance their capabilities to manage the forestlands they hold and the land they would receive. Results from this study would help cater to FeFL needs, empowering FeFLs and paving the way for inclusion and gender equity in the forestry sector.

Knowledge Gained:

The study provides nuances of FeFL perceptions about ESs, their engagement in forestry management, and their knowledge to carry out sustainable forest management. Our study provides new and comprehensive information and understanding of FeFL’s perception of ESs. As a researcher, this helps understand the needs of FeFLs, adapt future surveys to include new perceptions about ESs benefits as well as the focus to study the constraints of FeFLs. For instance, our study indicated that FeFLs who co-own with spouse and co-own with other family members are likely to have varying levels of engagement in forest management and, consequently, would differ in the need for decision-making. Future research could also focus on who are the primary decision makers when FeFLs are co-owners and how it influences the ESs benefits perceived by FeFLs. And some FeFLs perceive male dominance as a barrier to engaging more actively in forest management. Targeted studies focusing on these nuances of FeFLs will help develop and adapt targeted interventions in forest management and outreach programs.


Future studies should incorporate random sampling to validate our findings, include inactive FeFLs, and examine the influence of race, class, and age representations. FeFL’s life-course, influenced by their age, shapes their priorities and interest in forest management, thereby altering their perceptions of ESs (Mook and Dwivedi 2023). Future studies should also consider factors like income, inheritance, status as a primary decisionmaker, and active forest management. Examining the combined impact of these factors could shed light on their roles in ESs preferences and trade-offs. This approach can address the identified research gap concerning the influence of inheritance and FeFLs’ life stage on active forest management, impacting income generation and the potential for creating generational wealth. Furthermore, including income levels as an additional factor can uncover the drivers that lead certain FeFLs to perceive forestland as a retirement option. Additionally, a potential gap exists in understanding male forest landowners’ perceptions of ESs. For instance, do male forest landowners primarily hunt for themselves or also for the benefit of their family members? Comparing perceptions of ESs between female and male forest landowners could reveal gender-based disparities in the socio-cultural viewpoints about forest-based ESs.


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    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.