New Ranchers, New Needs: Why are first-generational ranchers deciding against traditional climate adaptation strategies?

Final report for GW18-020

Project Type: Graduate Student
Funds awarded in 2018: $24,982.00
Projected End Date: 09/30/2019
Grant Recipient: University of California - Davis
Region: Western
State: California
Graduate Student:
Principal Investigator:
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Project Information


There is a crisis in California's livestock production system, marked by climatic extremes and rapid aging of the rancher population. Amid this crisis, there is both a critical need and an opportunity for a new generation of ranchers who can adaptively manage for an uncertain future. Based on preliminary analysis, California's first-generation ranchers (FGRs) are a diverse demographic who desire to practice sustainable ranching, yet under-utilize traditional ranching information sources and are less likely to use common climate adaptation strategies (e.g., conservative stocking rates) when compared to multi-generational ranchers. 

The overall project goal is to enhance FGRs’ climate adaptation capacity as well as outreach organizations’ abilities to meet the needs of this new clientele. The project uses mixed-methods (interviews, surveys) of ranchers and shepherds who manage cattle, goats and sheep across California. Project objectives include, 

  1. Conduct a regional comparison of FGRs to determine how decision-making influences adaptation to climate change and quality of life.
  2. Develop appropriate resources and outreach strategies to improve climate adaptation practices and FGR quality of life.
  3. Host three regional workshops to facilitate knowledge exchange.
  4. Improve rancher organizations’ outreach strategies.

This project incorporates FGR collaborating ranchers, UC Davis Rangeland Extension Specialists, and the network of Cooperative Extension advisors to ensure usefulness of the project from conception to outreach. Outreach will include workshops, presentations, publications and webinar. Expected outcomes include improved climate adaptation for FGRs and targeted outreach efficacy. 

Project Objectives:
  1. Conduct a regional comparison of FGRs to determine how decision-making influences adaptation to climate change and quality of life.
  2. Develop appropriate resources and outreach strategies to improve climate adaptation practices and FGR quality of life.
  3. Host three regional workshops to facilitate knowledge exchange.
  4. Improve rancher organizations’ outreach strategies.


Materials and methods:

Materials and Methods

Interview and Survey tool development

I developed a semi-structured interview guide and survey to assist in understanding how the diversity of rancher decision-making impacts adaptation strategies on their ranch and their quality of life, including economic, social and ecological values and goals. The interview is structured as a narrative inquiry (Peters, Grégoire et al. 2004), a technique that gathers data by engaging in a conversation about their path to ranching, values, challenges, and the process for overcoming challenges. I tailored this interview to understand how decisions are made on climate adaptation by each operator. Table 1 identifies sections in the interview and the corresponding data collected.

A follow-up online survey using Qualtrics was sent to participants to collect quantitative demographic and operation characteristics (e.g., land ownership) as well as satisfaction with quality of life indicators.

Interview participants were recruited through my rancher collaborators, the UC Cooperative Extension network, and a range of organizations including farmers markets, county Farm Bureaus and Resource Conservation Districts. I used snowball sampling to recruit additional first-generation ranchers from interviewees' social networks.


Table 1. Interview data

Interview questions

Data needed

Life story and experiences 

Ranch management philosophy

Goals, values, motivations, quality of life indicators


Ranch operation  characteristics


Qualitative operation and management characteristics (e.g., climate adaptation practices, land use, marketing strategies)

Environmental adaptation: Information, social networks, and research needed

Types and process of deciding on climate adaptation strategies (e.g., move livestock to different location due to relationship with owner)


Types of information they access and involvement in organizations



Data analysis was conducted using MAXQDA, a qualitative data analysis software, to analyze interviews and social networks. This type of analysis allows me to not only compare identified objectives, but also use grounded theory to discover themes which arise from the data (Welsh 2002). I am using quantitative analyses to examine how FGR demographics, values, location and information sources informs decisions and impacts use and success of adaptation strategies. All data collection and recruitment instruments were submitted and approved by The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Administration at UC Davis prior to the start date of the project (IRB ID# 912915-1).

Research results and discussion:


During fieldwork, I interviewed 37 first-generation ranchers, with 31 participants completing follow-up surveys between July 2017-March 2018. FGRs are attempting to balance their socio-ecological goals —including climate change mitigation and ecosystem restoration — with economic realities by using strategies also common to MGRs — meat production, off-ranch work, and other forms of diversifying income streams. At the same time, FGRs are also creating innovative strategies that include targeted and contract grazing, and working for established ranches (being employees rather than owners, but with considerable management responsibilities). Key findings encompass first-generation rancher demographics, motivations to start ranching, climate adaptation strategies, and information sources.


Of the survey respondents, participants range in ranching experience, with the most experienced beginning in 1986 to the most recent beginning in 2014; on average, participants started ranching in 2006. The youngest rancher is 28 and the oldest 77, with a median age of 38--far younger than the national average of farmers and ranchers, which hovers around a median age of 58 (USDA Census of Agriculture, 2014).

Motivation to enter ranching

While quite a few ranchers set out with an explicit mission to manage livestock, many of the interviewees began raising animals due to multiple reasons, including the quality/quantity of land they were able to access, philosophical goals related to alternative agriculture, and a desire for the lifestyle associated with ranching. Interviewees on the whole manage their operations using techniques that prioritize ecological health, with many citing climate mitigation as a guiding principle from the outset. First-generation ranchers described how they find personal meaning in the lifestyle of working outside and managing landscapes that improve soil health and biodiversity. A deep passion and love of working with animals and learning how to improve degraded lands was cited repeatedly as a motivation to ranch.


Climate adaptation decisions

The strategies first-generation ranchers are using to adapt to climate change are directly related to the types of animals they are selecting and land tenure. The majority of FGRs interviewed are sheep producers, with many incorporating diversified production of multiple animals and some crop production (Table 1). Interviewees report that they chose the type of animal most appropriate for the ecological and climatic context. Eight percent of first-generation ranchers began as diversified vegetable farmers on self-described "marginal lands," but converted that land to sheep or goat production for ecological and economic reasons. Rather than cattle which predominate livestock production in California, most new ranchers are buying and breeding small ruminants that are locally adapted to certain bioregions of California. They describe choosing smaller regionally adapted species due to large amounts of capital, land, water and feed required to raise cattle. 

Table 1. FGR livestock and crops (n=31)



% FGR operations







Beef cattle




Chicken (layers)




Chicken broilers


Dairy cattle












Creative land access is crucial to first-generation ranchers in California due to high land prices, with most using multiple ownership, leasing and alternative tenure strategies. Accessing prime agricultural land for vegetable and fruit production has become incredibly limited in California due to high cost as well as the consolidation and fragmentation of land. The primary way interviewees gain access to land is through developing relationships with land owners - often grazing for hire or securing leases at below-market rates. FGRs of all types talked about the creative arrangements they use, including grazing for free in exchange for their animals reducing fuel load on the property. Due to their lack of capital and uncertain land access, 16% of new ranchers have developed business where they are paid to graze public and private land for ecological services, from weed and invasive species abatement in vineyards, to habitat restoration and fire mitigation. 


Information sources

First-generation ranchers' philosophical commitment to sustainable agriculture within the California context requires creativity and innovative strategies. Many of the strategies they use are based on information from alternative information sources, such as the Savory Institute and Holistic Management Institute. 

When asked the level of importance for specific information sources to their operation, FGRs overwhelmingly value other ranchers’ knowledge and information over any other information source (Table 2). We found that most first-generation ranchers are aware of established ranching information sources such as California Cattlemen's Association, Farm Bureau, and Extension. Those who did not use these resources but were aware of them reported that they felt the information would not be relevant to their operation and/or felt philosophically opposed to the organization and its members.


Table 2. Importance of information sources to FGRs





High or very high[1]

Other ranchers (not your farm partners) (n=26)





University of California Cooperative Extension Agents (n=25)


20% 16% 32%

NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA) (n=25)





Holistic Management Institute (n=25)





Other (n=26)





California Cattlemen's Association (CCA) (n=25)





Independent agricultural consultants (n=25)





Workers or interns in your operation (n=25)





RCD (Resource Conservation Districts) (n=25)





University of California (n=24)





California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) (n=25)





California Farm Bureau (CFB) (n=26)





Farmers Guild (n=25)





Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) (n=25)





[1] High and very high responses have been aggregated.

Participation Summary
37 Producers participating in research

Research Outcomes

No research outcomes

Education and Outreach

5 Consultations
1 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
1 Journal articles
9 Webinars / talks / presentations
4 Workshop field days
1 Other educational activities: Poster at conference

Participation Summary:

101 Farmers participated
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.