Final report for LNC19-416
Project Information
Morels (Morchella spp.) are iconic spring mushrooms in the North-Central Region of the United States and a high-value commodity in food markets. Recent discoveries on morel mating systems and exogenous nutrition have led to breakthroughs in morel cultivation in China, resulting in thousands of hectares of morel cultivation in China. These new techniques have not yet been introduced to the United States, but they have the potential to dramatically expand the US domestic market. Thousands of pounds of morels are picked and sold fresh across the North-Central Region every year. In springtime, when morel mushrooms naturally appear, they command a mean price of $35 per pound. Prices for morels out-of-season in the North Central Region exceed $60 per pound. These high prices have led to a heightened interest in developing supply chains that might allow for outdoor commercial morel production.
This study aimed to advance outdoor cultivation techniques for black morels in the North Central Region. In parallel, we gauged market potential through surveys of established networks of mushroom foragers and vendors, as well as through broader consumer surveys. To help lessen risks for growers, we also assessed production costs and identified minimum yield levels that growers would need to reach in order to break even economically. High value morel crops can help make small farms more profitable, improving their economic sustainability while improving soil health and crop diversity.
This research capitalizes upon a recent understanding of sexual mating types and nutritional demands of black morels to establish productive morel isolates and agricultural systems in high-tunnel, low-tunnel and forest settings in the North Central Region.
A reliable and consistent system for large-scale production of morels, together with informed marketing strategies, could provide great economic benefit to farmers across the region, thereby improving farm sustainability by integrating this high-value crop into agricultural systems. High-yielding production systems still need to be optimized before considering opportunities for co-cropping and rotating morel mushrooms alongside other crops, either through vertical or temporal stratification.
Given the COVID pandemic at the start of this project, we pivoted to ZOOM meetings and SLACK for discussions with participants and to address questions and document the project. Results from this project are available through publications and a web resource that we developed. The farmers were very engaged and five farmers participated all four years of this project.
This project aimed to develop morel cultivation in forest, low- and high-tunnel systems, and will compare yield and market considerations among these systems. Project results from consumer surveys and panel focus groups helped to estimate market demand along with demographics and preferences pertaining to different morel production methods and species. Our results identified viable production practices, profitable yield thresholds, as well as pests and challenges with cultivating morels outdoors. Results demonstrate successes, but improved yields are needed for morels to become an agronomically and economically sustainable crop in the North-Central Region.
In the 1st year of this research we have formed collaboration with Gourmet Mushrooms Inc. and 8 individuals that are attempting to replicate methods that have been successful for cultivating morels. At the same time, we are conducting research on factors that may be important in increasing morel yields. During this first year we also conducted an economic survey of morel foragers, to establish understanding on the current morel industry in the North Central Region of the USA.
In the second year of this research we built off our established network of growers and collaborators. While all but one of the 8 participants were successful in growing morels during the first fruiting season, the yields were generally low. We attributed this to a number of factors that include the dry spring, a large number of nutrition bags getting moldy, and strain deterioration. None-the-less, the quality of cultivated morels was very high. We have addressed these issues this year, particularly through generating new vigorous strains from spores, which we then phenotyped for traits suitable for cultivation. We also split the delivery of morel spawn and nutrition bags to limit the time that sterile nutrition bags sat before being applied to the fields.
Year 3 built off of our previous findings. During this year, we requested and were granted a no-cost-extension to allow for some additional on-farm experiments with different species of morels. The primary focus this year was testing the newly developed morel strains. Twenty new strains of 3 different species (Morchella importuna, M. rufobrunnea, and M. sextelata) were tested across multiple states. Additionally, we experimented with post-cropping morels after potatoes to see if the additional nutrients provided by cull potatoes could improve yields. We also calculated break-even yields based on multiple years of data.
In the 4th year we utilized the best yielding strains from the previous year and experimented with soil surface sterilization methods including the use of a fireweeder, burning straw, and surface application of hardwood ash before planting the morel spawn. Additionally, we co-cropped morels with winter wheat to help create a microclimate for the morels as they emerge in the Spring. Further, we explored the use of an alternative morel planting system utilizing M. rufobrunnea sclerotia kits in limited trials.
We hypothesize that morel production will be possible across sites and states following project guidelines, but that productivity will vary between sites based on soil and environmental conditions.
Second, we hypothesize that profitability of morel cultivation will be dependent on reliable high productivity systems.
Morel Isolate Library: Our research focused on the cultivation of black morels, since they have been successfully cultivated in China on a large scale. PI Bonito’s lab has a diverse culture library of 100s of morel strains. Using a DNA-based approach, we have characterized the mating types of several strains of the black morel species Morchella importuna and M. sextelata. Through this NCR-SARE research were able to expand this collection of morel isolates, both by testing current strains and by adding additional strains and species that are already adapted to the North Central Region environment. Each spring we collected, isolated, and made spore drop collections on aluminum foil of morel mushrooms to add to our isolate library. These biological resources will be used in breeding and strain improvement studies that rely upon the pairing and successful mating of compatible haploid (unmated) individuals (Volk and Leonard 1989). Through this research we have collaborated with morel foragers through the MAMI organization in order to expand the genetic diversity of our collection of native morels from the region, and to begin to assess contributions of wild morel foraging to the North Central economy. Isolates have been maintained on malt-extract agar, and cultures have been preserved in sterile water and through cryopreservation protocols (Homolka 2013). Spores drops were air dried and then stored at -20°C.To confidently identify morel collections we sequenced multiple the ITS rDNA and RPB2, which are standard molecular markers for species identification of morels (Taskin et al. 2012). We developed new strains from spores of fruiting bodies of interest by crossing isolates of different mating types, and through poly-spore isolation. All isolates were screened with DNA-based techniques to determine strains carrying both mating-type alleles, a priority for establishing viable and sustainable morel cultivation systems.
In the final year of this project, and in collaboration with GMI, we prepared and sent participants spawn of 5 different morel isolates. These included 2 isolates of Morchella sextelata and 2 isolates of Morchella importuna, which were planted in fall 2022. Participants also received sclerotia of Morchella rufobrunna for spring planting in 2023. These isolates and sclerotia were provided in-kind by GMI.
Planting Morels: With the use of molecular tools we identified a number of productive, self-fertile strains. In Year 1 of this project we focused on a single isolate for the proposed research, since they are self-fertile and have been shown to be amenable to cultivation with high productivity. We partnered with Gourmet Mushrooms Inc (GMI). to produce vegetative tissue (spawn) from these isolates on nutrient sawdust, buffered with CaCO3 to a pH of 7.0, which is optimal for morel growth. Colonized morel spawn was sent out to the growers from GMI. Soils were prepared by tilling, adjusting soil pH to 7.0 if soils were acidic. All participants sent in soils for testing nutrient and pH levels. Morel rows were planted by isolates between October to November. We tested morel plantings in rows in high-tunnel, low-tunnel and forest settings at the rate of 0.5 kg / m2 at a depth of four inches. Drip irrigation tape was installed after planting. The rows were then covered with black plastic to maintain soil moisture and relative humidity (~50%). Exogenous nutritional bags were applied to planted spawn during the conidiation (asexual sporulation) phase.
We compared yield differences based on the use of different cellulosic substrates in nutrient bags including, corn stover, wheat straw, and hardwood leaf mulch. We found the wheat grains produced the higher yields that other nutrient sources. However, the wheat berries also accounted for the most dense source of carbohydrates that we applied. Hardwood leaf mulch supported low yields. Morel production varied by farmer and strain, but was not consistent within farms. We had hoped to use fresh produced morels for panel tests on consumer preferences between morel strains, species and production methods, but the with the COVID pandemic this was not possible.
Our primary research site was the Michigan State University Horticulture Research Center. At this site we utilized 100’ of a high-tunnel, where we were able to establish four 100’x3’ rows. This location had the research infrastructure and was easily accessible. Each year of the project we aimed to test the process and techniques before and in-parallel to presenting them to interested farmers.
Throughout this project, and continuing through the final year, we had strong engagement of participants, and mixed successes but improved yields in each year. Although all participants produced some morels during the project, yields did vary between years. At the most productive site ~0.075 lb/m of morels were produced. At our demonstration site at the Michigan State University Horticultural Farm, we harvested >9lbs of morels in 2023, which were market-ready with a low incidence of disease. However, this was across 400 ft of planted rows.
One of the strengths of our study was the inclusion of farmers across the North Central region. Farmer participants represented diverse backgrounds, geographical locations, and farming capabilities , and were all enthusiastically engaged in our meetings, SLACK project channel , and cultivation efforts of this pioneering crop. In the final year of this project participants produced ~17 pounds of sellable morels across ~2650 feet of rows planted with morels.
As mentioned, one new addition for the 2022-2023 season, was the planting of Morchella rufobrunnea sclerotia, which participants received and planted directly into the ground. All farmers who planted M. rufobrunnea produced morels successfully, although the area planted and the realized yields were low, and yields were variable between farms.
In summary, while we were able to cultivate morels with repeated success with different species, isolates, habitats and cultivation methods, the overall variability and low yields demonstrate that currently morel cultivation would not be a profitable enterprise in this region at this time. Still there is continued interest and eagerness to cultivate morels and we are frequently contacted with questions about morel cultivation methods and supplies. We also get regular invitations to give talks or interviews, such as the presentation given at the Pierce Creek Nature Preserve in Hastings Michigan to preserve members and hobby gardeners.
As there is continued interest in morel cultivation, as well as lessons learned through this research project, we have pulled together a website, with useful information about morels, their cultivation, videos of this project to help distribute our results and share the outcomes of this study to a wider audience: Hopefully this will inspire others to push forward and will encourage future research on morel cultivation.
Market research: In order to understand the market for wild-foraged morels, we intended to conduct a baseline survey of the morel industry via questionnaires distributed to MAMI workshop participants. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we shifted to an online survey during June - September, 2020, following the normal morel foraging season in Michigan. Respondents were asked to describe the way they forage in a “typical year.” A total of 163 individuals completed the survey, including 78 certified mushroom foragers and 85 noncertified foraging enthusiasts.
To develop an understanding of consumer preferences for mushrooms, Dr. Trey Malone and M.S. student Aastha Pudasainee conducted a nationally representative survey in 2021 of 1,508 U.S. consumers who were the primary shoppers in their households.
Break-even yield analysis. Based on two years of participatory, on-farm research trials by the 14 cooperators, we were able to calculate the minimum morel yields required for a producer to break even and begin to make a profit. The break-even analysis is based upon collection of detailed cost and labor data from the participants. Materials and methods are more fully described in a manuscript that is currently under peer review at a journal.
Pivoting research in a COVID era: Given the COVID pandemic, we had to make some adjustments during the project. We pivoted to using ZOOM as a platform to have meetings with participants to distribute materials and information. We canceled in-person workshops. Meetings and information provided were recorded and videos and information was distributed to participating farmers electronically. In the second year of this project we started to use a SLACK site to serve as a discussion forum for participants to ask questions and to share photos and other information, and to interact. It was successful so we continued to use SLACK with farmers each year thereafter.
Lee, S.W., S.M. Swinton, and G. Bonito. 2024. “Break-even Yields for Cultivated Morel Mushrooms (Morchella spp.).” Submitted.
Zhu X, Ma K, Sun M, Zhang J, Liu L, Niu S. Isolation and identification of pathogens of Morchella sextelata bacterial disease. Front Microbiol. 2023 Nov 6;14:1231353. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1231353. PMID: 38029130; PMCID: PMC10657878.
We enjoyed having new farmers participants, but over the four years of this project there were 6 farmers that participated throughout the duration of this research, representing MI, IN, IL, and WI.
All participants, but one, were successful growing morels in 2020, the first year of this project. However, yields were low ranging from a single morel to 10’s of pounds. Still, these data support our hypothesis that morels can be cultivated across a large geographic range of the North Central region. In 2021-2022 we made a number of changes to improve success rates and potential yields we may expect. In order to ensure that our isolates were vigorous, we generated a new batch of M. sextelata isolates and included a second morel species (Morchella rufobrunnea) in the mix. Thus, in 2021 farmers received up to 10 different morel strains representing 2 different species, which was a change from the first year when all farmers received the same single strain. We also sent the morel spawn and nutrition bags to farmers as two separate shipments three weeks apart to reduce the chance that nutrition bags would get contaminated by other fungi before they are placed on planted morel rows. Finally, we limited the amount of morels that each farm was planting, to limit potential losses to farmers should yields be lower than expected. In 2021 we planted a total of 4800 feet of morels across 4 states in the North Central region. Visual images from farms indicate that the morel spawn was quick to colonize the soils and we expect to have a better season in terms of morel yields.
In year 3 we experimented on whether morels could be a suitable winter/spring rotation for potato fields, and whether growing morels could help combat fungal root pathogens of potatoes including Fusarium and Rhizoctonia. However, we found that the potato fields were too exposed to wind and sun, and rodent pests, and were not suitable for morel production without more infrastructure. We either missed the fruiting or had no successful production at this site.
In the final year we focused on our best producing black morel strains, and we experimented with cultivating M. rufobrunnea outdoors. The cultivation method was streamlined and simple, simply involving the planting of sclerotia into the ground once the soils can be worked in the Spring. The maintenance is also simple, involving frequent monitoring and watering each week. This was found to be an effective method for cultivating this species. Yields could be improved by planting sclerotia in hoophouses or in a habitat with controlled environmental and growing conditions.
On the economic side of this project we report results from three components: 1) a socio-economic survey of certified morel foragers and morel enthusiasts across the region to determine foraging patterns and the value of morels in the region, 2) mushroom purchases by a national survey of food buyers, and 3) a profitability analysis to measure the morel fruiting yield at which growers could break even financially.
In results of the morel forager survey reported in Malone et al. (Malone et al. 2022), we found that most morel foragers spend fewer than 10 days each year foraging, and those who sell their morels are most likely to sell to local restaurants, pubs and bars, and informally to their friends. Certified foragers who choose to sell their morels sell for an average price of $36 per pound ($36/lb) for fresh black or yellow morels. Costs to supply fresh morels ranged widely among the 16 certified sellers who reported full cost details; over 70% of morels were supplied at costs below $30/lb, but some certified sellers incurred costs in the hundreds of dollars per pound. Recreational morel gatherers paid $43 to $335 per trip of foraging morels, with a median value of $93 per trip. Morel foragers also search for other mushrooms with oyster mushrooms (Pleurtous spp.), chanterelles (Cantharellus spp), hen–of the–woods (Grifola frondosa), and chicken–of–the–woods (Laetiporus spp) being the most popular.
From the 2021 U.S. national survey of consumer food purchasers, we found that nearly half of U.S. households purchase mushrooms in a typical year at a restaurant or to be consumed at home (49.0%), versus only 31.6% who do not, indicating is great potential to expand the general market for mushrooms and specifically the market for specialty mushrooms such as morels (Pudasainee, M.S. thesis 2022).
On the potential profitability of morel cultivation, in a manuscript currently under review (Lee, Swinton, and Bonito 2024), we found that, while only 30% of plots achieved a morel harvest, based on the measured costs of production, the average yield required for a producer of cultivated morels to break-even in 2023 was 0.16 pounds per foot of row (lb/ft). The average annualized total non-land cost was determined to be $5.65 feet per foot of row. The highest share of non-land costs was labor at 65%, followed by spawn and nutrient bags at 31%, and variable costs at 4%. The 30% of growers who succeeded in harvesting morels spent more time on land preparation (5 minutes per foot by row) than those who produced little to none (4 minutes per foot by row). This extra minute likely accounts for such management as monitoring nutrient packs, setting pest controls, and ensuring rows are of the proper temperatures. The break-even yields of participants who completed the production cycle had an average of 0.16 lb/ft, and ranged from 0.08 lb/ft to 0.25 lbs/ft. Sensitivity analysis of the break-even yields revealed that spawn and nutrient pack cost had a negligible effect; breakeven yield was most sensitive to labor costs and the market price of morels. These cost and break-even yield estimates are the first for morels, but the small sample size and experimental conditions make them indicative only. Continuing research will be needed on methods for producing reliable morel yields under outdoor cultivation, with the goal of yields that exceed the break-even threshold reported here.
This study aimed to advance outdoor cultivation techniques for black morels in the North Central Region. In parallel, we gauged market potential through surveys of established networks of mushroom foragers and vendors, as well as through broader consumer surveys. To help lessen risks for growers, we also assessed production costs and identified minimum yield levels that growers would need to reach in order to break even economically. We found that farmers across many states were successful in cultivating morels, but that yields were too low for morels to be a profitable crop. One of the main challenges with cropping morels outdoors was managing the environmental conditions (moisture and temperature) during the spring fruiting cycle. Common pests encounters were fungal and bacterial pathogens that colonize the fruiting bodies, small mammals which consume the nutrient packs and damage the rows, and slugs that graze on mycelium and developing fruiting body. Cultivation of Morchella rufobrunnea by planting sclerotia has the advantage of a a quicker morel flush (typically 1-2 months), rather than the 6 month period between planting and harvesting for black morels. However, there is still not reliable sources of sclerotia or spawn for would-be farmers to purchase, which remains another obstacle to growing the industry.
Though, COVID-19 may have hindered some aspects of this research project, including in-person demonstration events, we still worked with farmers each year of this grant and have many results and findings on the marketing and cultivation of morels that contribute to the field and can be built upon by others. Regardless of missing opportunities to hold in-person events to spread information about morel cultivation, our efforts were still recognized by growers outside of our participant group. For example, each year of this project we had unsolicited inquiries about learning how to cultivate morels, some of which were farmers, enthusiasts, and others were non-profits. Thus, we have created a website to help distribute the findings of this research to interested parties going forward,
During each year of this research project we generated new isolates and crosses of morels from nature for cultivation. For instance, in the third year of this project we selected four strains (SARE 5, 7, 118 and 130) that had outperformed other isolates in experimental plantings across multiple sites by an average of 0.014 lb/ft yield increase. Other growers had successes similar to our demonstration site, producing 0.01 lbs/ft and 0.07 lbs/ft. Water and temperature fluctuations in the spring were the two factors that seemed to cause the most trouble for farmers. It was common that farmer participant’s morel patches would dry up and developing morels would abort, or, depending on the year or location, developing morels would heat up under the plastic and mold. In general, cultivating morels in greenhouses, hi-tunnels, or other structures that can help to reduce the fluctuation of moisture and heat could improve yield and their reproducibility. It also appears that morel production yields decrease with continuous cropping of morels in the same soil. New research also indicates that potassium can be depleted, such that soil amendments such as wood ash, which is high in potassium, could be a beneficial remedy for this and may improve morel growth and yields.
As we mentioned, in the final year we experimented with cultivating M. rufobrunnea outdoors. The cultivation method was streamlined and simple, simply involving the planting of sclerotia into the ground once the soils can be worked in the Spring. The maintenance is also simple, involving frequent monitoring and watering each week. This was found to be an effective method for cultivating this species. Yields could be improved by planting sclerotia in hoophouses or in a habitat with controlled environmental and growing conditions.
Diseases and molds have been a prevalent problem for every grower throughout the grant, and we still are finding ways to curb these issues. One way we combated mold issues, is by increasing ventilation in the row plastic when morels are starting to grow. One disease, Red Stipe, causes morel stipes to turn red and stop growing. This disease syndrome was recently shown to be caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens and Bacillus subtilis causal agent identified in late 2023. This problem may be mitigated by watching temperatures as morels grow, and to manage plots with shade cloth to keep temperatures below 15℃, as this inhibits the growth of bacterial responsible for Red Stipe (Zhu et al. 2023). As the demand for morels increases, the more literature we can expect to improve our understanding of morel diseases.
Our economic research indicates that that while none of the research participants in this project produced enough morels to fully cover their production costs, there is genuine potential for profitable production of cultivated morels. As shown by the morel forager survey, market prices of morels are high (about $36/lb in 2020) (Malone et al. 2022) and appear to be rising. Over half of U.S. households purchase mushrooms, and the share of speciality mushrooms like morels is rising (Pudasainee 2022). Our breakeven yield analysis identifies a target yield of 0.16 lbs per foot of row for profitable production. One participant actually produced more than that yield, although he had higher than average costs. The broader conclusion is that if growers can reduce labor costs and/or gain access to higher morel prices, they can achieve profitability with yields lower than that average threshold determined under this research project.
Project Activities
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
- how to cultivate morel mushrooms
Project Outcomes
Actually, only 1 of the participants had cultivated morels in the past. All the others are learning and adapting to this different type of agricultural crop. Farmers are learning to measure soil pH and on monitoring soil temp, soil moisture and fungal growth on the soil and substrates. They are sharing their experiences of what works and what does not work, and adjusting previous practices and habits.
We carried out a study on the functional food quality of morels, based on the morels we cultivate outdoors through this project. We used M. rufobrunnea, M. sextelata, and M. americana to investigate their medicinal qualities by using in vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant assays. This sampling represented conditions by which morels are produced (cultivated indoors, cultivated outdoors, and collected from natural habitats, respectively) for commercial markets. Both aqueous and methanolic extracts of all three morel species showed identical chromatographic and bioassay profiles, independent of their phylogenetic position or production method. These data demonstrates that the help benefits of wild and cultivated morels are similar. Other products include:
1.Farming morels in the North Central Region (radio interview):
2. On-Farm video of morel cultivation research and science in the Bonito lab:
3. Malone T, Swinton SM, Pudasainee A, Bonito G. 2022. Economic Assessment of Morel (Morchella) Foraging in Michigan USA. Economic Botany. 1-15