Participatory Farmer Monitoring on Nitrate Loss: Using Farm-Scale Data to Improve Nutrient Management and Water Quality

Final report for LNC20-444

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2020: $236,702.00
Projected End Date: 04/30/2024
Grant Recipient: Indiana University
Region: North Central
State: Indiana
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Landon Yoder
Indiana University
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Project Information


Retaining nitrate for crop production remains a complex management challenge for farmers and a major source of water quality impairment in the Midwest. While both farmers and the public would benefit from reducing nitrate losses, through lower fertilizer expenses and safer water for drinking and recreation, there have been few improvements in water quality nationally over the past 40 years. This ongoing challenge persists despite farmers halving soil erosion rates and the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars in Farm Bill conservation programs during this same time period. Among the complexities in retaining nitrate for crop production are: (1) the lack of nitrate loss data available to farmers at the farm scale for management decisions; and (2) the difficulty in connecting farm management to downstream outcomes, since most monitoring is done at a watershed scale and permits substantial ambiguity in how much any one farm might be losing. To address this long-standing challenge, we propose to examine how the availability of nitrate data at the farm scale, alongside the involvement of farmers in collecting these data, informs and assists their evaluation of their nitrogen management.

We will involve 25 farmers in the Wabash River Basin to participate in two years of monitoring nitrate outcomes on their farms. Both the nitrate outcomes and farmers’ evaluations of what management changes are possible and effective to better retain nitrate will provide valuable information for farmers and conservation officials throughout the North Central Region with their nitrogen management. To understand farmers’ self-evaluations of their management, we will undertake two interviews, one before collecting the water samples on their farms and one after we provide a report on nitrate outcomes at the end of the study. We will use these interviews to examine how farmers’ views on their management have changed and how these changes can improve outreach and education efforts on nitrogen management. In addition, we will invite farmers to participate in one of two focus group sessions at the end of the project to share ideas about retaining nitrate more effectively. Learning-focused outcomes will include whether farmers see opportunities to retain more nitrate, what practices they believe are most effective to do so, and what new knowledge they gain from focus group discussions. Action-focused outcomes will include what new practices farmers intend to implement, a report on potential economic losses based on nitrate outcomes, and two peer-reviewed journal articles.

Project Objectives:

Our learning outcomes include how many farmers believe they can improve retention after reviewing measured tile nitrate outcomes, the retention practices they believe are most effective, new knowledge on nitrogen retention farmers gain from focus group discussions, and the connections they identify between their management and nitrate outcomes. Our action outcomes include new practices farmers intend to implement based on the nitrate outcomes, a report on potential economic losses based on nitrate outcomes, two peer-reviewed journal articles, and a future research proposal building on the findings from this study. One benefit is greater potential for on-farm nitrate-retention experimentation.


Retaining nitrate for crop production remains a complex management challenge for farmers and a major source of water quality impairment in the Midwest. While both farmers and the public would benefit from reducing nitrate losses, through lower fertilizer expenses and safer water for drinking and recreation, there have been few improvements in water quality nationally over the past 40 years. This ongoing challenge persists despite farmers halving soil erosion rates and the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars in Farm Bill conservation programs during this same time period. Among the complexities in retaining nitrate for crop production are: (1) the lack of nitrate loss data available to farmers at the farm scale for management decisions; and (2) the difficulty in connecting farm management to downstream outcomes, since most monitoring is done at a watershed scale and permits substantial ambiguity in how much any one farm might be losing. To address this long-standing challenge, we propose to examine how the availability of nitrate data at the farm scale, alongside the involvement of farmers in collecting these data, informs and assists their evaluation of their nitrogen management.


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We hypothesize that participants will not be familiar with what levels of nitrate loss are common for their farm, watershed, or in non-agricultural watersheds or have clear expectations on what times of the year nitrate retention is most or least likely.

Materials and methods:

This proposed project will address two research questions. First, how does the availability of nitrate data at the farm scale inform farmers’ perceptions on whether and how they can improve nitrate retention? We hypothesize that if farmers under-estimate the amount of nitrate they are losing, they will express an expectation that they can reduce their future nitrate losses. Second, based on a farmer’s management priorities and stated rationales, what practices do they indicate they will change following the study? For the second question, we hypothesize that if they under-estimate their nitrate losses they will identify feasible, low-cost management changes that they can make. Additionally, we hypothesize that the greater the contrast between farmers upfront estimates of nitrate losses against actual outcomes, the more participants will look for system-wide changes in their nitrogen management. Both research questions will be addressed using a mixed-methods approach that will combine two semi-structured interviews, the collection and analysis of water samples, and focus groups to draw on peer-to-peer learning.

We will involve 25 farmers with conventional grain operations in southwestern Indiana for participation over a two-year period. Recruitment is ongoing by project coordinator Yoder with the assistance of NRCS and SWCD offices in six southwest Indiana counties. At the time of submission, 12 farmers have agreed to participate. Farmers will participate in the study by sharing their insights in the interviews and collecting water samples and recording flow rates from two tile drains for two growing seasons from fields in corn and soybean rotations, plus an optional third site of interest, such as a nearby stream (10 samples for each location per year; 60 total). Each participant will receive $25 in compensation for each sample collected, plus $100 for each interview. Sampling will be focused around getting before and after samples of key events, including planting and harvesting, fertilizer applications (pre-plant, side dress, and/or fall application), and big rainfall events. At the end of each year, we will provide farmers with a report on their nitrate concentrations and loads for each location.

The data collection process will start with semi-structured interviews lasting approximately 45 minutes before farmers begin the process of collecting water samples. PC Yoder will conduct all interviews. The first semi-structured interview will address participant’s nitrogen fertilizer management practices and decisions, their perceptions on what nitrate retention practices are most effective and feasible for farmers to undertake, and what they anticipate their nitrate outcomes will be. Interviews will be transcribed and coded using Atlas.ti software. Codes will be developed thematically based on how farmers describe the connections between their management and expected outcomes (e.g., variable rating increases profitability, one pound of nitrogen per bushel of corn, etc.; Saldaña 2016). Codes will then be interpreted using a network analysis to identify which key management aspects are connected to each other and nitrate retention and loss (e.g., Hammond Wagner 2019; Hoffman 2014). This approach uses quantifiable variables to measure the frequency and centrality of connections to understand the relative importance of different concepts (Hoffman 2014). Coding will be undertaken by PC Yoder with support from Hammond Wagner (collaborator). This will provide a fine-grain analysis of the similarities and differences in how farmers evaluate their nitrogen management.

Farmers will participate in collecting and storing 10 water samples annually from two tile drains representing two different fields on a corn-soybean rotation. Farmers will select the fields and drains based on which ones they would like to learn about, as well as a third site of their choosing. Sampling will be based around getting before and after samples of key events during the year: fertilizer applications (e.g., pre-plant, side dress, fall), planting, harvest, and large rainfall events. PC Yoder will be responsible for collecting the bottles from farmers for transport to Indiana University for laboratory analysis, which will be overseen by Royer (collaborator). To determine the nitrate concentrations in the lab, a 60-mL water sample will be filtered through a 0.45 µm membrane into an acid-washed Nalgene bottle. Samples will be stored frozen until analysis on a Lachat QuikChem 8500 flow injection analyzer using US EPA-approved QuikChem method 10-107-04-1-A. Field duplicate samples, analytical split samples, and certified commercial standards will be analyzed as part of an established quality control protocol used in previous water quality studies (e.g., Morgan et al. 2019). Farmers will also provide flow data following methods in Hanrahan et al. (2018), which in combination with nitrate concentrations, will allow us to estimate nitrate loads for the tile drains, which will be led by Ward (collaborator).

We will provide farmers with a report at the end of the first year on their nitrate outcomes, as well as a comparison with other participant’s nitrate outcomes. Group nitrate outcomes will be provided anonymously to protect privacy. No identifiable information, including locations, will be provided in these reports. The data in these reports will include: nitrate concentrations and loads for each farmer’s own samples; average, maximum, and minimum values for the group’s nitrate outcomes; report the ratio of fertilizer applied to the amount lost and a related economic estimate based on the cost of the fertilizer type applied. These reports will provide farmers with an opportunity to evaluate their own outcomes, as well as see the range of other nitrate outcomes from a comparable group. These reports will provide the basis for the second semi-structured interview, which will focus on farmers reflections and self-evaluation of the nitrate outcomes and connections they draw to their management or other factors beyond their control, such as weather-related challenges. In addition, it will address whether there are new understandings and management practices they intend to pursue, if their nitrate outcomes are different than what they anticipated.

Lastly, we will invite all participants and 10 conservation practitioners to participate in a focus group (we will organize two separate sessions to increase the opportunities to contribute). The focus groups will engage farmers in discussions around the strengths and weaknesses of the nitrate outcome data in helping them evaluate their nitrogen management, as well as what additional data or analysis would be complementary in the future. We plan to use the focus groups as an opportunity for farmers to share their insights on what practices they feel would make a difference. These sessions will also include presentations by conservation professionals and scientists on best management practices to retain nitrate. The focus group sessions will be led by PC Yoder and co-designed with Lisa Holscher, Director of the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative, Ben Wicker, Executive Director of the Indiana Agriculture and Nutrient Alliance, and Hans Schmitz, Posey County Purdue Extension Director (who are collaborators on this proposal).

There are several potential limitations for our proposed study. The study will only cover two years of data with small number of samples. Continuous monitoring could provide a more accurate set of estimates. However, we believe that sampling around key events will provide a helpful baseline to see whether continuous monitoring would be essential to convince farmers to consider new practices or if more strategic sampling, such as what this study proposes, will be effective at lower cost and time commitments. A second potential limitation is that farmers may quit or be inconsistent in getting samples, especially during busy times of the year. We will provide payment at the end of each year in the study to encourage commitment. In addition, several NRCS and SWCD technicians have agreed to assist with collecting samples if participants find themselves too busy to get timely samples during busy periods, such as planting or harvesting. Lastly, while SARE relies on participatory research, water quality remains a sensitive issue and thus farmers have expressed a strong preference for privacy as part of their agreement to participate. We have included a letter of support from the Posey County SWCD to illustrate the existing and ongoing recruitment to secure 25 participants by fall 2020.



Hammond Wagner, C. R. 2019. Governing water quality limits in agricultural watersheds. Dissertation. University of Vermont.

Hanrahan, B. R., J. L. Tank, S. F. Christopher, U. H. Mahl, M. T. Trentman, and T. V. Royer. 2018. Winter cover crops reduce nitrate loss in an agricultural watershed in the central U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 265:513–523.

Hoffman, M., M. Lubell, and V. Hillis. 2014. Linking knowledge and action through mental models of sustainable agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (36):13016–13021.

Morgan, J. A., T. V. Royer, and J. R. White. 2019. Fine Sediment Removal Influences Biogeochemical Processes in a Gravel-bottomed Stream. Environmental Management 64 (3):258–271.

Saldaña, J. 2016. The coding manual for qualitative researchers 3rd edition. Los Angeles, California: SAGE.

Research results and discussion:

SARE Results and Discussion

Research Questions and Hypotheses

We hypothesize that participants will not be familiar with what levels of nitrate loss are common for their farm, watershed, or in non-agricultural watersheds or have clear expectations on what times of the year nitrate retention is most or least likely.

This proposed project will address two research questions. First, how does the availability of nitrate data at the farm scale inform farmers’ perceptions on whether and how they can improve nitrate retention? We hypothesize that if farmers underestimate the amount of nitrate they are losing, they will express an expectation that they can reduce their future nitrate losses. Second, based on a farmer’s management priorities and stated rationales, what practices do they indicate they will change following the study? For the second question, we hypothesize that if they under-estimate their nitrate losses they will identify feasible, low-cost management changes that they can make.



Over the course of three years, we had the participation of up to 27 farmers, with 18 farmers participating in on-farm tile drainage sampling for all three years. Farmers were located across 10 counties in central or southern Indiana (Clay, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Hendricks, Jennings, Posey, Spencer, Vandenburgh, and Warrick).  Overall, we collected 929 water samples from 2020-2023 (this includes a pilot year for eight farmers that remained through 2023). Farmer collected an average of 12 samples per year, while ranging from a minimum of two samples to a maximum of 39 samples for a single year. There were 45 individual tile sites that drained on average 20 acres. The large drainage area a tile drained was 120 acres, while the smallest was 3 acres.

We conducted interviews with farmers at the beginning of the process, before they began sampling, and at the conclusion of the project, when all sampling had been completed. We also maintained informal check-ins in the winter with updated numbers on their drainage loads and nitrate concentrations for their farm and for the group overall. We created graphs to show farmers their individual nitrate concentrations (in parts per million) and instantaneous daily nitrate loads (in pounds per acre). The mean average Nitrate concentration from all samples was 5.36 ppm, while the median was lower at 4.88 ppm. The lowest concentration in any sample was 0.12 ppm, while the highest was 57 ppm. Farmers were also asked to record discharge rates, which was provided for a majority of samples, but not for all samples, so estimates were needed to fill in for missing values. Discharge samples represent a point-in-time estimate rather than continuous monitoring, which were then scaled up to represent a 24-hour instantaneous daily load (pounds per acre). Discharge values had a mean average of 0.94 liters per second (median 0.66 L/S), and ranged from a minimum flow of 0.01 L/S to a maximum of 3.84 L/S. The mean daily load was 0.99 lbs./acre (median of 0.64 lbs./acre). The smallest load was 0.01 lbs./acre, while the largest load was 12.9 lbs./acre.


Hypothesis 1: Unfamiliarity with Nitrate Loss

For our first hypothesis, farmers in interviews expressed nearly universally that they did not know how much nitrate they might be losing or how to even estimate what level might be acceptable from a management standpoint. When asked to give a percentage of the overall fertilizer their estimates ranged anywhere from less than one percent to as high as 40%. A plurality of farmers estimated losses between 5-10%. In this study, we are not able to accurately measure this overall percentage of loss, but we asked the question to elicit farmers’ beliefs to provide an orientation point. We also interviewed extension agents (n=18) and scientists (n=12) the same question as a point of comparison.  The minimum amount of loss estimated by farmers was 3.8% on average, 3.5% by scientists, and 10.2% by extension agents. The maximum amount of loss estimated by farmers was 14.6% on average, 44.6% by scientists, and 53.3% by extension agents.


Q1: How will field-scale data influence farmers’ management?

On the first research question, farmers responded to the concentration and load data with curiosity but offered few interpretations of the data’s meaning. For example, we provided two points of reference for them to compare the data, both on the same graph. The first point of reference between the background nitrate concentrations in the Wabash River Basin, based on previously published U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reference conditions, which were <1 ppm. The second reference point was the 10 ppm, which US EPA uses as the maximum level for nitrate in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Individual mean averages ranged from 2.66 ppm to 10.97 ppm (only two farmers had mean averages above 10 ppm). Overall, 13% (121 samples) have concentrations below 1 ppm. The vast majority of the samples were between 1-10 ppm, with 38% (351 samples) between 1-5 ppm and 40% (376 samples) between 5-10 ppm. The remaining 9% (81 samples) exceeded the 10 ppm level.

Farmers mostly viewed the level of concentrations, which are predominantly under the 10 ppm, as being an acceptable amount, while very few farmers commented on the number of samples below the ecological reference condition, nor made connections with how the majority of samples could contribute to water quality impairment. Farmers also comments on their own samples if those samples were higher than 10 ppm, as those appeared to be outliers when compared to the data overall. Some farmers treated samples between 1-10 ppm as being in an acceptable zone, with those exceeding 10 ppm are problems, but which seemed infrequent compared to the overall number of samples.

Farmers did not offer much in the way of reaction to the daily load levels. These were presented to highlight the potential effect of rainfall on losses throughout the calendar year. Farmers commented during follow-up conversations after the growing season each year that they were surprised by the amount of water flowing through the tiles or by the lack of discharge during the summer and fall from dry weather.

When asked whether the farm-scale data had changed their level of concern about the impacts of their nutrient management, some expressed that the data reaffirmed their concern but indicated that the impacts were not as bad as they had feared, while some expressed that the data indicated that their impacts were lower than they had anticipated.


Q2: What Management Practices Will Farmers Change?

On the second research question, nearly all farmers did not express plans to change their management approaches. This was due in large part to the sample of farmers that wound up participating in the study. Nearly all of the farmers used reduced tillage or no-till, cover crops, and split application of fertilizer. Many of the participants also use variable-rate application as well.

We collected data on tile drainage size, spacing, and depth, in-field management practices, such as nutrient amount, application types, fertilizer types, and cover crops. Due to the messy nature of the data and when farmers decided to collect the data, there were no discernable patterns in the data from which to draw conclusions about the (in)effectiveness of different management practices. Farmers did describe what practices they felt generally farmers should and should not do. These comments nearly exclusively focused on in-field management and cover crops.  

In addition to sharing these data with farmers, we also used the Science Assessment from Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy in the exit interviews. We include 10 of the Science Assessments’ strategies for reducing nutrient loss to balance in-field, edge-of-field, and land use options. In general, the Science Assessment shows greater reductions in losses from edge-of-field and land use options than from in-field options, which are also effective. We asked farmers to rank these practices from most to least effective for reduction. Farmers more often than not ranked in-field management practices (4Rs) as the most effective, while edge-of-field practices, such as buffers, as less effective.


Additional Research Question: What role do social norms play in the adoption of nutrient reduction practices?

An additional part of the study that emerged following the initial proposal was a survey of farmers in Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, and Pennsylvania on factors influencing their adoption of three nutrient-reduction practices: no-till, cover crops, and not applying fall fertilizer. The survey was sent out in the winter of 2022 to 10 counties in each state, with 585 completed surveys returned. The survey asked farmers around social normative, management, demographic, and farm characteristic questions. We constructed three logit models with the survey data to look at what factors were statistically related to adoption of each of three practices.

For descriptive norms (e.g., common behavior), we asked farmers five-point Likert-scale questions about how many farmers use each of the practices were in their county, ranging from “almost none” to “nearly all.” For dynamic norms (e.g., anticipated to be common in the future), we asked farmers whether the practices had become more common in their county, again on a five-point scale. For injunctive norms (e.g., socially acceptable behaviors), we asked how supportive or opposed family, neighbors, landlords, agronomists, and extension agents would be on each practice. For management, we asked how confident farmers were that they could implement each of the practices (e.g., self efficacy), how effective each of the practices were for a variety of factors (e.g., response efficacy), and then standard questions about age, gender, farm size, income, and education. For the injunctive norms and the response efficacy variables, we created an index to measure the variables.

In our logistic regression models, we found that descriptive norms were statistically significant for no-till and not applying fall fertilizer, but not for cover crops. Dynamic norms were only statistically significant for cover crops. Injunctive norms were not statistically significant in any of the models. Self-efficacy and response efficacy were statistically significant in all three models, as was income. Age, gender, education, and farm size were not statistically significant in any of the models.



The farmers in our study are generally using best practices for nutrient management but are still losing fertilizer at concentrations that can be problematic depending on the amount of discharge. Field-scale data provided an interesting opportunity to see the types of concentrations and discharge levels occurring, given the relatively limited amount of data that is available from other studies or through publicly available monitoring. We provided three basic points of reference for farmers to assess their nitrate losses: comparison with other farmers in the study; ecological reference conditions; and Safe Drinking Water Act standards. While these are useful, they also proved to be limited in how much farmers could interpret from the data as we presented it.

One of the difficulties with providing points of reference was that farmers tended to interpret those points of reference as showing that things were not necessarily problematic for water quality rather than seeing that no matter their management practices that some amount of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is difficult to keep from leaching through tile drains. Farmers had a tendency to depict the higher reference point as a limit to stay under while not paying equal attention to the lower limit showing agriculture’s general impact. This is not an entirely surprising outcome. Farmers tend to be aware of and concerned by regulations that would affect how they are allowed to use fertilizer. The 10 ppm limit under the Safe Drinking Water Act was known by more than half of the farmers in the study but not by all. No farmers were familiar with the reference condition of <1 ppm for the Wabash River Basin. Farmers also, when asked about the different practices that are most effective at reducing nitrate leaching, tended to focus on practices they were more familiar with, such as in-field nutrient management, than approaches that have been demonstrated to have greater impacts on reduction, such as perennial crops or vegetative buffers.

Despite the large number of samples, farmers in exit interviews still talked about the challenges of other non-farm sources of nitrate impairing water quality. The difficulty with tracking nitrogen throughout a farm suggests a couple of promising options for future research studies. First, while this study tended to look at the aggregate picture from sampling, future studies could have farmers develop testable hypotheses around individual tile drains and how those tile drains likely respond to rainfall differently. This study did not attempt to undertake a full nitrogen budget for each farm. Farmers that participated were well aware of the different ways in which nitrogen could leave their farm, through surface runoff, volatilization, and denitrification, in addition to subsurface leaching. For farmers to know how much nitrogen is leaving their farm, accounting for these pathways as well as biomass is crucial to help farmers know where and how their management could further improve. Multiple farmers described a no longer active program called In-Field Advantage that provided information on tissue samples. A complete budget of several working farms, particularly to compare different management types, would be a valuable way to help farmers see where interventions could lead to further improvements in nitrate retention. Education campaigns on the level of nitrate in ecosystems would be valuable to help farmers consider why even seemingly low levels of loss can lead to large downstream problems. Efforts to use field-scale data to inform management decisions would benefit from a stronger baseline understanding of what levels of water quality impairment are problematic for the environment and other industries.

For the survey results, we think the most notable finding is that different norms can matter for different practices. We think the implications of the differences between descriptive and dynamic norms is that no-till and applying fall fertilizer may be more settled practices where farmers have largely decided whether they are going to use those practices or not, while cover crops are becoming more popular and so more farmers are paying attention to see whether it is becoming more popular as they consider trying it out. The importance of self-efficacy and response efficacy also point to a critical aspect of adoption. Both are unsurprising findings as training and knowledge to be able to implement a practice, as well as a belief that the practice to be implemented is useful, seem essential to the basic logic of adoption. Where norms may matter is in getting more farmers interested in learning about new conservation practices and being connected to individuals with knowledge to help them with implementation or encouragement to seek out technical assistance (or vice versa).

Research conclusions:

We conclude that farm-scale data has the potential to be useful but can still be challenging to interpret when there is a lot of complexity and uncertainty in the data that is presented or cannot be included. Our main recommendations would be: (1) to engage farmers in a knowledge coproduction process to understand the reference conditions for water quality to be able to interpret nitrate levels in tile drainage flows; (2) to work with farmers to develop hypotheses or expected outcomes for individual tile drains so that the contextual differences for how tiles function differently can help to reduce some of the complexity of the data when looking at farm as a whole; and (3) continuing to provide comparative data across farms is valuable and informative for farmers to learn from other farms.


Participation Summary
18 Farmers participating in research


Educational approach:

So far the main approach for education has included individual interviews with the participants, participatory water samples that allow farmers greater familairity with their tile flows over the growing season, and handouts sharing the first (2021) and second (2022) year's data on nitrate concentrations, discharges, and daily loads for the dates with water samples.

Project Activities

Water Sampling 2021
Participant Interviews
Water Sampling 2022
Social Norms Survey
Participant Interviews
Water Sampling 2023

Educational & Outreach Activities

18 Consultations
1 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
2 Webinars / talks / presentations

Participation Summary:

18 Farmers participated
Education/outreach description:

Farmers were provided with information on their tile drainage. The attached file provides a sample of what they were provided for the group's water sample outcomes: SARE Final Report_Tile Drain Data.

Participating in the water data sampling is the main preliminary education activity. A focus group discussion will occur at the end of the project to share and synthesize insights. Farmers receive annual handouts with their tile data outcomes.

Presentations have focused on reaching conservation practitioners audience, including participating in a SARE-organized webinar, The Drop (in June 2021), and presenting at the White River Alliance's annual meeting (in October 2022).

Results of the survey that was conducted have been shown at two conferences: The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (July 2023) and the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (June 2024).

Learning Outcomes

18 Farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of their participation
Key areas taught:
  • nutrient management

Project Outcomes

Key practices changed:
    2 Grants applied for that built upon this project
    1 Grant received that built upon this project
    3 New working collaborations
    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.