Biological control for sustainable management of soybean gall midge, a new pest of soybean in the North Central Region

Progress report for LNC22-464

Project Type: Research and Education
Funds awarded in 2022: $239,682.00
Projected End Date: 05/30/2026
Host Institution Award ID: project 00109029 2022-38640-37486
Grant Recipient: Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota
Region: North Central
State: Minnesota
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Robert Koch
Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota
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Project Information


Title: Biological control for sustainable management of soybean gall midge, a new pest of soybean in the North Central Region.

This research-based project aims to advance implementation of biological control for soybean gall midge, Resseliella maxima (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Soybean gall midge is a new pest posing a significant threat to soybean production in the North Central Region. This pest infests the stems of soybean plants and has caused considerable yield reductions in multiple states. Research is urgently needed to understand the potential for biological control, specifically the community composition, dynamics and impacts of parasitic wasps on soybean gall midge populations. Over three field seasons, soybean fields of cooperating farmers will be sampled for this pest and its natural enemies. Parasitic wasps (parasitoids) will be identified through rearing from field-collected soybean gall midge larvae in the laboratory, and molecular methods to quantify parasitism of field-collected soybean gall midge larvae. Data will be analyzed to examine the spatiotemporal dynamics of the communities of parasitic wasps and their relationship to surrounding habitats. This knowledge on biological control of soybean gall midge will be essential for the implementation of sustainable IPM programs for this pest. A primary near-term outcome (upon completion of the project) will be knowledge of what species of parasitic wasps attack soybean gall midge across the region and what levels of biological control they provide. An additional near-term outcome (upon completion of the project) will be knowledge of the spatial and temporal dynamics of parasitism of soybean gall midge. Spatial models will be developed to allow identification of landscape features associated with high and low levels of potential biological control. Temporal models will be developed to determine the seasonal abundance (phenology) of the pest and parasitic wasps. A longer-term outcome will be improved knowledge for rearing the parasitic wasps that attack this pest, which could lead to development of future programs universities or government agencies to produce these parasitic wasps for release against this pest (2-4 years after completion of the project). Results of this research will be disseminated to growers across the North Central Region through active extension programming. Soybean farmers and the associated agricultural community will benefit from the knowledge that this project will provide, allowing them to adjust agricultural practices to improve or incorporate biological control for more sustainable management of this pest.

Project Objectives:

Objective 1: Characterize the community of parasitic wasps associated with soybean gall midge.

Objective 2: Evaluate the spatial-temporal dynamics of parasitism of soybean gall midge.

Objective 3: Develop models to identify fields with low or high potential for biological control of soybean gall midge and periods of the growing season when disruptions to fields should be avoided.

Learning outcomes of this project will focus on increasing knowledge of farmers and agricultural professionals about biological control for soybean gall midge. Action outcomes of this project will lead to improved integrated pest management by determining likelihood for biological control across the landscape.


This project addresses the lack of knowledge about the potential for biological control of soybean gall midge (Resseliella maxima [Diptera: Cecidomyiidae]), which is a new pest of soybean in the North Central Region of the U.S. (Gagné et al. 2019). SARE has recognized the importance of biological control to agricultural sustainability and supported such research for other soybean pests (e.g., soybean aphid). SARE has also supported projects focused on other gall midges (e.g., swede midge and orange blossom wheat midge), but not soybean gall midge. Soybean farmers and the associated agricultural community will benefit from the knowledge that this project will provide.

Soybean gall midge larvae feed inside the stems of soybean plants near the soil surface, ultimately causing wilting, lodging, and death of the plants (McMechan et al. 2021). Infestations are typically most severe on field edges with reports of 100% yield losses extending 30 meters into the fields and losses of 17-31% in field interiors (McMechan et al. 2021). At least three overlapping generations of this pest occur per year, with the larvae pupating in the soil (McMechan et al. 2021). Currently, this pest is known to occur in Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Missouri (McMechan et al. 2021), but its known geographic distribution continues to expand ( Vast acreages of soybean across the North Central Region may be at risk to infestation by this pest.

Since 2018 when the soybean gall midge first had notable infestations, farmers have had limited, effective management options for this pest. Foliar- and seed-applied insecticides have provided relatively low and inconsistent levels of control for this pest (Hodgson & Helton 2021; McMechan 2021). In addition, varietal resistance (i.e., soybean varieties resistant to the pest) is not available. Therefore, additional management strategies must be explored. Biological control is a cornerstone of integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Parasitic wasps are important biological control agents for other gall midges (Hawkins & Gagné 1989), including the raspberry cane midge (Resseliella theobaldi), which belongs to the same genus as soybean gall midge and has a similar biology (Nilsson 2008, Vétek et al. 2006). Briefly, such parasitic wasps lay their eggs on or inside a host insect (e.g., an egg or larva of a gall midge) and the wasp larvae that hatch from the eggs feed on and kill the host insect. Our recent research in southwest Minnesota, based on rearing and molecular assays of field-collected soybean gall midge larvae, documented for the first time a parasitic wasp associated with soybean gall midge infestations (Koch and Lindsey, unpublished). This parasitic wasp appears to be a new species in the genus Synopeas (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) (Koch and Lindsey, unpublished). However, it is not uncommon for gall midges to be attacked by multiple species of parasitic wasps (Hawkins & Gagné 1989), so it is possible that there may be other parasitic wasps associated with soybean gall midge. 

Research is urgently needed to characterize the community of parasitic wasps attacking soybean gall midge across a broader geography, along with how community structure and parasitism of soybean gall midge vary over time and space. More specifically, biological control of crop pests is influenced by various factors, such as the habitats surrounding crop fields (Landis et al. 2000). Such landscape effects have been shown to affect biological control of pests in soybean in the North Central Region (e.g., Gardiner et al. 2009, Noma et al. 2010) and are likely to occur for soybean gall midge. This project will characterize the community of parasitic wasps attacking the pest and the influences of surrounding habitats which can then be leveraged for development of IPM programs. In particular, these results will enable us to identify areas with high or low potential for biological control. In addition, practices carried out within fields, such as insecticide application and tillage, can also affect biological control (Tooker et al. 2020). The knowledge this project will attain about the seasonal dynamics (phenology) of the parasitic wasps will enable us to determine when disruptions to fields, such as insecticide application or tillage, should be avoided to conserve populations of the parasitic wasps.

Soybean farmers have been and will continue to be involved in the development and implementation of this project. A 2020 survey of Extension clientele (primarily farmers) from three states indicated that biological control should be a priority research area for this pest. Research questions addressed by this project stemmed from discussions with leadership of the MN soybean board, which (through experience with soybean aphid) understands the critical role of biological control in sustainable agriculture. Farmer leaders from the state associations will serve as an advisory committee to ensure continued relevance of the project to agricultural production and assist with dissemination of results and recommendations. In these states, we have established relationships with farmers who have cooperated on other soybean gall midge efforts and are excited to have this team perform research and outreach activities (field days) on their farms. These farmers, like many others, are anxious for guidance on sustainable management of soybean gall midge.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Dr. Justin McMechan
  • Dr. Erin Hodgson
  • Dr. Amelia Lindsey



Soybean gall midge will be attacked by a relatively small community of parasitoids (1-3 species).


The community of parasitoids attacking soybean gall midge and the magnitude of their impact (percent parasitism) will vary among field, especially from state-to-state, across the growing season, and in relation to the abundance of soybean gall midge.


The community of parasitoids attacking soybean gall midge and the magnitude of their impact (percent parasitism) will be associated with factors at the landscape level (e.g., amount of crop area vs natural area, etc.) and within field factors (e.g., tillage).

Materials and methods:

METHODS - 2023

Field sampling was performed in summer of 2023. We identified and sampled a total of 17 soybean fields across four states, with five fields in Minnesota, two fields in South Dakota, five fields in Iowa and five fields in Nebraska. After identifying fields as infested with the soybean gall midge and gaining access to the fields, each field was sampled every two weeks. The number of sample dates per field varied from one to five per field, depending on how early in the season we were able to find and gain access to the fields. All fields were sampled for molecular assessment of parasitism, which has been shown to be more sensitive for detection of parasitism in soybean fields than the complementary rearing methods described below (Melotto et al. 2023). On each sample date for a given field, 20 plants were randomly selected and collected from within 50 feet of a field edge, because soybean gall midge shows strong edge effects in its infestation of fields. The stems of the plants were carefully dissected to collect and preserve the soybean gall midge larvae for later quantification of the soybean gall midge larvae and molecular assessment of parasitism. Because more larvae were collected than could possibly be screened, we developed criteria for collecting and processing a representative sample of the larvae from all the infested stems collected from each field. For stems with 0 to 8 larvae, all larvae were processed, and 8 larvae were processed for stems with 9 to 79 larvae, 16 larvae were processed for stems with 80 to 159 larvae, and 32 larvae were processed from stems with 160 or more larvae. This sampling scheme allowed at least 10% of the larvae from each stem to be processed. To determine if larvae were parasitized, established protocols were followed (Melotto et al. 2023). Briefly, DNA was extracted from each larva, and high-throughput qPCR screening was performed using a primer specific Synopeas maximum.

To complement the molecular assessment of parasitism, additional sampling was performed from some fields for rearing of parasitoids from soybean gall midge infested soybean plants. This approach enables collection and preservation of insects for morphological and genetic identification. Two of the fields in Minnesota, one of the fields in South Dakota and two of the fields in Nebraska were also sampled for rearing of parasitoids associated with soybean gall midge. For this effort, on each sample date mentioned above, four sets of ten infested soybean plants were collected from within the same 50 feet of the a field edge. These plants were trimmed and brought to laboratories where they were placed in emergence cages following Melotto et al. (2023). From each collection date from each field, there were four cages with ten stems per cage. The emergence cages were inspected every 1 to 3 days until no further insects emerged from a given cage to collect and preserve emerging adults of soybean gall midge and parasitic wasps. Wasps collected from emergence cages were identified morphologically (confirmed by taxonomist Dr. Elijah Talamas) and genetically.

Research results and discussion:

RESULTS - 2023

Molecular-based assessment: Screening for parasitism by S. maximum has been completed for samples from all 12 fields from Minnesota, South Dakota and Iowa. Parasitism by S. maximum was detected in 8 of the 12 fields from these states. For the fields in Minnesota and South Dakota, the highest rates of parasitism in each state for a given sample date were about 5%. For the fields in Iowa, the highest rate of parasitism for a given sample date was about 7.5%. Data from these fields are being analyzed to characterize density dependence of S. maximum parasitism of soybean gall midge. Preliminary results show that the probability of a soybean plants having parasitism by S. maximum was greater for soybean plants with greater densities of soybean gall midge (P<0.001). For the soybean stems with parasitism, there was evidence for inverse density dependence with parasitism rates decreasing with increasing densities of soybean gall midge (slope from logistic regression=-0.012; P<0.001). Screening for parasitism by S. maximum is underway for samples from the five fields from Nebraska. All the data will be reanalyzed when the samples from Nebraska are competed.

Rearing-based assessment: Synopeas maximum was reared from soybean stems collected from four of the five fields sampled (one field from Minnesota, one field from South Dakota and two fields from Nebraska). A different species of Synopeas (previously undocumented from soybean gall midge) was obtained from emergence cages from the two fields in Nebraska. In these fields in Nebraska, this new species of Synopeas was more abundant than S. maximum. Identification of this species is underway in collaboration with Dr. Elijah Talamas. To determine the parasitism rates by this new species of parasitoid, a primer for this particular species is being developed and will be used to screen all the larvae previously screened for S. maximum.

Participation Summary
14 Farmers participating in research

Project Activities

2023 Midwest soybean gall midge discussion series
Soybean gall midge regional field day

Educational & Outreach Activities

5 Consultations
4 Webinars / talks / presentations
1 Workshop field days
1 Other educational activities: Scientific presentations: This is listed in "other educational activities" above. The presentation below was presented at the national meeting of the Entomological Society and provided an update of the research on this project. 
Lisak, S., A.R.I. Lindsey and R.L. Koch. 2023, November. Utilizing qPCR to evaluate soybean gall midge parasitism rates across the Midwest. Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. National Harbor, MD. 

Learning Outcomes

Key areas taught:

    Project Outcomes

    Key practices changed:
      Success stories:

      2023: This project led to documentation of S. maximum parasitizing soybean gall midge across four states and the detection of an additional parasitoid (a potential new species) attacking soybean gall midge in Nebraska. 

      Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.