Final report for LNE20-401
Project Information
The SARE-RE grant entitled ‘Optimization of Preventative Biorational Strawberry Fruit and Root Disease Management Techniques’ significantly contributed to crop loss reduction with less or no synthetic chemicals to make the production system sustainable. These advancements will lead to disease-free transplant supplies for fruit growers and manage root diseases with bio-rational approaches. Concern about latent strawberry diseases, especially Anthracnose Fruit Rot (AFR), compelled many growers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic to decide whether to grow strawberries or not. AFR pathogens cause a latent infection on strawberry foliage, creating problems for both propagators and fruit producers who believed they had disease-free plant material. There was no reliable diagnostic method-based protocol for plant propagators to test for latent anthracnose infections and make marketing decisions or alert fruit producers of a need for preventative measures. As a result, fruit producers were caught off guard due to symptom appearances during fruit sets affecting marketable fruit.
With the implementation of this project, we designed a framework for preventing latently infected strawberry transplants from entering the fruiting field. We presented it to the grower cooperators of the project, who are the major strawberry transplant suppliers in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. We provided technical support to the plant propagators by evaluating representative cuttings and plug plant samples for latent AFR infections and shared the results with them. These results helped them decide the fate of transplants that were latently infected. Both propagators adopted the concept of obtaining assessment results if diagnostic service providers become available. They also negotiated with their cutting/tips suppliers to proactively test nursery materials to ensure those are not latently infected. Research methods on this objective also included advanced techniques by a PhD student to evaluate propagation materials with multi-spectral imaging tools. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was used for this purpose. Further work on this may enable nursery growers to mass screen tips in the near future.
Management of strawberry soilborne diseases such as black root rot and crown rot became difficult after phasing out highly effective synthetic fumigants such as methyl bromide. The use of alternative synthetic fumigants also became almost impossible for small-scale and organic growers due to health hazard regulations and the need for specialized application tools. This project optimized a method to reduce the severity of strawberry root diseases in the fruiting field by combining the utilization of probiotic bacteria colonized transplants and field plot anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD). Results were demonstrated to strawberry growers in WV, VA, and ME. The combination treatment supported the highest plant vigor, fruit yield, and plant survival compared to the other four treatments. The difference was more evident during the second year of the crop.
Peer-reviewed and extension publications helped disseminate the technology to extension educators and organic and small-scale conventional strawberry growers. Educational meetings and field days in three states improved growers’ understanding of how the technology would work. One large strawberry transplant supplier sold plants with root systems colonized by beneficial bacteria. Growers witnessed enhanced plant vigor and productivity by using those plants. After conducting replicated trials with six different treatments for the initial two years, we set a demonstration of combination treatment, biologicals only and non-treated, in long planting beds that enhanced adoption as clientele could see the difference very clearly. Feedback from growers indicated that 150 growers either adopted or showed interest in adopting the technology.
Two major plant propagators save fungicide cost and strawberry losses from anthracnose worth $100,000. 150 strawberry growers adopt alternative fumigation methods on 300 acres of fruit production field to improve yield, generating $150,000 additional annual income.
This project was undertaken to solve two major problems in strawberry production by organic and small-scale fruit growers. Qualtrix survey conducted in 2019 with strawberry growers about the possibility of organic strawberry production in the Mid-Atlantic region (WV, MD, VA) revealed AFR as the major obstacle to organic strawberry production. Growers preferred a sustainable option, starting with disease-free plants. The Northeast Small Fruit IPM Working Group (2013) identified soilborne diseases like black root rot and crown rot as major threats to sustainable strawberry production and prioritized them for research. Similar results were obtained from the survey conducted on 58 strawberry growers in 17 eastern NY counties during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. This survey also revealed a loss of 900 acres of strawberry production in NY since 2005 likely due to the prohibition of methyl bromide (MeBr) use in NYS in the same year (McDermott 2018).
During ‘WVU Extension Small Farm Center’ meetings in the last 5 years, the small fruit session conducted surveys on research and education needs. Out of 75 respondents, 48 mentioned strawberries, with an emphasis on anthracnose and root rot problems. Anthracnose Fruit Rot (AFR) causing fungi would enter into the fruiting field as latent infections on strawberry foliage, creating problems for both propagators and fruit producers who believed they had disease-free plant material. We worked directly with two major transplant suppliers to ensure they knew the status of the plants they supplied to the fruit growers. We used both molecular and herbicide-based latent infection tracing methods from the provided samples and shared the results with the plug plant producers. They relayed the results to the buyers and suggested if any measures were needed to prevent AFR. In some cases, they discarded plants with higher levels of latent infections. A detailed framework for preventing latently infected strawberry transplants from entering the fruiting field was also shared with them. Growers were educated on the technique for collecting suspected samples from cuttings and plug plants and sending those to diagnostic clinics for confirmatory results.
This project also addressed how best black root rot and crown rot could be controlled without synthetic fumigants. The application of probiotic organisms on strawberry plug plant production potting mix to competitively exclude colonization of roots/crowns by pathogens in field settings was combined with anaerobic disinfestation of field soil. Results indicated that the method could be an integral part of a comprehensive approach to managing soilborne disease pressure sustainably and economically. Two Fruit producers from each WV, VA, and one from ME evaluated probiotic-treated and non-treated plants on their farms in an experimental setting by planting them in either anaerobically disinfested soil or non-treated plots.
We demonstrated the techniques of inoculating planting mix with probiotics while producing plug plants from cuttings/tips and steps in anaerobic soil disinfestation. YouTube video documented it on the management of soilborne disease on similar commodities. We developed web-based publications (IPM Chronicle, fact sheet) on the biorational management practices to reduce the abundance of soil-borne pathogens, and shared those with strawberry growers. Face-to-face educational events took place during NASGA Annual Meeting and North American Strawberry Symposium (NASS) in Nashville, KY and in Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, American Phytopathological Society (APS)-Potomac Division, Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention small fruit session and Southeast strawberry expo. Besides combined educational activities. Drs. Samtani and Smart educated beneficiaries and disseminated our findings through local and regional extension programming, such as Mid-Atlantic Strawberry School in Virginia Beach, pre-plant grower meetings in Virginia Beach, in-service extension agent training at the Virginia Cooperative Extension Annual Conference held in Blacksburg, VA, and the New England Veg & Berry Grower Meeting. PI Dr. Rahman conducted 3 workshops at the WVU Extension Small Farm Meetings for consecutive 3 years. Our beneficiary recruitment included an online (qualtrix) and printed version of the information sent to 500 strawberry growers across three states and a survey about the project. We followed up with growers who returned the survey to inform them about the educational opportunities. We educated and trained 350 growers in 3 states through in-person meeting, online article and fact sheet. We educated and trained 430 growers in 3 states from which 150 adopted new technology by growing probiotic treated plug plants in their fruiting fields. Two major plant suppliers in the region learned how to prevent latent infection in the plant supply to positively influence most buyers. We also arranged two field days where grower cooperators disseminated biorational technologies to fellow growers by talking during the field days.
- (Educator and Researcher)
- (Educator and Researcher)
1) Diagnosis of latent infection on foliage of strawberry propagation materials will prevent entry of infected plants into the fruiting field or alert growers about preventative measures.
2) Pre-colonization of strawberry plug plant roots by beneficial microbes impedes fungal infections associated with BRRC and crown rot.
3) Microbiological assessment of root system and fruit analysis for bioactive compounds unravel the mechanism of BRRC suppression and growth and quality enhancement, respectively.
4) Probiotic microbes and bio-fumigation improves availability of soil nutrients to strawberry plants, enhancing plant vigor and productivity.
Results and future directions for objective 1 can be found in the publication link
Detailed research methods results of objective 2 can be found in the publication link.
Detailed methods for DNA extraction from strawberry sample and detection of pathogen by real time PCR can be found in the link below.
Objective 1. Strawberry cuttings and plug plant samples were collected from two plant propagation facilities and evaluated for latent infections by the method better described as bio-PCR. Briefly, foliar samples were subjected to gramoxone protocol to induce tissue senescence and organism started to multiply when incubated in high humidity. Within 72 hours of incubation, the required amount of tissues were collected for PCR regardless of any visible growth. For specific detection of the anthracnose fruit rot fungus, quantative (real time) PCR was used to amplify the fungal MAT1-2 gene. Anthracnose infections on foliage in some cases produce black spots. However, other fungi may also cause black spots on a leaf. As part of our educational program, we educated beneficiaries on how to separate these symptoms. Five cuttings were randomly collected from each box of 1000 tips supply for latent infection evaluation. A unique tracking system (color coding) tracked cuttings/tips set on plug trays by plant propagators to relate to samples taken. If cuttings from a box were found positive for latent infection by AFR causing fungus, plug plants from those cuttings were sampled in higher proportion (2%) and conducted the diagnostic method again. This enabled us to understand and show plug plant producers how infection spreads under sprinkler irrigation in a plug production facility. This data were utilized to suggest plant propagators deciding whether to cull those plants or sell to fruit producers with a written/verbal instruction on how to handle those plants and if any preventative spray schedule had to follow. Plug plant producers consulted with cuttings/tips suppliers with the results to keep the clean plant supply chain active. One tips supplier moved nursery operation at a safer place where prevalence of fungal pathogen is relatively low.
Objective 2.
Materials and methods related to determining the effect of probiotic bacteria, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard cover crop biofumgation on soilborne disease suppression and yield of strawberry can be found from the link.
Treatments: This study was conducted in two phases; the first phase was at the plug plant production facility of the prime cooperator, Mr. Reuben Martin (Shippensburg, PA). The second phase of the research was conducted at the fruiting fields of selected cooperators or University experiment stations where growers could attend field days. Plug plants were produced in probiotic bacteria TerraGrow inoculated ‘Johnny's 512 Organic Mix’ @ 1oz/100 gallons with or without pasteurization. A total of 900 strawberry plug plants of CV Chandler were grown on pasteurized+treated and 500 on nonpasteurized+treated planting mix. A total of 1200 plug plants were produced on regular mix without treatment destined for the non-treated control plot, bio-fumigated or ASD plots in fruiting fields.
*Fruiting field trial: We conducted four on-farm (Shafer Heritage Farm, Bruceton Mills, WV; Country Road House and Berries, Clendenin, WV; Braehead farm, Fredericsburg, VA; Maplewood Farm Markets, Shippensburg, PA; Wm H Jordan Farm, Cape Elizabeth, ME) and three University Experiment Station trials (WVU organic farm; Hampton Roads AREC, Virginia Beach, VA; UMaine experiment station, Oronon, ME) with six different treatments that included: 1) plug plants grown on non-treated planting mix and planted in nontreated fruiting field soil as non-treated check; 2) plug plants grown on non-treated planting mix and planted in ‘Caliente 199’ mustard cover crop incorporated plots (Effect of bio-fumigation); 3) plug plants grown on non-pasteurized planting mix treated with TerraGrow and planted in non-treated fruiting field plots (Effect of TerraGrow with easier treatment option); 4) plug plants grown on pasteurized planting mix treated with TerraGrow and planted in non-treated fruiting field plots (Effect of TerraGrow with higher colonization potential); 5) plug plants grown on non-treated planting mix and planted in ASD plots (Effect of ASD); 6) plug plants grown on non-pasteurized planting mix treated with TerraGrow and planted in ASD fruiting field plots (Combined effect of TerraGrow and ASD); plug plants grown on non-pasteurized planting mix treated with TerraGrow and planted in non-treated fruiting field plots. Treatments were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design with each replicate plot consisting of a 20 ft long and 5 ft wide plastic mulched drip irrigated raised bed. The black root rot-susceptible but popular strawberry cultivar Chandler was used in the study. Each plot had 20 plants in two staggered rows on a bed spaced 1 ft apart row to row and 2 feet plant to plant.
Method for mustard cover crop and ASD based bio-fumigation: 1. Fruiting field plots were prepared at the grower cooperators’ sites and experiment stations in a randomized complete block design that accommodates all six treatments mentioned above. Plots that received mustard bio-fumigation and ASD treatments were prepared accordingly to match the projected planting dates. ASD on selected plots were done in 3 steps.
- Incorporated OM (mustard meal@5 tons/ha) to provide C source to activate soil microbes. Mixed with a walk behind rototiller.
2. Covered the area with air impermeable tarp.
3. In the third step, irrigated the soil to saturation to create anaerobic conditions and stimulate the anaerobic decomposition of incorporated organic material and enhance diffusion of by-products
Data collection and statistical analyses. We collected total fruit yield and the incidence of BRRC symptomatic plants as well as any wilted plants from all treatments. The severity of black root rot was measured on a 0-5 scale where 0 = no disease symptom; 1 = 1 to 5% plants are stunted; 2 = 6 to 10% plants are stunted; 3 = 11 to 25% plants are stunted; 4 = 26 to 50% plants are stunted; 5 = 51 to 100% of plants are stunted and some wilting of the plants. The disease index for each replicate plot was calculated from the number of plants with symptoms and recorded severity on each plant. As the black root rot severity data was collected on an ordinal scale rather than continuous, a non-parametric data analysis was done by PROC RANK in SAS (SAS institute, Cary NC). However, yield, nutrient, nematode count and microbial data were subjected to ANOVA to determine differences of means in various treatments. A linear mixed model was used where treatment was considered as a fixed effect, and block as a random effect. Percent data were transformed using angular transformation (arcsine of square-rooted value) prior to the analysis. Means were compared for significant differences by Fisher’s protected LSD test (P = 0.05).
-Nutrient and microbiological analyses: Rhizosphere soil was collected from each plot to analyze available P, K and organic C, lesion nematodes pre-plant and after fruit harvest.
Detection of latent infections on strawberry tips used for growing plug plants destined to fruiting field is essential in ensuring supply of disease free plants. It may also help fruit growers get a heads-up about plant health status from the plant supplier to take appropriate measures. Collecting the proper sample can determine the outcome of the whole process. The guide in the link below should help growers with sampling tips and diagnostic labs to follow the preferred detection methods.
We provided diagnostic service to plug plant producers for their tips and plug plant samples by using real-time PCR. Results from all five samples indicated that detectable Colletotrichum DNA was present in tips and plug plant samples. In all sampling dates, plug plants had higher %positives compared to tips indicating that the secondary spread of the pathogen may have occurred due to sprinkler splash during the plug plant production stage. The link below shows a comparative result of pathogen presence on strawberry tips and plugs.
SARE-Report2021; Objective 1-Results
More samples were collected during 2022 for evaluating latent infections as a follow-up of plug plants to the fruiting field. Results can be found in the report below:
We have determined the effect of probiotic bacteria, anaerobic soil disinfestation, and mustard cover crop biofumgation on soilborne disease suppression and yield of strawberries from multiple field trials. Results from all trials supported our hypothesis that biorational treatment such as combination of probiotic-treated plug plants when planted in anaerobically disinfested soil can reduce soilborne disease and boost yield. Data from a trial in a perennial organic system were published in a peer reviewed journal publication, and can be found in the link above in method section. Results showed the benefit of using beneficial microbes for growing plug plants and anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) of fruiting field plot. More interestingly, ASD could significantly suppress weed population.
Result Summary and Discussion: We have developed a sampling guide for the growers to collect strawberry tips and plug plant samples for detecting anthracnose-causing pathogens that do not produce any symptoms in most cases. Analysis of samples with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for two consecutive years indicated the presence of the pathogen in the sample, and plug plants had higher pathogen presence compared to tips. Due to our findings, one plug plant producer discarded infected plants that could otherwise end up going to the fields of fruit producers. He also alerted plug plant buyers (fruit producers) about the precautions they need to take with plants that had lower levels of infection but could pose a risk to the fruit at the ripening stage. These results also suggest taking measures during plug plant production may be necessary to restrict the pathogen's spread due to water splash under the sprinkler. These outreach activities by plug plant producers in part supported by this project helped achieve one out of the two major objectives of the project.
Our Results from objective 2 indicated the remarkable benefit of using beneficial microbes for growing plug plants and anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) of fruiting field plots for keeping plants in good vigor and preventing mortality. More interestingly, the synergistic effect of probiotic bacteria and ASD was obtained for preventing plant mortality, weed suppression, and increasing fruit yield. These results are more relevant to a perennial strawberry production system in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region rather than an annual hill plastic culture system.
Diagnosis of latent infection from strawberry transplant materials (tips/plug plants) was successfully done by combining herbicide-based method and real-time PCR, which helped plant suppliers as well as fruit producers to get heads up about the status of plant health and necessary preventative measures.
Black root rot complex and crown rot of strawberry caused by soilborne fungi limit sustainable strawberry production in the northeastern United States, especially in perennial systems, including matted row and plasticulture. As pathogen populations build up over time in the rhizosphere and infect the root system, feeder roots are pruned, which diminishes nutrient and water uptake and causes stunted plant growth or death. Alternative management options are needed for many organic and small growers who can’t use chemical fumigants due to new regulations and potential health hazards. Strawberry plug plants were grown on beneficial microbe-inoculated or uninoculated planting mix followed by transplanting in fruiting field plots that either was biofumigated with mustard cover crop (MCC), anaerobically disinfested (ASD), or left untreated. Different combinations of plug plants and field plot treatments were used to determine the efficacy of individual treatments or synergistic effects from combination treatment. Plug plants were transplanted in pretreated plastic mulched raised beds and grown following a typical organically recommended production system. Plants grown on TerraGrow (TG)-inoculated planting mix showed enhanced plant vigor in the fruiting field compared with untreated plants. Weeds that grew through planting holes were significantly (P ≤ 0.045) suppressed in ASD plots compared with untreated plots in the first year. Plants treated with a combination treatment of TG and ASD had significantly higher fruit yield in both years (2019 and 2020), although the difference was greater in the second year. Plant vigor and survival in treated plots except MCC were also significantly higher in the second year compared with the untreated control. Suppression of pathogenic microbes and plant vigor improvement in treated plots appear to be the factors providing beneficial effects and higher net economic return. Taken together, our results suggest that a combination of beneficial microbes and ASD could be an alternative to synthetic fumigation in a perennial strawberry production system.
Summary of educational programs:
a) Conference call and in-person consultations with two plug plant producers: 6
b) Strawberry growers meeting across three states: 8
C) Field days: 3
d) Conference and growers association presentations: 8
We documented only a few of the educational events. Some examples are given below.
During 2021 PI Mahfuz Rahman and co-PI Jayesh Samtani educated growers on the project's objectives, methods and potential benefits to strawberry growers as part of Virginia Strawberry School organized by Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Ag. via Zoom. The webinar was co-presented by Drs. Rahman and Samtani.
Date: 7 Oct 2021; No. of beneficiaries. 91; slides can be found from the link below.
PI Rahman presented research results from this study at the 2022 NASGA annual meeting held from 16-19 January 2022 in Nashville, TN. Powerpoint slides are included. NASGA2022 During the fall of 2022, PI Dr. Rahman also presented a webinar organized by the Northeast IPM Center and highlighted the results obtained from this project. Link of the webinar is given below:
Date: October 5, 2022; No. of beneficiaries. 55
PI also published a fact sheet in 2022 on latent anthracnose identification on strawberry foliage and its implication for disease management, which was published on WVU Extension website
Co-PI Dr. Jayesh Samtani presented results from the study during the 2023 North American Strawberry Growers Association meeting in San Luis Obispo, CA, entitled "Tracing latent Colletotrichum spp. Infections on
Strawberry from Runner Tips to Fruiting Fields"
Date: March 8, 2023; No. of beneficiaries. 85
Dr. Alicyn Smart delivered a talk on SARE strawberry project at the New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Association Meeting.
Date: February 8, 2023; No. of beneficiaries. 45
PI Dr. Rahman presented a virtual talk on project activities during the 2022 WVU Extension Small Farm Conference, and another in-person talk during the 2023 WVU organic farm field day.
The team produced a video that describes the research results from the application of methods exactly the same as strawberry black root rot and crown rot control. This shows that the method is applicable to other commodities for soilborne disease control, for example, management of Verticillium wilt on okra.
Strawberry growers across 3 states received online and printed versions of the information and survey about the project to learn new opportunities to buy latent infection-free transplants. They also learned about new bio-rational treatments to manage soil-borne pathogens in strawberry production systems. Interested ones responded to the survey. Surveys were also distributed in in-person grower meetings.
April 30, 2020
October 10, 2022
In March 2020, PI had several zoom meetings with the Co-PIs of the project to discuss and strategize what’s the best way to recruit beneficiaries during a pandemic situation. After a thorough discussion, we decided to send a qualtrix survey to the predominantly organic and small strawberry growers in multiple states (WV, MD, VA, PA, ME). A copy of the survey can be found here: Final-Strawberry-Producer-Survey-3. As many of our target beneficiaries did not use online platforms, getting an excellent response was a little challenging. We distributed the printed copy of the survey during in-person growers meetings after the pandemic. These efforts ended up getting responses from 150 growers. However, we were able to recruit a total of 50 beneficiaries. Most of these beneficiaries (33 out of 50) wanted to be cooperators. However, due to logistic constraints, we set demonstrations in 5 growers' fields only. Beneficiaries attended field days and growers' meetings to learn about the outcomes of our demonstrations.
Beneficiaries helped PI and Co-PIs to collect cutting samples and bare-root plants from Maplewood Farm Market and Aaron’s Creek Farms to complete diagnostics for latent infection incidence and severity
July 15, 2020
October 15, 2020
Project PI and Co-PIs arranged a conference call with Gregg Gordon, President of Aaron’s Creek Farm on July 7, 2020 and discussed the importance of testing strawberry propagation materials (tips and plug plants). We discussed in detail the process involved with collecting good samples and evaluating for latent infections, including the importance of the process. Due to this educational approach, he got clear understanding of sample collection and sending to the plant pathology diagnostic lab of the Co-PI of this project. As we could not be at the Aaron’s Creek farm in person due to pandemic, we also created an educational material illustrating how to take sample and conduct the evaluation process to share with the clientele (link above in the method section). Suitable samples were taken and sent to the labs indicating that our educational approach made impact despite unusual situation.
We also held a similar educational event with Mr. Reuben Martin of Maplewood Farm Market (Shippensburg, PA). As this grower cooperator does not use the internet or email, we had to have the session by teleconferencing. IPM Associate Whitney Dudding later delivered the printed copy of the educational materials to Mr. Reuben Martin. In addition, PI had conversations with Mr. Martin 10 times during 2020-2023 to convey educational information related to disease problems in plug plant production system and selling those plants to fruit producers. More specifically, we discussed the practices would need to be followed by fruit producers regarding the plant health status revealed by diagnostic assays for latent infections. These educational conversations also included a new disease problem known as ‘Pestalotiopsis blight’ caused by Neopestalotiopsis sp.
Beneficiaries received diagnostic results and followed recommendations on whether to cull infected plants or go ahead with plug setting as no problem was found
July 31, 2020
October 15, 2022
Project personnel with vast technical knowledge evaluated the samples. Results were conveyed to both plug plant producers helped them taking the right decision about either spraying fungicides or discarding problematic plants. In addition, they could communicate with their tips suppliers to prevent the supply of latently infected plants. Both cooperators have gained knowledge of the latent infection cycle and are willing to work with plant suppliers to secure infection-free plants. One cutting supplier moved his nursery to a location where inoculum was less prevalent to ensure the production of disease-free cuttings/tips.

Strawberry tips from first sampling had 8% incidence of latent anthracnose infection as revealed by our lab diagnosis results. Second sampling showed 2% infection incidence. Due to conveying the results to the grower cooperator and adoption of suggested mitigation measures infection incidence was reduced to 1% and 0.5%, respectively. Sampling in the project's second year indicated heavy infection of plug plants with Neopestalotiopsis sp.
Beneficiaries with technical support from PI and co-PI collect suspected plug plant sample for diagnostic evaluation
September 15, 2020
October 15, 2023
Beneficiaries with technical support from PI and co-PI collected suspected plug plant sample for diagnostic evaluation and sent to the diagnostic labs. Growers discarded heavily infected plants and cautioned the fruit producers for the less infected plug plants. Fruit producers were not affected as they could keep the disease under control.
Beneficiaries set demonstration trials in their farms following treatment application guidelines from project personnel
September 30, 2020
October 05, 2022
Five growers set demonstrations during the project timeline. Three growers organized field days during harvest in the spring of 2000 and 2023. Data from these trials indicated that both probiotic bacteria treatment and anaerobic soil disinfestation could increase plant vigor, reduce plant mortality, and increase yield. Growers who attended field days witnessed the results and wanted to try these techniques by themselves. However, the most impact was made by one of the plug plant producers who grew plug plants in probiotic treated medium and gave those plants to 120 fruit producers for growing in the field.
Strawberry growers attend winter meetings and trainings to learn more about strawberry disease management through project activities like latent infection-free plants and biorational treatments of fields
March 31, 2023
November 15, 2023
Growers attended field days in three locations, learned about the project's objective, and witnessed the benefits of biological and biorational treatments on strawberry root diseases and productivity.
Strawberry growers attended field demonstration days, witnessed the efficacy of alternative fumigation technologies, and learned the techniques from the project staff and fellow growers.
July 10, 2021
Demonstrations were set in two locations in WV and two locations in VA and one location in ME . Current and potential strawberry growers witnessed the results. In addition, 120 fruit producers received probiotic bacteria-treated plug plants from one of the cooperators (plug plant producers) of the project and grew those plants to assess the benefit of treated plants. This cooperator will continue treating plants with beneficial bacteria and sell those to the beneficiaries.
Strawberry growers participate in similar activities for one more year and adopt new practices
August 31, 2022
October 31, 2023
From follow-up survey with the beneficiaries, it was documented that fifteen growers adopted the technology for not only growing strawberries but also other specialty crops for soilborne disease control.
Milestone Activities and Participation Summary
Educational activities:
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
- Learned about the importance of latent infections on strawberry transplant material and how to manage those proactively.
- Production of strawberry plug plants on probiotic treated planting mix and anaerobic soil disinfestation of strawberry plots
Performance Target Outcomes
Target #1
Two major plant propagators saved fungicide costs and strawberry losses of fruit producers from anthracnose worth $150,000
One hundred acres
Evaluated plants for latent infections and sold them to fruit producers if found disease-free. Plants with high latent infections were discarded. Plant buyers also received information on taking preventative measures on the plants with low latent infections.
150 acres
Target #2
100 strawberry growers adopted alternative fumigation methods on 300 acres of fruit production field to improve yield, generating $150,000 additional annual income.
300 acres
Used probiotic treated plug plants for fruit production together with anaerobic soil disinfestation
240 acres
$150,000 worth production enhancement
Outcomes from two major objectives of the project indicated achieving the target. Our work with two plug plant producers generated information to justify assessing latent infections in transplant materials. Both beneficiaries gained knowledge of the need and technology involved with assessing latent infections. They changed their behavior by asking cuttings/tips suppliers to ensure the supply of disease-free plants through prior assessment of transplant materials. We verified these outcomes by directly communicating with them via telephone or email. For outcomes related to objective 2, we sent verification questions to the beneficiaries identified at the beginning of the project or during the growers' meetings. We sent verification requests to 150 growers via qualtrix/print questionnaire but the response was low with only 25 responses. However, the probiotic-treated plug plant users showed approval of the technology as they saw the benefit of using treated plug plants. We obtained this information from the prime grower cooperator Ruben Martin. This also indicated that the fruit growers were ready to adopt the technology. In addition 5 growers who set demonstrations in their farm showed interest in adopting the technology for not only strawberries but also for other high value crops such as tomatoes. Evaluation forms distributed during the growers' meetings showed knowledge gained by attendees and 55 out of 75 growers wanted to make changes how they want to manage soilborne diseases. One pitfall with the ASD technology we identified was the price of the C source (mustard meal) we used in the demonstration. Beneficiaries of the project also mentioned that the price is still very high and a limited number of suppliers of the product. This encouraged us to take another project from the support form NEIPM to test different low-cost C sources and compare the efficacy with mustard meal. Demonstration of these results would encourage more growers to adopt the technology.
Additional Project Outcomes
Information Products
- Strawberry sample collection guide and latent infection diagnosis
- Probiotic Bacteria, Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and Mustard Cover Crop Biofumigation Suppress Soilborne Disease and Increase Yield of Strawberry in a Perennial Organic Production System
- New Insights in the Detection and Management of Anthracnose Diseases in Strawberries
- Utilization of Biologicals and Biofumigation for Effective Management of Soilborne Diseases