Final report for LS21-345
Project Information
In this systems research project, we studied and promoted regenerative grazing, which we defined as grazing that improves soil health. Despite efforts by many groups to promote regenerative grazing (under various names) over the past 30 years, adoption rates remain low in the Southern SARE region, and studies have often failed to validate the claims of proponents. With an interdisciplinary team that included six universities, three NGOs, and eight farmer cooperators, we investigated barriers and opportunities to the adoption of regenerative grazing in Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia: creating a working group in each state, carrying out on-farm research and controlled studies, and facilitating mentoring and peer-to-peer learning. We put on educational events and featured case studies and success stories in publications, podcasts, and professional-quality videos. We gave special attention to small- to mid-sized, family-owned, underserved and limited-resource farming operations—not only for reasons of fairness but because widespread adoption will depend on showing that regenerative grazing can be done affordably and at any scale.
We learned that regenerative grazing, while still far from mainstream in the South, is gaining traction. We found that the hardest barriers for producers to overcome are not technical ones but psychological and social, requiring a mindset shift and a willingness to experiment and put up with negative peer pressure from neighbors. We confirmed the effectiveness of two main strategies overcoming these barriers: connecting producers to each other for peer-to-peer learning and encouraging low-risk, on-farm experiments.
(1) Identify practical and regionally-appropriate ways of improving soil health and catching more water in soil.
(2) Launch a new multi-state network of landowners who are conducting on-farm trials.
(3) Improve communication and information-sharing among producers and agricultural professionals who are interested in regenerative grazing.
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The Soil for Water project began in 2015 as a pilot project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT), with 20 Texas ranches running on-farm experiments, monitoring their soils and vegetation, and sharing their findings with each other. In this Southern SARE-funded project, we continued that effort in Texas and expanded it to Arkansas, Mississippi, and Virginia. A working group in each state defined its own research questions and educational methods.
We took the idea of systems research seriously and did our best to follow the methodological guidelines in SARE's Systems Research for Agriculture handbook. Our project included:
- Knowledge systems research (the primary focus of our project). For example: Where are producers getting their information, and what sources do they trust? Which soil tests are most informative and cost-effective for landowners who want to establish a baseline and measure their progress? What pasture and rangeland monitoring methods generate the most useful information?
- Social science research. For example: What sort of peer pressure do early adopters face, and how can we reduce it? What land stewardship attitudes motivate landowners to regenerate damaged and depleted land? How can we accommodate legitimate needs for privacy and confidentiality while encouraging a free exchange of ideas and experiences?
- Economic research. For example: Is the regenerative grazing model financially feasible and profitable? What up-front investments are needed to implement a regenerative grazing system, and what is the rate of return? Are regenerative grazing systems affordable for small farms or those with limited resources?
- Farming systems research. For example: Why have controlled studies so often failed to validate the claims of regenerative grazing proponents? What methods work well in dry climates, and which ones work better in wet climates? Does soil moisture reliably increase with frequent short-duration grazing periods?
The Systems Research for Agriculture handbook recommends that a systems research team should "bring expertise from key disciplines, have compatible personalities, and are willing to work in groups” (p. 16). Our core project team included 11 producers, two sociologists, two soil scientists, a philosopher, a veterinarian, a rangeland ecologist, and eight other experienced grazing researchers. Cooperating farmers were paid a stipend of $2,000 per year.
How we defined regenerative grazing
There has been an unfortunate proliferation of confusing names, labels, and contradictory advice about how to practice or achieve "regeneration" with livestock. Almost all prescriptions emphasize avoiding overgrazing and allowing adequate recovery periods for vegetation. While some have advocated continuous grazing (allowing animals unrestricted movement) with low stocking rates for this purpose (e.g., Briske et al., 2008), most proponents of regenerative grazing advocate controlled animal movement through fields that have been divided into multiple pastures or paddocks. Unfortunately, there is no standard terminology for referring to these methods, with advocates of one system or another often insisting that their terminology and approach are superior to the others. Some common names (to mention just a few) are rotational grazing, management intensive grazing (MIG), mob grazing, short duration grazing (SDG), Savory systems, strip grazing, controlled grazing, adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) grazing, high-intensity low-frequency grazing, and holistic planned grazing.
To sidestep controversies and stay focused on practical issues that matter most to producers, we defined regenerative grazing as simply grazing that improves soil health. The idea of restoring or healing soil from an unhealthy or degraded condition is common to most published of definitions of "regenerative agriculture." (For example, Johns et al. (2020) found "improving soil health" in the definitions on 19 out of 22 practitioner websites that they studied.) The idea of soil health also has a relatively clear and familiar definition that has been taught and promoted for over 20 years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) defines soil health as "the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans." This capacity depends on soil carrying out five main functions: (1) regulating water flow and cycling, (2) sustaining diverse plant and animal life, (3) filtering and buffering potential pollutants, (4) cycling nutrients, and (5) providing physical stability and support. (See NRCS, undated and Stika, 2016.)
Advocates sometimes require additional improvements to take place (besides soil health) in order to count agricultural practices as truly "regenerative." Examples are improved ecosystem functioning, resilience, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, farmer livelihoods, quality of life, community well-being, social justice, and the nutritional density of food. In our project, we treated all these things as likely and desirable consequences or outcomes of regenerative agriculture instead of including them in the definition.
Known barriers to adoption
While relatively few studies have been done in the Southern SARE region, researchers have identified many barriers to the adoption of regenerative grazing:
- A perception that regenerative grazing requires more labor than standard (continuous) grazing, because of more frequent fencing repairs and frequent animal movements.
- Limited familiarity with basic tools like electric fencing and soil moisture measuring devices.
- Limited familiarity with the concept of soil health and the biological component of soils (as opposed to its physical and chemical components).
- A perception of high initial investment cost for fencing and water points, which has been estimated at $10 to $72 per acre (Probert, 2013).
- Special doubts about the return on investment for small farms (Wang et al., 2018).
- The often-slow pace of change in soils and vegetation, which makes it hard to invest money or commit to changes with a delayed or doubtful return on investment.
- A common experience of declining forage quality if pastures are not grazed at the right frequency and duration (Gillespie, 2008).
- Disagreement among researchers about even some of the most basic management questions.
- The frequent failure of controlled studies to measure benefits from rotational grazing—which has cast doubt on the effectiveness of these methods.
- The understandable reluctance on the part of academic researchers and Cooperative Extension personnel to share findings that are not evidence-based and proven in some type of rigorous experiment.
- Dogmatism and entrenched attitudes among true believers and skeptics.
- Theoretical and philosophical issues. For example, grazing researchers are often accused of taking a reductionist approach, and proponents of regenerative grazing are often accused of being unscientific. With each side undercutting the other’s credibility, producers are left unsure who or what to believe.
- The persistent difficulty of getting grazing managers to monitor their vegetation and soils, partly because of controversies and disagreements about the best ways to conduct monitoring: a proliferation of contradictory advice that leaves producers confused or intimidated.
- Controversies and disagreements about soil testing. There are many methods and competing schools of thought, some obscure and technical.
- The proliferation of confusing names and labels (AMP, MIG, SDG, and so on) and the lack of standard agreed-upon terminology for describing various grazing practices and systems.
- Privacy concerns and a competitive marketplace that make producers reluctant to share their experiences and on-farm research results.
- Many practical difficulties that have made peer-to-peer learning challenging, beginning with the geographic isolation of many ranchers and their intense work schedules.
Briske, D.D. et al. 2008. Rotational grazing on rangelands: reconciliation of perception and experimental evidence. Rangeland Ecology & Management 61 (1), 3-17.
Drinkwater, Laurie. 2016. Systems research for agriculture: innovative solutions to complex challenges. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program.
Gillespie, J.M., Wyatt, W., Venuto, B., Blouin, D., Boucher, R., 2008. The roles of labor and profitability in choosing a grazing strategy for beef production in the US Gulf Coast region. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 40 (01), 301–313.
Johns, Colleen, Nicole Marie Civita, Katharine Bartel, Peter Newton, and Lee Frankel-Goldwater. What is regenerative agriculture? A review of scholar and practitioner definitions based on processes and outcomes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, October 2020, volume 4, article 577723.
NRCS. undated. Soil Health.
Probert, T. 2013. Dairy grazing: fence and water systems. University of Missouri
Extension 1–10. M190, anuals/m00190.pdf.
Stika, John. 2016. A soil owner’s manual: how to restore and maintain soil health. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Wang, T., Teague, W.R., Park, S.C., Bevers, S. 2018. Evaluating long-term economic and ecological consequences of continuous and multi-paddock grazing-a modeling approach. Agricultural Systems 165, 197–207.
Methodology and cooperating partners for each objective
Objective 1: Identify practical and regionally-appropriate ways of improving soil health and catching more water in soil.
- Conduct on-farm research on the impact of grazing methods on soil health: Dr. Lemus, Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF), Texas working group, Dr. Bellows, Dr. Lyons, cooperating farmers.
- Conduct controlled studies on the impact of grazing height on soil gravimetric/volumetric water content over time: Dr. Philipp.
- Demonstrate the effects of best management practices on cooperating farms, including soil water content and soil quality: Dr. Lemus, Dr. Philipp.
- Offer pasture walks and field days: Dr. Lemus, Dr. Wells, VABF, all four state working groups, cooperating farmers.
- Annual rangeland monitoring and research at 20 Texas ranches that are conducting on-farm trials, summarizing the results in annual reports for landowners: NCAT.
- Teach and encourage producers to conduct small-scale, on-farm Safe-to-Fail grazing experiments: Texas and Mississippi working groups.
- Soil sampling and testing at a minimum of 20 participating farms or ranches. Analyze soil samples and monitoring data, and assist with preparing landowner reports: NCAT, Dr. Lemus, Dr. Philipp.
Objective 2: Launch a new multi-state network of landowners who are conducting on-farm trials.
- Recruit at least 120 new participants in the Soil for Water peer-to-peer learning network, include at least 12 African American, 12 Hispanic, and 12 veteran participants: NCAT.
- Create and support mentor relationships through the Regenerative Agriculture Mentoring Program: Holistic Management International (HMI), Mississippi and Arkansas working groups.
- Evaluate quality of life aspects of regenerative grazing, including economic benefit for participants, diverse and intergenerational participation and relationships, resilient capacity of chain elements, and relation to health, wealth, and capacity: Virginia Tech.
Objective 3: Improve communication and information-sharing among producers and agricultural professionals who are interested in regenerative grazing.
- Create a discussion forum for project participants and other interested persons: NCAT.
- Compare effectiveness of in-person trainings, live webinars, and one-on-one technical assistance. Evaluate and compare changes in knowledge, attitude, and intention by producers in Arkansas and Mississippi who receive one, two, or all three modes of training: HMI.
- Offer at least 16 workshops, webinars, or other educational events per year: NCAT, Dr. Lemus, VABF, Virginia Tech, all four state working groups.
- Give workshops at the Texas Hispanic Farmer & Rancher Conference in 2022-2023: NCAT.
- Offer three intensive, two-day workshops on regenerative grazing, including both classroom and field experiences: Dr. Allen Williams.
- Hold quarterly meetings of project partners in each state that focus on improving technical assistance and removing barriers to adoption, with partners chosen to represent widely differing backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs about regenerative grazing: all partners.
- Create 10 professional-quality videos focused on land stewardship and stories from producers who have adopted regenerative methods: Virginia Tech.
- Create multi-media stories, profiles, and success stories for posting on NCAT’s Atlas of Regenerative Farms & Ranches: all partners.
- Hold four storytelling events in Virginia, to catalyze community capacity and cultural understanding of experiences and realities of food and farming system stakeholders: Virginia Tech.
- Encourage cross-pollination of ideas through the Center for Food Systems and Community Transformation: Virginia Tech.
- Strongly promote existing relevant resources and services of NCAT’s ATTRA information service in all four target states: NCAT.
- Present project findings at professional meetings: Dr. Bendfeldt, Dr. Lemus, Dr. Philipp.
Working group findings
The SARE Systems Research for Agriculture handbook recommends that systems research projects begin by "developing a conceptual model or map of the components and interactions that make up the system of interest" (p. 13). At the beginning of the project, each of our four working groups created a knowledge system map: a conceptual model of the components and interactions through which producers in their state learn and adopt new practices, including key organizations and their relationships. Through this exercise, each of the state working groups identified barriers, opportunities, and research questions that they thought had potential to improve the flow of knowledge in their state and accelerate rates of adoption. At the end of the project, each working group repeated the knowledge system mapping exercise to determine what had changed and what the group had accomplished.
In their final knowledge system mapping exercises in the summer of 2024, all four state working groups noted heightened awareness, interest, and signs of social change: greater knowledge, interest, and "buzz" about regenerative methods within their state, compared to what they had seen three years earlier. They named dozens of new actors (non-profits, university programs, producer groups, and mentors) who had stepped forward and could now be characterized as "leading the way." They also identified and described many new and strengthened partnerships that had resulted from our project, across non-profits, agencies, universities, and businesses.
To give a sense of the complexity of these relationships and how much they changed over the three years of our project, below are sample "Before" (2021) and "After" (2024) knowledge system maps from the Arkansas working group:
Comparing their final (2024) maps to their initial (2021) maps, all four working groups noted:
- Many new and stronger partnerships across "actor" types (agencies, non-profits, universities, and so on).
- An expanded, more connected, and more active network of regenerative grazing practitioners and supporters.
- Growing awareness, interest, and momentum for regenerative grazing among producers.
- Strengthened pathways between research and practice.
- The effectiveness of hands-on and on-farm learning opportunities, including mentorship.
Despite considerable variation among states, all four working groups found that the hardest barriers for producers to overcome were social and psychological more than technical, requiring a mindset shift and a willingness to put up with negative peer pressure from neighbors. Three barriers rose to the top:
- The need for a mindset shift away from maximizing livestock production and towards maximizing forage production and soil health. This ecosystem-focused approach is often quite different from the way people learned to manage livestock from family, peers, agencies, and institutions.
- The up-front investment of money, time, along with inherent risks in a new way of doing things. Returns on these investments are often slow to materialize and don't necessarily take the form of cash returns.
- Persistent misconceptions and exaggerations about the costs and risks of the transition process. Long-term costs often decline as reliance on off-farm inputs is reduced. Making the transition requires learning new skills but these are not necessarily any harder. Labor often greatly declines over time as livestock become familiar and comfortable with rotations.
The best strategies the working groups found for overcoming barriers and encouraging adoption were variations on the theme of peer-to-peer learning. These four strategies rose to the top:
- Mentorship by an experienced producer.
- On-farm learning opportunities.
- Hands-on learning opportunities.
- Trusted messenger/educator.
Comparing its final (2024) map to its initial (2021) map, the Arkansas working group noted:
- A stronger regenerative grazing network, one that connected formerly isolated agencies and groups with each other.
- An increase in regenerative grazing information specific to Arkansas.
- Better and more coordinated communications about educational opportunities.
- A greater agency role (especially NRCS) in supporting regenerative grazing.
- Greater access to information-sharing peer learning networks, field days, and pasture walks.
- A stronger pipeline between research (universities/extension) and practice, through grazing school and collaborative educational events.
- Continuing challenges reaching conventional producers.
Some noteworthy achievements of the Arkansas working group were (1) reviving a statewide Grazing School that had been discontinued for many years; (2) greatly improving communication and coordination among organizations around the state that had rarely talked to each other; and (3) a close study of reasons for the success of the Arkansas-based Grassroots Grazing Group: an all-volunteer group that has persisted and been effective for over 25 years.
Read full results from Arkansas knowledge system mapping exercise
Read the ATTRA publication Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Arkansas.
Comparing its final (2024) map to its initial (2021) map, the Mississippi working group noted:
- An increase in basic awareness and education about soil health, resulting in greater interest in learning new techniques.
- Greater involvement and support from Mississippi State University and Extension, resulting in more region-specific research and evidence.
- New training and mentorship opportunities.
- Continuing challenges with agency support (especially NRCS), in large part because agents were inexperienced and didn’t have the training to support producers interested in regenerative practices.
- Continuing challenges with producers who were discouraged or hesitant to sign up for USDA programs because of past bad experiences.
Some noteworthy achievements of the Mississippi working group were (1) engaging limited-resource producers and providing scholarships allowing six of them to attend Understanding Ag's Soil Health Academy; (2) demonstrating the feasibility and affordability of regenerative grazing for small and limited-resource producers; and (3) launching the first-ever training initiative of Holistic Management International in the state of Mississippi.
Read full results from Mississippi knowledge system mapping exercise
Read the ATTRA publication Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Mississippi.
Comparing its final (2024) map to its initial (2021) map, the Texas working group noted:
- An increase in the number and availability of hands-on learning opportunities.
- The success of Safe-to-Fail Trials as an effective strategy for facilitating adoption, breaking down barriers, and inspiring landowners.
- Support from a few leading NRCS agents, although in general NRCS’s role in promoting regenerative practices continued to be weak.
- Conventional organizations getting more involved in regenerative practices, most notably the "breakthrough" creation of a new Center for Grazing Lands and Ranch Management at Texas A&M.
- A need for more support enabling producers to transition from conventional practices.
- A need for more regionally specific and data-supported evidence and recommendations.
Two noteworthy achievements of the Texas working group were (1) aggressively promoting the use of Safe-to-Fail trials; and (2) conducting annual rangeland monitoring and soil sampling at 20 ranches, some of which had already been monitored for almost a decade. Among other findings, monitoring results substantiated the drought-resilience benefits of healthy soil. As extreme drought conditions continued to grip central Texas in 2023-24, the working group measured high indicators of rangeland health (such as species diversity and the presence of native plant species) at well-managed locations that also scored high on soil health indicators such as organic matter level and aggregate stability.
Read full results from Texas knowledge system mapping exercise
Read the ATTRA publication Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Texas.
Comparing its final (2024) map to its initial (2021) map, the Virginia working group noted:
- A significant expansion in the number and availability of experienced trainers and regenerative grazing mentors offering support and quality peer learning opportunities.
- Virginia Tech "substantively embracing" regenerative grazing and emerging as a leading player regionally and nationally.
- Progress in outreach to small, underserved, and historically marginalized producers, along with great continuing needs among these producers.
- A need for agencies to "walk alongside" producers, since agencies often have "a lot of learning to do themselves."
- A continuing barrier and need for a "paradigm shift" on the part of many producers: a change in mindset oriented toward "environment, ecology, systems thinking, and decision-making."
Two noteworthy achievements of the Virginia working group were (1) the launching of a new Regenerative Grazing track at the annual Virginia Association for Biological Farming conference; and (2) case studies of 11 producers, exploring the mental and emotional journey that led them to adopt regenerative practices.
Read full results from Virginia knowledge system mapping exercise
Read the ATTRA publication Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Virginia.
Other working group findings and comments:
⇒ Increased profitability—especially as a result of reduced usage of fertilizer and other off-farm inputs—was a top motivator for adopting regenerative practices.
⇒ All groups saw striking confirmation of the value and effectiveness of peer-to-peer and social modes of learning.
- “We’re seeing peer-to-peer learning happening at pasture walks really effectively…This includes informal networks, people who text each other.”
- “I have found peer-to-peer learning very beneficial in our pasture walks…putting the producer forward, putting the champions on the stage. They learn from each other a lot better."
- "Producers sharing their stories and showing what it looks like in practice (i.e. through pasture walks, field days) helps."
- Producers need to "see it to believe it," which is why pasture walks, field days, and hands-on demonstrations are so effective.
- "Peer-to-peer learning is more powerful than technical assistance."
⇒ While scientific research must be foundational, science alone is often not an effective facilitator to adoption.
- "When it comes to scientific research and evidence, producers need to trust in it. The research itself needs to be relevant to their needs, and it needs to be translated to meet producers where they are at, often through a trusted organization."
- "It’s important that those promoting regenerative grazing practice empathy...Adopting new and unfamiliar practices is hard, and those promoting it need to meet producers where they are at and appreciate the challenges."
- "Agencies and technical assistance providers need to be on the same journey...Many agents are not experienced in regenerative practices, and they need training to be able to support adopters."
- “You ideally need both things: supportive, like-minded peers who have practical, real-world experience and researchers who can get into the nitty gritty of the science.”
⇒ Face-to-face interactions were more effective than virtual meetings.
- The project began under COVID-19 restrictions that did not ease until late 2022. Being limited to Zoom calls was a barrier to team-building and made it difficult to establish the kind of rapport conducive to successful systems research.
- All working groups noted the striking advantages of face-to-face meetings where team members enjoyed getting to know each other, became more comfortable working together, and established friendly working relationships.
- Especially in rural Mississippi, some of our participants did not have reliable Internet access or were not comfortable meeting online, making face-to-face meetings essential.
⇒ There was great value in connecting producers and researchers who do not ordinarily talk to each other, including across state lines:
- “This project has really seemed to create some intentionality and a collaborative focus in the region…harnessing collective energy towards the building of a movement.”
- The Arkansas grazing school “brought in people from all over.” Teachers were also diverse, causing “spinoff effects” and a “breath of fresh air.” “We can learn so much when we get out of our own level.”
⇒ A welcoming atmosphere was key to successful events and groups, along with mutual support, ready access to like-minded peers and experts, and a refuge from negative peer pressure.
- “What stands out to me is the success of the state leaders in building relationships and trust…really embedding yourselves in your region.”
- “The process of putting on a grazing school [in Arkansas] really brought a lot of people together that wouldn’t normally work together…And the grazing school itself was a huge success because of all those different voices and inputs…Women were more represented than usual maybe in grazing things, and that made it comfortable for women participants. Participants from that group have continued to keep in touch.”
⇒ Small "Safe-to-Fail" grazing trials were extremely effective as a way of encouraging on-farm research.
- “In general, on-farm trials are super hard …People have good intentions and then they can’t follow through.”
- “We need to help them design it so it’s small enough and easy enough that they can follow through...A safe-to-fail grazing trial is a one-day event…It’s a very easy trial.”
⇒ Ecological monitoring is valuable when it’s easy for producers to collect and they can see the benefits. Effective monitoring is focused on (1) reading the land; (2) the power of observation; and (3) the idea of putting "principles before practices."
⇒ Long-term relationships and support will be necessary to bring about lasting change.
- “We live in a microwave society, but nature works at a crockpot pace."
- "Important that we have long-term relationships and do a little bit of hand holding.”
- Support organizations need to "put in the time and show up without an agenda to build trust." Producer engagement is often most effective when it happens organically, and conventional producers remain difficult to engage at all.
- Although it has taken many years, networks built by the Soil for Water program in Texas are “crossing into the mainstream” and "on the cusp of becoming really powerful."
Findings from university partners
Dr. Dirk Philipp at the University of Arkansas conducted a research trial to test the hypothesis that well-managed grazing will lead to water conservation in soil. Over a two-year period, he studied the effect of grazing height on gravimetric/volumetric soil water content in a fescue pasture, comparing three treatments: fully grazed (by sheep), 50% of canopy grazed, and non-grazed. Each experimental unit (approximately 0.3 acres in size) was grazed by sheep during variable-length grazing cycles and defoliation treatments, with ongoing measurements of forage mass, seasonal water use efficiency, soil water, and soil health.
Dr. Philipp found it difficult to measure either a significant reduction or increase in soil water correlated to grazing intensity in the real-world conditions of the study: tall fescue grazed by sheep in a temperate and humid climate. In these conditions, soil moisture remains most of the year within a range enabling perennial forage plants to maintain normal metabolism and water uptake. Proper grazing techniques benefit plant health and growth, but many complex factors influence soil moisture. Healthy forage stands will lead to optimal plant root growth and thus potentially increased carbon sequestration and improvements in water-holding capacity over time. On the other hand, a very low canopy (overgrazed) may transpire less water, potentially causing increases in soil moisture. Overgrazing can also change pasture species composition over time, encouraging less palatable, taller weeds that shade the surface. Overall, managing soil water status via grazing intensity (manipulation of the canopy) seems difficult in an environment that is humid most of the time and maintains sufficient year-round soil moisture in silt-loam soils.
While the overall finding from Dr. Philipp's research was negative—not measuring improvements in soil moisture as a result of well-managed grazing—his study showed the complexity and site-specific nature of interactions between climate, soils, water, and vegetation. These interactions are sometimes oversimplified by advocates for regenerative grazing.
Read Dr. Philipp's final report.
View a presentation about Dr. Philipp's research.
Dr. Rocky Lemus at Mississippi State University conducted numerous outreach programs to producers and also carried out intensive pasture evaluations at cooperator sites in Michigan City, Tupelo, Beulah, and Tylertown. At each location, Dr. Lemus evaluated forage species and soil quality indicators: determining pasture composition and species diversity, measuring compaction to a depth of six inches, collecting soil samples, and sending them to the Cornell University Soil Health laboratory for analysis. Results showed that the systems were very different from each other, and each required specific management approaches and grazing strategies to balance soil nutrient levels and improve biological activity by shifting species composition.
Two key findings of the study were:
- It is important to recognize that it will take several years for degraded soils to turn around, depending on many complex factors.
- Soil biological processes are complex, and they interrelate with the microbial species, soil moisture, temperature, soil structure, organic matter, forage species, and livestock classes.
- Soil quality depends on plant root growth, grazing management, and forage species diversity.
- Assess your forage resources.
- Understand your soils and soil nutrient balance.
- Develop a grazing management strategy that fits your operation and needs.
- Implement a well-executed rotational grazing system that also allows the recycling of plant nutrients in the paddocks.
- Develop a targeted weed control program.
View a presentation about Dr. Lemus's research.
Dr. Eric Bendfeldt, Kim Niewolny, Katie Trozzo, and other partners at Virginia Tech completed 11 intensive case studies focused on land stewardship and stories about why people adopt regenerative grazing methods. These interviews were published as a series of 11 professional-quality videos. Additionally, Virginia Tech conducted four community forums (one in person and three virtual) to encourage and extend the sharing of participating farmers' stories and insights.
Some key findings from their study were:
- The protection, conservation, and regeneration of soil and water resources continues to be extremely important.
- Understanding farmers’ and ranchers’ agroecological values and their stories is critical for creating resilient ecosystems, profitable agricultural systems, and the exchange of meaningful educational experiences.
- Asset mapping, mentoring, diversification, and stacked complementary enterprises can enhance grazing and business success.
- Farmers and graziers have varied stories and dynamic experiences.
- Context and commitment are integral to regenerative grazing and soil health-building systems.
- No two farms or situations are the same.
- Values-centric and systems-based approaches can unearth deep motivations for conservation and stewardship of natural resources.
- Regenerative agriculture is a journey and can seem trendy to some farmers and ranchers.
- Educators and technical service providers should embrace complexity rather than a more reductionist approach to educational programming and outreach.
Watch the Soil for Water Case Study videos.
Read a summary of the 11 case studies.
Read Dr. Bendfeldt's final report.
Findings from non-profit partners
Project partners at the Virginia Association for Biological Farming (VABF) offered these conclusions:
- Regenerative grazing is catching on, but we need more support and outreach for farmers who are "on the fence." Labor issues and worries about lag in production are the two biggest obstacles, as well as lacking markets that pay for high quality animals raised regeneratively.
- In many cases, the agencies and institutions who serve farmers are not well versed in regenerative grazing practices and therefore do not have the knowledge to help farmers and grazers experiment to learn. Many are still stuck on the standard conservation methods or "rotational grazing" models, which focus solely on water quality improvements and do not help producers build health, diversity and resilience into their upland grazing systems.
Project partners at Holistic Management International (HMI) had originally planned to compare the effectiveness of in-person trainings, live webinars, and one-on-one technical assistance, evaluating and comparing changes in knowledge, attitude, and intention by producers receiving one, two, or all three modes of training. Based on producer feedback to some initial trainings, HMI changed course and focused its efforts on carrying out Regenerative Agriculture Mentoring Programs (RAMP) in Arkansas and Mississippi. As a result of these mentoring programs, HMI noted"significant breakthroughs in producer engagement and planning capabilities and motivation." Over 75% of participants from the Mississippi RAMP group and over 85% from the Arkansas RAMP Group completed their programs, reporting substantial learning and implementation success. "Participants highlighted newfound clarity of purpose, enhanced environmental understanding, and the transformative power of Holistic Goal setting."
Read articles about the HMI peer learning program in Arkansas and Mississippi.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Management and benefits of native grasses. Native grass and forb identification.
Principles of soil health.
Intersections between soil health, water infiltration, and climate resilience.
Health benefits to livestock from quality forage and rotational grazing techniques.
Multispecies grazing and management techniques.
New perspective on management compared to the one taught by previous generations: shifting emphasis from livestock production to grass/forage production.
The value of not getting "locked into a system." Keeping an open mind.
Importance of starting small, keeping it simple.
Learning to read one's pasture.
Calculating appropriate stocking rate based on land size and forage quality/quantity.
Soil health testing and analysis.
How to interpret weather/climate projections to inform management decisions.
Using electric and woven wire fencing
Determining water infrastructure needs and basics of setting up a water system.
What healthy biodiversity looks like on the landscape and benefits of high biodiversity.
Profitable production techniques, regenerative markets, and business management skills.
How to manage operation and minimize risk under drought conditions.
The personal, social, and cultural benefits that a regenerative operation can yield.
Available resources, technical support, and educational materials for regenerative grazing.
Familiarity among regenerative operations and producers throughout Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia...a supportive community.
Project Outcomes
Our project supported agricultural sustainability by accelerating the adoption of grazing practices that improve soil health in Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia:
- We identified major barriers that are slowing adoption of regenerative grazing in the southern United States.
- Addressing those barriers directly, we offered educational events and peer learning opportunities that reached about 4,500 people, encouraging producers to consider making the shift from conventional to regenerative grazing.
- We increased the support and technical assistance for those who have already made the shift.
- We built many new relationships and collaborations between agencies, producer organizations, non-profits, and universities.
Economically, regenerative grazing has the potential to increase forage production, drought resilience, animal weight gain, access to lucrative new markets, and therefore profitability. Environmentally, it has the potential to improve soil health and biodiversity. Socially, it has the potential to facilitate decentralized local and regional food systems by enabling more producers to offer healthy, sustainably-produced meat products to local consumers.
Information Products
- Introduction to the Soil for Water Video Case Studies
- Bean Hollow Grassfed Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Bramble Hollow Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Cattle Run Farm LLC: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Ellett Valley Beef Company: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Ember Cattle Company: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Glade Road Growing: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Heaven’s Hollow Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Holsinger Homeplace Farms: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Shamoka Run Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Singing Spring Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Swisher Family Farm: a Soil for Water Case Study
- Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Texas
- Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Arkansas
- Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Mississippi
- Regenerative Grazing in the South: Case Studies from Virginia